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Savage Midnight: Armored Up an Rolling Heavy for ETL-Pg.109


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The MKIII works the least. MkIII to me are brutes, and this character conveys that lithe look. The second to last option doesn't work either, as that helmet is too large to fit regular marines imo (seriously why did GW screw up the proportions on that helmet so much?) The last one is the best I think, although the MkIV with a sternguard helmet plume bit would be even better??

That being said, I know your pet peeve is unhelmeted marines - but this model might just be the perfect exemption. Angels don't wear helmets, after all. Perhaps you should await the package I sent you. I'm kinda spoiling the surprise now, but I included some extra parts and I think you'll like the bare head.biggrin.pngthumbsup.gif

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If you're set on a helmet, then number 6. However a bare head, one of the Blood Angel ones, might work wonders as well.


As for the Angel vs Chaos thing......I see it like this: he knows he isnt an Angel, but he also knows that humanity idolises Angles. What better way then to influence and corrupt humanity than through presenting a corrupted vision of the one thing they revere as pure and holy? He isn't an Angel, he is his own twisted vision of what an Angel could be, born of the frustration of being denied on the battlefields of the Palace of Terra by the Sons of the Ninth.


He has taken humnaties purest vision and turned it into a mockery of itself. He hasn't ascended to become Angelic, he dragged and debased the ideal of Angels down to this perversion of purity.

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Perversion eh? I'm on board with that. It's suitably Slaaneshi enough at any rate. As for helms I'd shoot for #6. Suits the aesthetics of the model more and has some lovely potential with painting. The horns made of psychic ice perhaps (Can't let the Frozen thing go you know - see what I did there ;) )

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The two helmets from the Raptor / Warp Talon kit are the best of the collection, in my opinion, because they have a subtle predator look that seems like a nice fit here. But I'll just shoot you some additional suggestions, if it's all the same to you:


  • a slightly shaved down Sanguinary Guard Deathmask (without the head crest) would support the eerie, seraphic look even more
  • I know you dislike bare heads, but for a Slaaneshi Lord, a bareheaded option seems rather plausible, and the heads that come with the WFB Hellstrider kit are some of the best there are. I've used one on this Slaaneshi model of mine:



  • if you could get your hands on the helmet from that old WFB Slaanesh champion on the wyrmlike steed, that one would be absolutely perfect as well.
  • and you may call me crazy, but the head of a daemonette champ...championette...whatever...would work really well with the combination of the flowing hair and wings.

Anyway, just a few spontaneous ideas. Keep up the amazing work!

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Really think Noctus hit the nail on the head with his comment. Very very creative idea and the wings/spinal backpack look great but the rest of the bits really do not flow together. They seem static to me as well as clashing with one another. I wouldn't say you need to choose chaotic or angelic though, I'd say a good blend of both with a more fluid pose would fit him well.

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  • a slightly shaved down Sanguinary Guard Deathmask (without the head crest) would support the eerie, seraphic look even more.


I was thinking of that myself, the whole slaaneshii angel schtick reminded me of the helmet seen in this image of everyone's favourite self-assured scumbag, Lucy:



If that could be recreated here, I reckon it would look spectacularly creepy and unsettling.

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The Sanguinary Guard death mask can be done with a little bit of trimming.


Edit: I'm fairly keen to try a Telemachon Lyras conversion using this technique at some stage.


Emperor curse my inability to use green stuff properly! furious.gif I've wanted to do something like that for a Captain of mine so many times but been too afraid of screwing it up and wasting a SG head! Curse you kizzdougs, now I have to hunt you down and eat your heart to steal your power... tongue.png

EDIT: Typo detected! Kill it with fire! :angry:

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The Sanguinary Guard death mask can be done with a little bit of trimming.





Edit: I'm fairly keen to try a Telemachon Lyras conversion using this technique at some stage.

Kizzdougs, I'm not gonna lie - I am totally going to have to steal that head for my Ninth Legion Consul.

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The Sanguinary Guard death mask can be done with a little bit of trimming.





Edit: I'm fairly keen to try a Telemachon Lyras conversion using this technique at some stage.

Kizzdougs, I'm not gonna lie - I am totally going to have to steal that head for my Ninth Legion Consul.


 Please do! I'd love to see it :)

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The Sanguinary Guard death mask can be done with a little bit of trimming.





Edit: I'm fairly keen to try a Telemachon Lyras conversion using this technique at some stage.

Kizzdougs, I'm not gonna lie - I am totally going to have to steal that head for my Ninth Legion Consul.

Please do! I'd love to see it :)

Possibly found on a future Flayer too

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Good Morning Everyone. Thanks for all the awesome replies on choosing a head for my evil angel!

After glaring at him at my desk for several hours, I think I have to agree with the general unhelmed consensus and admit he needs an flowy mane type of head. I'll sit down tonight and try my hand at sculpting hair for the first time. I've gotten decent at fur since Beastmen were my first WHFB army. Hopefully this will just be like long fur... right? rolleyes.gif

In the meantime, here's the very first painted marine of the Fanged Blossom. He's about 75% right now. Still have to finish highlighting the bone and claws with a barely bluey-white, and maybe try deepening the silvers a little bit.Will also fix that little rough patch on his belt buckle.

Not going to lie, old school Slaaneshi pink and black was 9/10s of why I wanted to try out this little project this year happy.png #waybackwednesday

@ Cormac - Oh that would look sweet with burning eyes! I'm definitely going to have to try that, regardless of the head I go with.
@ Heathens - Yep, can't argue. Imma sit down and try it tonight. Though if I end up jacking up another manicure with sculpting tools, I can firmly call it your fault tongue.png
@ Slipstreams - Already playing around with some legs from the Vanguard Veteran box. Those should look a little more in scale with the rest of him. I keep forgetting that FW resin is a *teeny* bit smaller in scale than GW plastics.
@ Recon - I do so love the #6 raptor helmet
@ Noctus - Not so much a twisted angel as a former champion wrought with violent and rapid mutation. I see what you mean though. What I was going for was a very ornate look (as befits an EC champion) with some glaring, daemonic elements. He's still very much malleable though, so let me know how he looks once I switch his legs and try sculpting a head. No worries, those wings are basically half a scourge box set. They aren't going anywhere happy.png
@ AlanofAngels - I'm biased too! We should start a club, haha. I'm not sure why those raptor heads are so perfectly Night Lordy... just are
@ Brother Heinrich - Ah, that nonsense indeed. Extending those legs? Nah, I'm pretty lazy for a chick. Replacing them with slightly upscaled ones from the Vanguard Veterans kit? Already in progress laugh.png
@ Incinerator - That's actually one I didn't think of. I'm going to have to try it just to see what it looks like now.
@ Forte - Me too. It's my favorite from any of the CSM plastics by a wide margin.
@ Augustus - I do kinda know what you mean. I was trying for a very contrasting look with the helmet, as with his other elements (chaos vs angelic, brutal vs graceful) but I don't think it worked as well. Just an excuse b/c I love those Iron Hands helmets, I 'spose.
Thanks buddy! I hella appreciate it. Can't wait for goodies.
@ JackDaw - I very much like that idea. Imma steal it for his fluff tongue.png
@ Kol - Sweet! That'll give me a ton of good reading material when I'm avoiding doing homework today. Thanks!
@ Balth - #6 is a pretty popular option. I'm going to have to do something else with it, just because I love it so much.
@ Barabbas - Glad to hear we're on the same page.
@ Kierdale - In progress, Sir!
@ K-sci - I appreciate the detailed input! And I hope you appreciate that I'm *never* going to let you live down the fact you have Slaaneshi bits in your Khorne flakes tongue.png
@ Tanith Ghost - Will do! Let me know what you think in a couple days once I have him all re-assembled.
@ Sanguinious - I do really like the look of his short white hair. I may have to entertain that notion.
@ Barabbas x2 - Hah, how your allegiance changes with the wind (or pretty artwork) tongue.png
@ Kizzdougs - Oh, that is pretty and creepy in equal measure. I've got a ton of good ideas now. Thanks!
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Here's my first Slaaneshi marine all finished up. Anything he needs? Finished the last highlight on the pink and black, highlighted the blue gray up thru blue white to actual while on the bone and claws. The bone highlights are a little glared out from the lamp, but I think they give a decent idea.


@ Forte - Thanks... but green...? I've got blue, pink, black and blue-white going on...
@ Barabbas - Glad to hear it. And I can understand. Blood Angels look good in bling.
@ Maelarion - That's a pretty awesome idea. I'll definitely have to use it for something at some point ^_^
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