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Savage Midnight: Armored Up an Rolling Heavy for ETL-Pg.109


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I actually think the horns need a little altering, they look a bit likes vampire-esque ears.  Maybe it is just me.  But I love the Terror Mask idea you have there.  I am actually considering a Knight to accompany my Black Consuls, but I don't feel like forking out the cash for that haha

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@ Kael 24 - Thanks! Glad to hear it looks the part.


@ Dantay - Excellent. Seems I may be on the right track.


@ Armond - I'm thinking the same thing. A little thinner and pointier maybe? Glad to hear the rest of it looks good though. To be fair, I probably wound't have gotten a knight on my own, but it was a present from the g/f.


@ Forte - Can do! Does this work?




@ Demon2027 - Oh yay! I'm so glad folks seem to like it. I put a lot of work into it (for me ^_^ )


@ Dark Bjoern - <See above> and thanks!

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The head with the terror mask is amazing! Just the perfect way of making a mostly unconverted head look truly sinister. Bravo!


The heraldic shield, on the other hand, doesn't work at all for me. I think this is mostly due to several factors (sorry if the following may sound negative, I am really just trying to nail down what I think doesn't work):


- the colours on the original heraldry are far too vibrant. It might have been more interesting to have them look more faded in any case, but like this, the amount of saturation is slightly distracting


- I appreciate the work you've put into adding some texture and depth to the planet and continents, but I cannot help feeling that a more stylised solution (with flat colours, or based entirely on decals) would have worked better.


- I'll be perfectly honest: I've always found the concept of defaced original heraldry a bit iffy. I think I cannot recall a single instance where it has been pulled off in a way that seemed convincing to me -- so part of my criticism may also stem from that general dislike ;)


In any case, as it stands, the bright and cheerful heraldry is not only in stark contrast to the bloody cross, but also to what the rest of the model will look like. Normally, that should be the exact thing you're going for, right? But it just seems distracting here. Sorry...


On a totally unrelated note, that scale comparison Marine looks awesome! :)

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That faceplate looks awesome. Terror markings on the Knight is a genius idea and works really nicely. The shield......I gotta agree with Kraut Scientist to some degree. I like the idea, but i've never been a fan of blood or gore on models. Personally, I'd have maybe tried a burnt/scratched effect, like someone had taken a flamer to the heraldry and scorched the majority off.


Having said that, kudos for giving the freehand and gore a go - always a good thing to push yourself as a painter

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First thing Flint...close your pots properly ;)


On to the shield. I feel the gore is a bit thick for the size of the shield. Especially the areas where it has run down. I'm also unsure about the gore being over a painted Mark too. Maybe just the blood on its own would have worked more. But the drips are too thick for me (sorry).

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Heraldry take #3!


I really liked JackDaw's idea of someone hitting it with a flamer. How does this rough draft look?




and Replies!


@ DSS7 - Glad to hear it buddy! I like it quite a bit myself.


@ K-Sci - Don't ever be concerned about leveling the constructive crit! Always love to hear it, and most of the time I agree with 90% of it. How's it look now?


I like Madruk Vhan too (the little dusk raider size comparison) he's been in the box awhile.


@ JackDaw - Thanks! Glad I tried the terror marking idea. It worked *way* better than I thought it would. Serious props to Biohazard for suggesting it. 


What do we think of the Heraldry now? 


@ Forte - Don't be sorry! (i'm certainly not) What do we think?


@ Quixus - http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/640x480q90/745/TBHuTI.jpg 

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Hey Flint,


I know you said the burn effect is WIP, it might add some dimension if there were a few other washed colours ringed around the metal - much like this:




Yellows, blue hues, purples, black etc can really make that flamer scarred plate shine!

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Much as I like the burned shield, I think the previous version looked better.


If you want to test your hand on some burn markings, why not put some battle-scars where a Night Knight would: the shins. Put a collection of dinks, cracks and burn scars, because of course a Knight attached to the VIII Legion would revel in massacring a mortal or even an Astartes foe, over one of its own kind (not that it couldn't or wouldn't, mind you). A host of battle-scars that barely even reach the knees.

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That shield has made me go through a roller coaster of emotions. I loved the original jackal symbol. Then you struck a red x through it, completely obscuring the best parts. Then you go about making it look badass by making the streaks bloody. Now you've completely burned it... All I'll say is you've got guts to be completely revising a near complete paint job so many times.


Btw, that head is very fearsome. The combination of modelling and paint job paid off very well! Please don't "burn" it... :(

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That. Looks. Awesome!! Loving the terror marking! Also really like the MoS and the burnt shield although I did like the texture you'd achieved on the blood cross I have to agree with our mutual German friend in that the heraldry underneath was a little to vibrant. If you hit it with a couple of sepia washes etc to try and get something like Candleshoes suggested this is gonna look brilliant. Great work as usual. :)
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Yeah much much better I think. As Candleshoes says, wash some thin yellows and purples over the metals and it's a stone old winner. Maybe it's just a personal thing, but to me that says a more permanent desecration and refusal of the Throne than a few bits of gore slopped over a Knight. They've not just covered up their previous allegiance, they've erased it. No turning back now.
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Evening folks! Little shield is still in the works. Hella props to Candleshoes for his suggestion. I'm playing around with washes as we speak.

I did finish the base for the little groin banner (sans the trophy chains).


**Any ideas of something interesting to throw in there?**

@ Cormac Airt - That isn't a bad idea. Jaquelyn isn't a Night Lord per se, but she is quite a sadistic little bitch biggrin.png

I could certainly see that working! I'll see what I can do.

@ Basswave - Awe, sorry buddy! I know how you feel, I just finished the second season of "Orange is the New Black."

@ Biohazard - Glad to hear the terror marking is working for you. I'm particularly chuffed with it. Shield is in the works. Stay tuned!

@ Marshal2 - Probably not a bad idea, but I kinda like the weird textured thing it has going now.

@ Forte - I think so as well!

@ JackDaw - Oh, if you think scorching heraldry off a shield constitutes a point of no return, wait until you hear the fluff I have written up for Miss Jaquelyn dan Elsan msn-wink.gif

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On the red banner, perhaps black scripted Nostraman gang tat's, or graffiti? Something in a dead tongue proclaiming her new allegiances in the language of murder. Like they say of Nostramans, if you aren't inked, you don't matter.


There was a scene in the book Vulkan Lives, where Vulkan and the Salamanders open the gates to an empty city, only to find the bodies of all the inhabitants piled high, with thousands of onyx black markings on the building walls surrounding them. No explanation, no warning, no trace of what happened. Only the below:


"He didn't speak the language, but he recognized the cursive script, the sharp edges to the graffiti. It was Nostraman."


Something subtle, flowy and black, like on this hive ganger:



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An evil "Hello Kitty" or maybe a Justin Beiber banner, that should be pretty scary?


Haha just kidding... I like Paladins idea. You could go with a jackal eating the sun or moon... A bit like the representation of the end times in Norse mythology.


Or if the banner is too narrow, what about a nice Nostaraman Glyph, a bit like a tribal tattoo. Not sure of Nostraman or if they have such a thing as glyphs or gang markings such as the cthonian sons of horus use.


Or a phrase in stylised lettering "we bring the night"



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Evening Folks! Here's my first try at lil Nostraman runescript. Weathered the banner afterwards to try and give them a worn, tattered appearance instead of factory fresh. How'd I do?




Also, as a small 8th legion break, this one goes out to Dark Bjoern and Basswave, my Mechanicum homies. Thanks for being hella patient ^_^

Here's my first shot at building an Ursarax unit.




@ Paladin - Hah! As awesome as that would be, I'm not sure I'm quite there in ability yet. 


@ Candleshoes - Noted and attempted. How's it look?


@ Dantay - Something like this?: http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/800x600q90/537/iuxlHj.jpg


@ Biohazard - That seems to be the popular choice. Lemme know how I did ^_^

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