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Savage Midnight: Armored Up an Rolling Heavy for ETL-Pg.109


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Lil midnight flavo(u)red update. My first contemptor dread.


@ Kol - The hand and crosspiece are from a WoC warrior, the blade is a dark elf corsair.
@ Paladin - Pretty darn close! ^_^
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Hoho... That is a glorious sight. Great use of he Ven dread Frost Axe!!

Only the tiniest of niggles though.

The right (as I look at it, but left on the model) kneepad looks a little high in the[icture and is leaving a wee bot of a gap between upper and lower leg.


You have some seious skillz lady when it comes to posing and painting!


And loving the Slaaneshi Marine... Don't know why but when I saw it, the final countdown by Europe started playing in my head

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Can't wait to see it In Midnight Clad msn-wink.gif

...That sounded cooler in my head :\

Talon Fingers are appropriate, good choice! Though consider making them have longer blades? (To me) they look like needles atm :p

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I'm going to be the odd man out FLint! I do think the Contemptor looks awesome with his amazing claw Aand. Dat. Axe.


However, I think you could improve on the leg pose as he looks a little stiff right now IMO. Perhaps tilt the pelvis forward and put a litle more space between the legs, as well as bend his right knee slightly outwards. I PMd you a pic of what I mean. :D 


Keep it up!!! :tu:

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Morning folks! After a little fiddling based on construcive advice, here's where my new contemptor sits (or stands, rather). I think he looks a bit more stable now ^_^


@ Dantay - How's the dread look now? Haha, final countdown is perfect for Shornaali sycophants ^_^

@ Slipstreams - Glad to hear it! His talons are a mite weedy, aren't they?

@ Midnight - Awesome! Now I just have to figure out how I'm going to paint the Seraphic lord. I am so torn on how I want to do it. I have like three potential schemes kicking around my head pinch.gif

@ Forte - Colour, flavour, armour. I wasn't going to begrudge you an extra vowel, even if it is completely superfluous ^_^

@ Firepower - Glad to hear you approve! I was really trying to steer away from SW dread "angry breadbox" proportions.

@ Pearson - Thanks!

@ Augustus - Noted and accounted for. How's he look now?

@ Geektom - Hah! Excellent. All going according to keikaku.

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New pose looks great! Like he's looming over a VERY unfortunate victim. 


Question : How will you Night Lordify this bad boy? Runes? Bodies? Body Parts? All of the Above and then some? Maybe have a torso impaled on the back spike of the axe?? :p

Read some Cannibal Corpse Lyrics for inspiration >_>


As for the weedyness of the claws, you could just make them thicker at the base and taper off near the edge. Maybe half again as thick at the base?

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@ BCK - I know right? No angry breadboxes here! Also, glad we agree on the beardy axe thing! ^_^


@ Augustus - I'll be doing my best to carve a few out. I was thinking of trying for HATE across his front cowling (the part under his helm, before his chest


@ Daemon2027 - Thanks! And glad to see you back.


@ Slippy - Glad to hear it. I'm going to keep him decently minimal. He's an old Terran legionary who "died" doing his best to repair the gap between the Nostraman and Terran gangs of the 28th company. So I'm a little undecided on exactly how much extra "Nightlordin" I want to try on him yet.  

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