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Savage Midnight: Armored Up an Rolling Heavy for ETL-Pg.109


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Evening guys!


@ Barabbas - Status = complete and waiting on fluff before I post her in the Forge thread.


@ Dark Rage - Haha, yep five on going projects ATM. Trying my best not to let any of them fall,off completely.


@ Kael - pretty much. I was thinking it looked super simple (seriously, not counting the missiles, it's like 10 pieces) and it would go right together. Silly me :p


@ Slipstreams - Haha as hilarious as that sounds, my Dark Admech are very recent converts. Basically just a pallet swap for gray and blue. Haven't quite devolved into body adverts yet ^_^


@ Basswave - Glad to hear it (dry cleaning bills for cranial matter notwithstanding). Hehe, not to spoiler too hard, the the Castigator won't be *paired* with the knight lancer ^_~


@ Cormac - Noted and appreciated, Sir!

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Aaaaand.... second round of layers.




@ Dantay - What's a Phwaor? I've only ever heard Brits and Scots use it (mostly Yahtzee Croshaw). I'll assume it's a good thing ^_^


@ Incinerator - Nah, two micro titans will be *plenty* for me, haha.


@ Recon0123 - I did the canopy the exact same way as the ones on my dark eldar venoms and razorwings. The outside is about 5 thin layers of Tamiya clear blue,  and the inside is painted super bright silver (I think it was Vallejo Aluminium) like so:



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One last update for tonight. Here's 90% complete. Just have to wash/highlight the metals.




@ Dark Bjoern - Thanks! I should finally have time to sit down and finish the fluff and a base for Jackal Dawn this weekend so I can get her posted in the Korrianna thread.


I would love a Magaera. I don't think I'd go for the claw or the wacky cyclopean head though. 


Although at that point, I suppose I may as well just go with a normal knight... 

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