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Savage Midnight: Armored Up an Rolling Heavy for ETL-Pg.109


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Morning guys! Still playing around with heads for my evil angel. Borrowed from a set of Slaaneshi Chaos Knights I painted awhile back. Thoughts?




@ Kierdale - I know right? Totally why I wanted to take a little break from 30k and work on a 40k warband.


@ Forte - Haha, no worries! Consider it a pass ^_^


@ Barabbas - Not a bad idea. I should look into that and see what I could draw simply with a micron pen.


@ Sheep - Perfection


@ Augustus - Thanks! I wanted their bone and claw bits to look unrealistically white and polished. I didn't know it would glare out the camera a bit though... 


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Morning guys! Still playing around with heads for my evil angel. Borrowed from a set of Slaaneshi Chaos Knights I painted awhile back. Thoughts?




No. Just no. Sorry Flint, but I do think the SG death,ask is the best idea up to now. :tu:
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Flint, I don't think you should lose that horned helm.


I think you should burn it, because if you lose it, you might find it again.....


Seriously though, it doesnt work. The wings give all the height you need, and those horns just distract and take away from them. You've already got a natural frame from the spread of the pinions, a smaller head will fit in that space beautifully.


I spent 10 mins last night trimming down a Sang Guard deathmask for my Consul - it's easy peasy and you can even get away with just trimming off the halo, shaving down the hair on the back slightly and putting a thin layer of gs over it to make it a smooth bald-style helm.


Doooo iiiiittttt

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Haha, I am hella gla everyone is honest with me. Ok, possibility of horned helm has been burned at the stake and mini-crisis averted ^_^


Currently getting the skinny on building my own little Sang guard mask.


Stay tuned.

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Guess I like the horns as the two I like the most  are the new one, or alternatively number four from the previous six. In anycase I think the more chaosy helmets look better with him as they are more alike the rest of his armour than the rest.

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Actually, the horns are about the only thing about that helmet that works with the model, if you ask me. The helmet itself is absolutely terrible, but maybe it would be worth keeping the horns ...maybe even in combination with that shaved down deathmask...?

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Just to be contrary to the Kraut, it was the horns that didn't do it for me. They are too large, with those wings. Makes it seem too busy. If they had been stunted (not simply smaller, but noticeably blunt and stubby), I think they would have worked remarkably well.


But if the dozen-burning-eyes helm is out, I would definitely say go for the deathmask.

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Haha! The model was too busy? A model representing one who has given himself wholly to the god of excess was too "excessive"? Surely you've missed the point! :lol:


In all seriousness, a head with long sweeping horns is exactly what the model needs in my opinion. The way I see it, he's supposed to be a daemon mocking the shape of an angel. If you just straight up make an angel you might as well paint him red and start a BA force. Slaanesh is about excess and perversion. This model should be more twisted. Think twisted Flint and I'm sure you'll nail this model like you've done so many times before :tu:

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Joins the chant for a SG mask :D perhaps with long flowing hair? Also I once drilled a mouth out an it can be made to look like it's in an eternal scream with a lil bit if GS, just an idea


Your finished dude looks 'exquisite' btw, very well done. Will look great as a whole army.

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I find that the huge horned helm takes too much of the focal point of the miniature. Originally it was the wings (which worked well) but that helm is too much. Yes Slaanesh is about excess but isn't the be all and end all.


Think about the sort of descriptive words you may find in the more "wordy" reviews. Exceptional, delectable, exquisite, sumptuous, and so on ;)

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Nice horns, hombre... You compensating for something? laugh.png

I never cared for Sephiroth and I dislike how smitten fangirls are with him so I'd consider people saying he reminds them of him to be an insult. tongue.png

Got to admit im a Zack Fair fan myself. Sephiroth makes me uneasy with his slender elf like build, almost like hes going to pop up behind me and try something...something Slaanesh like.

On subject not a fan of the Horned Helmet there too big, if the horns where thinner maybe.

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Sorry Flint. The pastel looked green to me on my phone (and I am also a bit colour blind so let me off on that one please).

No excuses -.- to the pain glove with you. 


amazing stuff here flint. love it

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I'm a sucker for that multiple eyes helmet, so that's where the vote would be going, but I really like the SG mask idea.


Out of interest, just how much of a pain was getting those wings to line up and stay in place?



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Morning Folks. Here's my rough draft of the SG mask on the evil angel. I'm planning on making my first attempt at greenstuff "hair" around the lil spikey halo bits, but I wanted to dry run first.


Thanks again for all the awesome input over the last few days. All he has left now is for me to pick a pair of vanguard veteran legs to doll up and replace his lil ones.






@ Telhdrat - I do like the look of the Chaosy helmets as well. I'm going to play around with a few tonite and see if like any of them more than the current Sang guard mask.


@ K-sci - Awe, I like the Chaos charioteer helm :P the horns are kinda cool. Just not on the angel ^_^


@ Cormac - Yeah, they are silly big. Imma see how some of the more reasonable chaos knight helms look on him shortly. How does this mini deathmask look?


@ Basswave - Doing my best to think twisted ^_^ Lemme know how this one looks


@ JackDaw - I think there are a few good ones from the raptors kit, and there are certainly a couple in the Warriors/Knights/Skullcrushers boxes. Gosh knows I have enough of those lying around.


@ Naryn - I'm thinking nubbier ones. 


@ Midnight - Thanks! Admittedly the entire reason I wanted to try this warband idea was to see if I could pull off 90's Slaanesh black n pink ^_^


That idea of drilling out the mouth of the deathmask sounds creepy. Imma have to try it!


@ Forte - I think that sums it up pretty well. Those wings need to be the star of the show. Mmm... EX-quis-ITE ^_^


@ Noctem Cultor - Is Zack Fair the ravonette palette swap of Cloud from FF7?


@ STD - Thanks! Always glad to hear.


@ Recon - On my pink melta gunner? Yessir


@ Dragonlover - The wings were actually stupid simple. I just started with the almost vertical pair and worked my way down for the other two layers. The only thing I did really was to shave down the mounting points with a file so they would be thin enough to fit all six in a relatively small area on his back. They aren't even pinned. 


Like it was meant to be ^_^

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@ Noctem Cultor - Is Zack Fair the ravonette palette swap of Cloud from FF7?

Yes he originally was, hes the Solider that clouds "memories" come from. He played lead role in the PSP prequal VII Crisis Core in which you learn that hes a spikey haired carefree guy that just wants to hit people with a buster sword, so guess I relate to him msn-wink.gif

Death Mask looks great, when you sculpt the hair id say reference the miniature of Night Haunter with his messy tangled hair to give a mocking feel of a Blood Angel. devil.gif

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SG head is a huge improvement. Agreed that the legs aren't quite right, not sure if it's the size or the lack of detail? Which VV legs are you looking at? The ones used on the TH/SS mini in the UM squad on the box might be nice, the thing on the thigh looks kinda like a cilice, which is a very Slaaneshi concept altogether!


Edit: still with the feet hacked out and replaced with the Raptor claws, of course!

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