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Savage Midnight: Armored Up an Rolling Heavy for ETL-Pg.109


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How is using a Martian Death Ray Beam-Weapon NOT "out of the ordinary" for a unit / Legion focused on causing fear?


As others have said, nice pose and very dynamic, like it a lot.


Though I've yet to see Jump Pack Marines posed as they were in flight. I've seen a few centerpiece models done in such a way but never a whole squad.

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And not really an update, but something I'm excited about. Ever so slowly changing out my GW paints for Vallejo game and air colors. Except for that damn Sycorax Bronze. Just can't find a good replacement there!




@ Dark Bjoern - Glad to hear it. I'm all about the drama!


@ Barabbas - Exactly! A Martian Ray gun that turns the man next to you into a pyrokenetically enthusiastic gout of ash and molten bits is sure to inspire some scary.


@ Slipstreams - Me either. That pose just takes so many things coming together to get exactly right. Totally going to try it out on a blood angel in a little bit here.


@ Dantay - Thanks! A'the best praise I can aspire too ^_^


@ helterskelter - I'm very much liking the MK4 jump pack myself.


@ depth charge - Never mind Frozen jokes or pics of my girl, Elsa, it's just that damn snowman that inspires me to fits of rage. Also thanks! Glad to hear the FW raptor goofy ballerina pose is minimized in this case.


@ helterskelter x2 - Exactly. And I can *totally* tell you about some interior decorating ^_^


@ Marqol - Thanks! That's the idea. I think it is supposed to curve like that. looking at the FW pic online, seems close.


@ geektom - Thanks! Folks have been really positive concerning my bases of late.

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How are you liking the VMC range? I have always been a Citadel guy, since I got into the hobby using that range and have been too scared/content to switch (just how GW planned it!). At the very least, they seem considerably cheaper. Also, that raptor? AWESOME biggrin.png I need all the Forgeworld things methinks.

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I confess I haven't really looked into it all that much since I own like 50 Citadel paints (might as well be 5 billion) and I don't feel like replacing them all! I honestly wish I had taken a proper look at all the different ranges before becoming so invested in a particular brand, like Citadel. That said, I really do like the Citadel range so really have no reason/desire to change! Also, Sycorax Bronze: my favorite metallic other than maybe Runefang Steel! smile.png Keep it up, Flint!

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... I ran out of likes due to the Legion Smack Talk Thread *cough* http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/296946-legion-smack-talk-thread/ *cough*


On topic : if thats 50%... *drops paint brushes and walks away*


Fo Realz' : Dude-Lady-Bro-Sis, that is seriously awesome looking. :o Small thing though, what made you decide to paint the Volkite Serpenta a plasma blue instead of a contrasting color like, red, yellow, green, etc?

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