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Savage Midnight: Armored Up an Rolling Heavy for ETL-Pg.109


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Ok, I lied a bit. I was in hobby mode and couldn't stop painting. Here's where the legs stand (ha!) after 2 1/2 hours.


Blues and reds are mostly done. Bronzes and silvers have their base coats. Took the banner off so I could do something fun with him. **

Any suggestions for groin flap ornamentation?**

@ Knight of the Raven - Thanks! Also that works. Woe be to the poor bastard who stands between a teen girl and her dream ship. Fluffwise I want Jaquelyn to be 16 or 17, so that fits happy.png

@ Dantay - Yep, just sliced out some plastic from an old box set (I think it was a vampire counts lord) and started layering on the Tamiya clear red. Still have another few coats to go I suppose yucky.gif

Funny enough, I've dated a Navy brat. Just not one from Iowa. Mine was from Florida tongue.png

@ Jackdaw - On it Mr. Daw, Sir! /salute::

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Two chains, one higher and tighter, displaying Astartes helms and skulls. The other lower, carrying heavier Astartes and Xeno long-bones, or desecrated symbols of the Imperium - shattered and twisted Aquilas, Loyalist Legion Vexillary Icons, that kinda thing. 

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Dayum that Jackal is looking fine, the jaw trophy is especially striking after a coat of paint. The pilot choice is suitably creepy as well :tu:


I say you've given the finger to marines enough with your trophies, you need to show some hate to the loyalists Martians too! Perhaps a torn skitaari banner, or better yet, a dying tech priest hanging from chains?

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Micro update:

Silvers are now complete with black washes in the corners and recesses.

Bronzes waiting on final wash.


Here's the WiP of the groin banner with accompanying trophy chains that will go alongside it. I was going to try for something a bit larger, but believe it or not, there isn't a ton of space under there huh.png


@ Jackdaw - Couldn't quite fit that in, even though I *loved* the idea. How does the slimmed down version look?

@ Brother Chaplain Kage - Oh, that's good! I'll have to save that for a Warhound!

@ SanguiniousReborn - Of course she is. S'obvious right? ^_^

@ Basswave - How does it look with the space I had to hand?

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The legs are lookig good, but the pistons on the lower leg could do with a wash of brown, to simulate the grease. Also maybe around the ball and knee joints too.


I dont have the IA masterclass book 2 to hand with the reaver in it, but they use a similar technique on their jet engines in the other one. If its not a 'no-no' I'll send over a copy of the page I am on about.


You don't want her to seize up the first time she steps out do you?


You did a nice smooth blue on the groin and knee plates.


You have made me start saving for my own Knight now. As if I didnt have enough SW goodies I have on my want list!

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And from the back.

@ Incinerator - Love that chick!
@ Dantay - Mhmm, can't argue. Looking into it now. Also looking forward to your knight ^_^

@ Phantomzero17 - So very glad to hear. Always nice to hear that I can inspire.

@ Dark Bjoern - Looking good buddy! thumbsup.gif

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Shinguard and all metallics look amazing Flint! Seriously you're making me want to not miss you finishing it... 


Of course I have a nitpick- and I know you're going to hate me. But as you're such an awesome converter you're worthy of nitpicking ;) OK here goes: Your chains with all the trophies look great - but glued on. As in: they don't seem to be 'pinned' or attached to the shin guard with anything. They just magically hang in a semi circle. Also the trophies seem to magically float below the chain. I've had the same problem and I've thought loooooooooong long hours on a solution. (seriously it took me the better part of a year to find a solution AND find the courage to apply it) and it's a simple ball of greenstuff pressed between the skulls/trophies and the chain and on the last link where it's attached to the shin. The ball looks like a nail or some such and they look great. Easypeasy. Hope this helps.... and that you'll forgive me for being so in your face. 

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Another mini-update. Chest plates are finished and I've gotten started on the heraldry shield.


@ JackDaw - Oh, certainly a few Blood Angels and Word Bearers b/c red looks good with blue and brass. Other than that, I'm taking suggestions ^_^

@ Incinerator - Haha, thanks... I think.

@ BassWave - Mhmm, and I appreciate the input! thumbsup.gif

@ Augustus - Why would I hate you? I *always* appreciate the helpful criticism. It helps me improve faster than anything. Have already got the greenstuff out to try my hand at nails ^_^

@ Demon - Thanks, and will do!

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That shield is wicked!!


The chest plates look absolutely awesome too, you have totally got the metallics down.


What is the heraldry to represent, as in what house, what is the background behind it? I love your fluff!!


Its midnight and the 5 cups of coffee are wearing off, night night :)


Just got my engines done

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@ Dantay - The House dan Elsan heraldry is that of it's patriarch, Luthar dan Elsan, the "Wolf of Worlds."


Before being... appropriated... Jackal Dawn was built by the Mechanicum of the micro-forgeworld, Korianna, to commemorate the acceptance of House dan Elsan into the fold of the Imperium.


Needless to say, Luthar dan Elsan no longer resides at the controls of the former jewel of House dan Elsan's armory.


@ Biohazard - You know, the thought of a Knight sized terror marking never actually crossed my mind until you mentioned it. But I am *DAMN* sure gonna do it now! 

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Evening folks. 


Just wanted to get an opinion on a little team project I'm starting in on. If anyone has stuck with this plog for awhile, a few parts here should look familiar. Not a new character... just a little reboot for something coming up that I'm pretty excited about.


What do we think for a start?







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