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Savage Midnight: Armored Up an Rolling Heavy for ETL-Pg.109


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Loving the trophy chain on the greave, especially that shark-ish jaw! smile.png

The handprint idea wasn't mine in the first place, but dantay_xv's -- so I believe you're just as welcome to use it as me msn-wink.gif

As for what further details to add: I would probably go totally wild on the model (as I have on my own Chaos Knight), but I take it you're after a more restrained look for this one, right?

Oh, one more thing: I hope it's not to late for this, but you may want to leave the armour plates unglued until after painting! That way, you can paint the model's "skeleton" and the armour plate (that will obviously need a different colour) separately, which should make things a bit easier.

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Give it tusks. O_O

Oh don't worry, I have something just for those mandible plates, Kol. It isn't tusks thou... Night Lords don't do horns ^_^


@K-Sci - the jaw is my favorite too. Dunno where it came from, but it's been floating around my bits box for years.


ah right, I remember you mentioning dantay now. I did want a slightly more reserved look for the Dawn as she and her mechanicus cohort are very new inductees to the rebel cause. I always imagined your khornate knight as being steeped in the blood of centuries of slayings, with much more experience behind both knight and pilot. The Jackal Dawn is a comparatively young machine. She's still in her bitchy teenage years ^_^

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I don't know how to feel about the trophy helmets. This is a knight lancer, they hunt big game! You should throw a couple of GW knight facemasks on some chain and wrap it around her lance. Maybe even a scything talon necklace from some great beast she slew. Marine kills aren't worthy of mention unless they were praetors/champions in my opinion. Anyways, she's looking badass! I hope this means more dark mech stuff from you in the future ;)
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Oh wow, we're up to almost 50 folks following this thread. Thanks guys! wub.png

Small update this morning. I tried three or four different types of tusks for the Dawn's mandible plates, and nothing was working for me. Then I realized where I was going wrong. Night Lords don't do horns, they do blades. I'm far happier with these happy.png

Of course, this is pretty rough WiP. I'll go back and smooth out the GS and fix a few angles and curves. But what do we think so far?

@K-Sci - Hmm... I dunno, Mr. South is obviously very skilled as a hobbyist, but there's just something about the solid metal shield that just isn't doing it for me. Maybe the little open power generator in the middle? Fluff-wise it is supposed to be a wacky laser shield, correct? Thanks for the link though, that will be a bunch of good inspiration for this thing happy.png

@ BassWave - Oh, very true! I wasn't thinking of it as a trophy chain so much as a big middle finger to loyalist chapters that the Jackal Dawn would be deployed against. Sort of like how cultists scribble chaos mark graffiti all over everything in 40k. And I do have quite a few dark admech things in the works. I'm still debating whether I want to start a new little plog for them, or just keep it all here.

@ Noctus - Thanks! It's funny, the very thing that attracted me to the FW knights is that they aren't as short and stubby as the GW ones. I like the look of svelte lethality they possess. Glad to hear mine is becoming slowly less lame tongue.png

@ Paladin - Thanks buddy! Heh, what could be more dangerous than bitchy teenagers with titan killing weapons of mass destruction? happy.png

But I wanted her to symbolize the break that the Night Lords and their Dark Mechanicum allies had from the Imperium, just more magnified. The Jackal Dawn and her pilot are furious at what they see as a betrayal of everything they've worked for during their time fighting in the crusade. In machine spirit terms, the Jackal is barely more than a child, and her pilot isn't much older. So (much like Astartes, who are basically children with super powers) they both have so much emotion, most of it negative, and they don't really have the experience to deal with it. The only outlet for it is the campaign against the Imperium that discarded them.

The only real difference between both the machine goddess and a normal teenager, is that magnification of everything. Emotions, reactions, and access to titan killing weaponry.

@ SanguiniusReborn - Indeed she shall, but it makes her a good fit for her operator.

I hope to do an entire fluff piece for the Jackal Dawn and her pilot, Jacquelyn dan Elsan. How they came together, what it took to get there, and where they are going.

Kinda like an evil buddy cop movie, what if "The Heat" was more grimdark and McCarthy was a giant murderbot happy.png

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@flint- Fair point about the loyalists helmets. The tusks are pretty boss, completely changes the character of the knight. I must point out that Mercutian of first claw wore horns, but I guess he's the exception :p Btw I like the evil skull above the head that denotes faction affiliation. Is it from a night lord kit?
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L'il update. Pre clean up and GS gap filling... just so everyone know's where the Dawn and her pilot stand ^_^




@Khârn - Thanks! They are rapidly becoming my favorite part as well.


@ Barabbas - Yup, me too. Glad to hear!

@ Kol - Great homicidal minds think alike, buddy.


@ Basswave - Glad to hear they look the part. I will not admit I may have forgotten Mercutian... 


But the little skull came from a shaved down shoulder guard in the WoC Marauder box set. I have literally 100 of them since I play warriors on the square base side of the fence. How does it look now?


@ Augustus - The jaw blades are a greenstuff/apoxie sculpt press mold of Calas Typon's power scythe. 


@ Terimus - I'm really glad to hear they're such a hit. I really like them, and this just cements it.

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Alrighty, last little update before she gets some paint. Here's the right shoulder guard.


@ Armond - Thanks!

@ K-Sci - Aren't they though? And do you mean a full cockpit? No sir. Welded that little door on top shut with super glue as soon as I finished cleaning it. I also refuse to paint the insides of rhinos and the cockpits of my Storm Eagle and Fireraptors happy.png

I had thought about painting up a little model for Jacquelyn though.

**If anyone has any suggestions to a good looking female pilot model at 28mm or so, let me know!**

@ Augustus - Isn't it though? Wait till you see what I did with the rest of Calas Typhon msn-wink.gif

Which vampire teeth would those be?

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