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Savage Midnight: Armored Up an Rolling Heavy for ETL-Pg.109


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Ok, I fibbed a bit. One last pic before paint. Finished up the lil symbol on top. Wings are gap filled, horns are stuck in, and right eye is jacked up just like all the rest of my Chapter symbols happy.png


And here is the left shinguard painted. Feel free to toss some constructive criticism it's way.

Hey Jaspcat, see that lil Blood Angel helm?



@ Capitano - I'm very glad to hear that. I always like to know I've been inspirational enough to get others excited about their own projects.

@ BCK - Then they would be awesome. Suggestion thoroughly noted.

@ 200plus - Yup, lady pilot. I'll try not to Mary Sue the hell out of her. No daemons here though happy.png

@ Jaspcat - A little too wacky for this purpose, though I absolutely love that model.

@ Forte - Will do, Sir! I swear, it's almost like you're on the Infinity payroll msn-wink.gif

@ Incinerator - Have done so successfully! The fingertips look a lot better now.

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Whoooo 7 and a half hours it took me to read through all this and by jingo, it was worth it!! Well it will be if the boss doesn't find out ph34r.png

First off, this has been a top-notch read, and although slightly derailed at times, you have done a good job of handling tngs and getting it back on topic.

It has alsobeen great to see your painting skills develop, the biggest part of that has to be yuor initial attempts at white armour, to your furious.gif you I an't painting white on the apothecary, and then yuo come back with beautiful pristine white on the Emperor's Children... Just shows how hard you work and how you are progressing. The same could be said for the improvement in general of your painting, but the white was probably a stand out point for me.

Also with the EC's you really kicked it up a notch on the power weapons, heat markings on weapons and the bases too.Watching you pick up wee tips like the wood grainin has been good too

My favourite models so far have to be the WE who is dueling the BA, he has so mauch character it's unreal, and also Heart Eater, heck most of the NL's.

Only real criticism is your BA should have green eye lenses, not blue... Thats for the stinky Word Bearers, damned Chaos Choir boys.. :D

For the SW, current codex states that those recruited from the South, whom many are recruite by Krakendoom are of darker skin. Also Ragnar Blackmanes skin goes black as he sits atop the Fang meditating because of the sheer cold and later has to scrub the black dead skin off. Also from a fluff perspective. Mybe the SW is a friend or bodyguard of Blackfox who went to study the Wolves... Maybe he isthere due to owing Blackfox a life-debt? It isn't the first time a non-NL has joined the legion. I recall a Raven Guard joining them in one of the HH anthology stories when Sevatar psychically commune with urze after he is defeated by Jonson.

Sorry for rambling on. Btw love the little sub-storie and fluff for each character.

I am liking the fact that you haven't gone all chaos spiky overboard on the Knight, its looking good and with the lance retracted, with a swivel of the hip joints bringing the torso a bit round from the leftshield in front, head tilted a little left too, right arm raised slightly, it would look like it's about to thrust foward with the lance and launch it at an unsuspecting victim.

Plus all the little touches like the sharpened fingernails help give it some uniqueness too.

Going to go now before I make a pillock of myself and I get caught by the aforementioned boss! But you are doing brilliantly.

Oh and Jusaerin terminators would be so easy to convert to Night Lords as I did with my Space wolves, nice and spiky plus they got Top-Knots!!

Thanks for a brilliant WIP

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I just went back and saw you are doing metallics on Jackal Dawn's legs, how are you doing it? Is it flat colours with a metallic drybrush, mixing colours into silver, or are you painting silver then applying a candy colour on top, like tamiya clear red (or in this case blue)?


You are doing a good job of keeping the lines straight too, do you or ar you using a masking tape to help keep the lines straight?


Looking good though.


Also what sort of look are you going for with Jascqueline? It would help narrow down options for the female pilot, do you want armoured stormtrooper like dreamforges Eisenkern Black Widows, or a bit cheesecake with Raging Heroes (TGG range), possibly Iron Empire necro priestess type look? I think both examples are still in Kickstarter mode and not at retail yet. Are you only looking within the FW/GW range or looking at other brands?

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Alrighty, here is the (hopefully!) finalized shinguard. Went through the whole four stage layer and highlight for the black and blue, hopefully this does a decent job of showing it. Still trying to figure out how to take the best pics >_<



Also, after checking out about two dozen potentials, I've settled on a model for Jacquelyn. Thanks for all the awesome suggestions! It was an absolute treat to check all of them out, and there are quite a few I'll be picking up just on principle ^_^

Anywho, this will be her:


To me, this says "dangerously unhinged teenage girl" to perfection


Wow, thanks for all the replies!


@Forte - I know that feeling ^_^


@Dark Bjorn - Glad to see you back buddy! Thanks for the praise. 


@Augustus - I did not pin the blades on the chinguard. They are surprisingly resilitent. I've already dropped the head half a dozen times to no ill effects.


Yup. Every (read: whenever I remember) skull in my 28th company from shoulder pad legion symbols to that little skull on the Apothecary have a slash through the right eye. In the Lore of my more tribal and gang-y Nostromans, the right eye only brings you fools' luck and lies. They actually see losing your right eye as a good luck omen. 


But anyone who has lost the right, however....


@ Knight of the Raven - It's all about the accessorizing, amirite? ^_^


@ DarkVen - Always happy to inspire friendly (stabby) competition! Oh, sorry if I was misleading, the first shots were of basecoats. How does he look all highlighted up now?


@ Jaspcat - Bring it!!


@ Dantay - Wow, it's really awesome to get such a heartfelt reply like that. Let's see if I can answer a few of those questions.


Everyone seems to love the way my white painting has improved. It did suck pretty hard at one point, but I'm glad I worked on it ^_^


As for the mini-details, what always struck me is the old saying "worry about the ounces, and the pounds will come," in reference to drag racers trying to pull weight off of their vehicles in everyway possible. While slightly different here, I think it's a really good way to go about painting a cool model or squad. Worry about the tiny details, and the awesome models will come!


Also glad you like my ginger african space wolf. He was a speed paint job I knocked out at a (what I took as) personal challenge from 1000heathens.


For the blue metallic, it was actually a color called "Arctic blue" from Vallejo. It's a pre-mixed steel and moderate blue that looks really neat. I actually used it on a few World Eaters recently to see if I could give them a little something different. On the Dawn, I was going to try for the same look as well, but I don't think it works quite as well on wide open armor panels like that. Hopefully the layering process I did now looks the part.


Again, thanks for all the replies folks! I never mind the helpful criticism. Probably the only reason I've bothered to improve so far!
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Well, damn you Flint. Damn you for several reasons.


Firstly, damn you for your productivity and putting my output to shame.

Damn you for making the Lancer look good and preventing me from being as disinterested in it as I am in the Knight Errant.


But mostly, damn you for the story you create with your Night Lords. Amongst a sea of lovely armies of the VIIIth on B&C, yours stands out a hell of a lot to me and is fast wearing away at my resolve to not do any of the VIIIth after I finish my sons of the IXth. I'm trying not to think about the spares I will have lying around.... Maybe I'll make do with a few background storyline nods to the bastards of Nostramo in the Fall of Seraph.


The level of character and detail you put into your conversions is great - I would maybe like to see your take on a few more standard tactical or assault marines, but who I am to dictate what you do with your hobby? You've come on in leaps and bounds in technical terms - the metallics and shading on the greave of your Lancer is lovely work and really shows off your improvement. Likewise, the loose almost Blanchey way you paint your bone is great, perhaps my favourite part.


I'm subbed and looking forward to seeing more. Just please don't tempt me to do any Night Lords any more.

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I think you have done a great job on the meatals and the bone for the shin guard. Its actaully blimmin' hard to do shado etc on big plain pieces, so I think you have done pretty well, it can be hard when using just a brush to do large surfaces, too thick and its brush marks, too thin and its streaky all over.


That Brooke model give me the heebie jeebies, looks too lifelike, and a bit likeone of my exes :D (without the weapons that is) I wouldn't want to be the Nostraman who get s too close to her when she's hacked off.


Looking forward to more updates

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Oh wow, thanks for all the replies, folks!

@ Forte - I know what you mean. I'll get better ^_^ I'm using Vallejo airbrush line, but they could still use a lil bit of thinning out, eh?

@ Jackdaw - HA! Serves you right. I have a dark elf army in fantasy b/c of your House of Chains plog. Consider us even. tongue.png

Very glad to see you stop by though. I loved your fiction, which I think was a good deal of what pushed me towards fleshing out the Night Lords so much. Stay tuned for some more of that business shortly. I've got a little project in the works msn-wink.gif

Glad to see the painting has improved so noticeably as well. I may have been called "blanchy" before. Should totally just change my handle to Joanna Blanchette.

@ Xin Ceithan - Isn't it cool? It was kind of just an add on that I didn't think too much about. Now it's a pretty big focal point. I'm glad everyone enjoys it so.

@ Aquilanus - OMG that would be *perfect*! That settles it, I'm making Jacquelyn a ravonette with a couple of pink highlights.

@ Dantay - Isn't it weird we had the exact same thought?! *Totally* looks like an ex of mine... huh.png Uh oh...maybe she's the same girl!*spooky* blink.png

@ DarkVen - Thank you for the constructive criticism. This is why I want to get better at taking photos. Everything is either too glared out, or too dark to correct with photoshop. The blades look super flat, even though they are a 3 stage highlight with black metal, gungrey and steel from the Vallejo air line. GRR.

**Any advice on taking pics of shiny paintjobs would be hella appreciated!**

I'm using a generic white light box with a black backdrop and two lamps with daylight bulbs. It still gets a pretty bad glare even thru the box...

@ Forte x2 - Nice! Brooke up there is from Hasslefree, but I didn't see this line. Thanks a lot!

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@ Aquilanus - OMG that would be *perfect*! That settles it, I'm making Jacquelyn a ravonette with a couple of pink highlights.

The more I stare at Brooke Jacquelyn, the more she reminds me of River Tam. Pity the model didn't have two axes instead (alá Serenity happy.png )

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About taking photos - lately I photograph with daylight, in a light-box, with aperture priority, maxed out focal distance (on my camera it's 55) and on a tripod.

To me, daylight (if the lighting is indirect) is always better than the lamps.

I hope that info will help you.

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Last little update for today.


The opposite shinguard and the shield with a little bit extra substance ^_^
@ Forte - Thanks, will do!
@ Aquilanus - Mmm... the Firefly chick, right? Sadly, that's a bit of a gaping hole in my science fiction knowledge base. Just like Dr. Who.
@ DarkVen - I'll give it a try and see what I come up with. Thanks for the assistance!
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Ah, River Tam! (actress name is Summer Glau) Its a good movie, almost like a comedy western with a moral set in space. If you can get the Firefly series, you might enjoy it. Damn idiots cancelled it after the first season!!

So you also dated a navy brat who was from Iowa?? Small world whistlingW.gif

The picture of the leg greave is better, there is less glare on it. The shield looks cool, but I think it needs another coat, unless its drying a wee bit patchy what did you use to make it solid, clam shell pack?

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Ha it always surprises me how far the insidious reach of the High House Of Chains really is. That army probably is the crowning achievement of my hobby so far - did you catch all the 8th edition extras? 


Back on the Astartes front, I'm looking forward to your next Night Lord project - though with your level of output I doubt I'll have to wait for long ;) And make sure you write more dammit. 

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