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Savage Midnight: Armored Up an Rolling Heavy for ETL-Pg.109


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Finished up the right pauldron for Thunder Daughter. I'm curious as to what photo sorcery causes the straight lines I painted to look so wonky :p




@ DSS7 - Thanks buddy! Glad to see you back in ^_^


@ Barabbas - Pretty simple. Netflix, a foam roller and sushi.


@ Balth - Can't wait to see them. We should totally have a raptor-off!


@ Quixus - I've debated that myself. I really wanted to keep the Orange/reds minimum, but I'm considering it regardless. It would jump out a lot better.


@ sheep - haha, I'll take that as a compliment. Is bastard gender-neutral as a noun, or am I technically something like a bastardess?


@ Daemon2027 - glad to hear it looks decent. Seems suspiciously good looking proportional to how simple it is.

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The plates look great. I wouldn't worry to much about the wonky lines... I have similar issues with the camera here at work, where I face all my guys in the same direction, but the outer guys in the pic have "moved", so to get them all in a line I have to have them almost in a semicircle.


Not sure if its an Olympus or Nikon I am using here, Maybe its the same with you? Plus its curved plates.


The lighter colours are a really nice counterpoint to the darker scheme of Jackal Dawn....

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Morning Guys! So, what I've been up to recently, getting ready for Call of Chaos this year.

Extra special thanks go out to everyone who helped with constructive feedback to help me tweak and adjust these guys over the past week or so.

Please welcome my little Slaaneshi Warband, The Cult of the Fanged Blossom!

Terminator Squad: Razored Orchid

Combat Support Squad: Barbed Hyacinth
Fire Support Squad: Jagged Violet
And their Warlord, Belucifariel the Serrated Seraph; Annointed Atreyan of Slaanesh; The Angeline Holocaust
@ DSS7 - Will do!
@ Tanith Ghost - Thanks! I feel like I "get" how highlighting works now
@ Daytay - Fun story, I've been using my Ipad air to take pics recently. I'm still getting hilariously inconsistent results, so I think it's more my crap technique than the hardware happy.png
@ Augustus - No worries, the raptor will have lightning aplenty!
The trim is actually hella easy. Just a light gold color, edge highlighted with silver and washed sepia.
@ Balth - Haha, excellent! I approve.
@ BB Ludo - WHOOP der it is! Haha, glad to hear the paint work is visibly improving.
@ Jackdaw - I'll do my best to keep it timely.
@ Ace Debonair - Yep, I wanted something as a pretty (sansa) stark departure from my normal dark blues and blacks... so I went Ice blues and whites happy.png
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Good: These are excellent kitbashes! Love the Kefka/Sephiroth-style chaos lord! The toenails on the Termie champ are a nice touch.


Bad: Slaaneshi? Aw man, Flint, come on ;)


I can only ever get two of the photos at most to show up at the same time, btw -- must be the B&C's machine spirit itself rebelling against the sheer wrongness of these guys ;)

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The warlord is just all types of awesome. Don't get me wrong, the squads are great, but the warlord leaves me speechless. I don't even know how to describe the awesomeness of a winged chaos lord chopping everyone up Edward Scissorhand style. 

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Oh wow, thanks for all the replies guys. Totally my favorite part of a new project happy.png

Firstly, here's a slightly better picture of the Serrated Seraph, on what will probably be his actual base. It amuses me to no end that the daylight bulb gives him a little angelic glow up top laugh.png



@ K-Sci - Thanks! Believe it or not, I've only *really* recently started to embrace the idea of Chaos marks in 40k. My first was with Khorne though, so that should count for something thumbsup.gif

However, on the other side of the fence in square-bases, I have a Warriors of Chaos army of mixed Khorne and Slaanesh, called the Cult of Blood Red Romance happy.png

@ Slipstreams - I really like Lil Loser's work, but I have never seen that badass model before.

I was more thinking the mythological higher choir of angels, like Alan Rickman.

A buddy mentioned that traditionally, Seraphim were always pictured with three pair of wings, and six is the number of Slaanesh... Thus an entire little warband idea was born.

@ Cormac - Thanks! Funnily enough, I've only every played Final Fantasy X-2: The J-Pop Experience.

@ Augustus - If you think these are "old-fashioned" wait until you see the paint scheme I'm going with, haha!

@ Knight of the Raven - That totally made my evening. I do feel the pain of not having new Dark Vengeance marines in anything other than mono-pose. They are such cool minis, but they don't fit in with *anything*

@ Heinrich - Thanks buddy! I'm glad he seems so popular so far. Gotta give your awesome Word Bearers a little competition this CoC tongue.png

@ Firepower - You, Sir, win the pun award for this page thumbsup.gif

@ Forte - I might remember something along those lines, haha. Thanks for the assistance! They might not quite be Devine Flayer level (with all the wacky mirror toe-claw goodness that entails) yet, but I'm working at it.

@ Noctem Cultor - Thanks! Its always nice to hear that my Night Lords have entertained and kept the character of the Legion intact.

@ Marqol - Full of win(g)? biggrin.pngcool.png

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Really like your Warlord. I'm assuming you were inspired by that BA Conversion that looks similar? Edit: Namely this one : http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/286986-lucifer-first-of-the-host-blood-angels-chapter-master/


Aye, an easy assumption to make given the similarities, and who wouldn't take inspiration from such a madly brilliant model? Though that said when I saw him my mind went more to our own brother Greyall's Emperor's Children Raptor; Vinicius, To Whom You Bow.


@ Slipstreams - I really like Lil Loser's work, but I have never seen that badass model before.


I was more thinking the mythological higher choir of angels, like Alan Rickman.


A buddy mentioned that traditionally, Seraphim were always pictured with three pair of wings, and six is the number of Slaanesh... Thus an entire little warband idea was born.


Mmhmm, the modern pop culture interpretations of angels are actually immensely inaccurate. Angels only took the "winged human" form in biblical myth when descending to Earth because their true forms were too vast and terrible for a human to comprehend, it would literally destroy their minds.

Even then they still had to tell the human in question the whole "be not afraid, I'm an angel from heaven" schtick before they calmed the feth down at the sight of the toned-down, but still borderline-terrifying celestial being.


Anyhoo, back on topic, that is a very impressive model Flint, I can't imagine how difficult getting those wings in position must have been. Though one nitpick I have (although this is probably more just down to taste) is that I don't really feel like the helmet fits with the rest of the model, the Mk.III just feels out of place, ya'know?

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