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Savage Midnight: Armored Up an Rolling Heavy for ETL-Pg.109


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Posted · Hidden by Captain Semper, October 31, 2014 - off topic
Hidden by Captain Semper, October 31, 2014 - off topic

wireless keyboard is buggering up, literally gotta smack the keys for it to work, obviously I didn't recite the correct litany's and use the right oils to appease the machine spirit. 

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Try sacrificing Imperial followers, flaying some flesh, and making promises to the Dark Gods to serve them completely. Seems to work.


So come on Flint. How's the pink or midnight blue coming along?

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Morning folks!


@ Tanith Ghost - It's the frost axe from the venerable Space Wolf dread, combined with a WoC Knight ensorcelled axe (for the fanged skull) and a dark eldar hull blade. Here's it's WiP




@ Augustus - Thanks buddy! Hmm... I'm not 100% on the chain. It's .8 mm, but not positive on the links per inch. I can measure when I get home tonite ^_^

@ Forte - Oh, coming ever so slowly. Should have some more Shornaali disciples up shortly 


@ Daemon2027 - Oh, black looks good on occasion. On a trophy helmet, or a flayed torso draped over an armored vehicle, or a pet Raven in our first company, ya know, whatevs :P 


@ Dorns_Fist - Thanks! 


@ Slippy - I do my best ^_^

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Now now. Khazâd guards wouldn't look as good if their two-handed axes were one-bitted.


More on topic, the pink seems chalky to me. Is it only me?

agreed ,maybe you could try putting a wash over it to add an artificial blend to pull back the chalkiness.the same goes with the tabard

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Now now. Khazâd guards wouldn't look as good if their two-handed axes were one-bitted.


More on topic, the pink seems chalky to me. Is it only me?

agreed ,maybe you could try putting a wash over it to add an artificial blend to pull back the chalkiness.the same goes with the tabard

That's likely from adding a bit too much white into each highlight. Though it does also give more of a pastel look which is very Slaanesh.

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Posted · Hidden by Captain Semper, October 31, 2014 - off topic meme
Hidden by Captain Semper, October 31, 2014 - off topic meme

I've missed out on a lot of goodies! Definitely like seeing the EC crop up in here from time to time. Nothing beats taking the party-bus path to damnation!



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Posted · Hidden by Captain Semper, October 31, 2014 - non-constructive aggressive post
Hidden by Captain Semper, October 31, 2014 - non-constructive aggressive post



Now now. Khazâd guards wouldn't look as good if their two-handed axes were one-bitted.

More on topic, the pink seems chalky to me. Is it only me?

agreed ,maybe you could try putting a wash over it to add an artificial blend to pull back the chalkiness.the same goes with the tabard

That's likely from adding a bit too much white into each highlight. Though it does also give more of a pastel look which is very Slseaansh.



seriously .sychophantic kneejerk response wont do anything to help iimprove painting

i give constructive crit and you dive in like some white knight ...sad

the problem is your attitude is not helpfull as the painting looks the same as the first minis.we have all painted

figures and know painting and for you to say this painting is made up of loads of highlight stages is crazy as is the stupid meme thing

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*forumite attacks mod who paints Slaaneshi minis about how to paint Slaaneshi minis*


Yeah, I'm going to sit this one out because on the one hand, yes it does look chalky. On the other, chalky pastel colors are a trademark of more than a few Slaaneshi minis. What ultimately matters is if chalky pastel is the intent, or an unwanted side effect and attacking each other over something we don't currently know serves as much purpose as randomly posting memes.

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Posted · Hidden by Captain Semper, October 31, 2014 - off topic
Hidden by Captain Semper, October 31, 2014 - off topic




Now now. Khazâd guards wouldn't look as good if their two-handed axes were one-bitted.

More on topic, the pink seems chalky to me. Is it only me?

agreed ,maybe you could try putting a wash over it to add an artificial blend to pull back the chalkiness.the same goes with the tabard

That's likely from adding a bit too much white into each highlight. Though it does also give more of a pastel look which is very Slseaansh.



seriously .sychophantic kneejerk response wont do anything to help iimprove painting

i give constructive crit and you dive in like some white knight ...sad

the problem is your attitude is not helpfull as the painting looks the same as the first minis.we have all painted

figures and know painting and for you to say this painting is made up of loads of highlight stages is crazy as is the stupid meme thing



I fail to see why that's even an attitude never mind a counter-productive one. Considering it's coming from probably the finest painter of Slaaneshi models on the board, it carries weight.


Also, cool it on the personal sniping. Whilst you may have a valid point, the way it comes across is just plain bad. This isn't Dakka Dakka or Warseer. Those kinds of posts are a great way to get on the wrong side of the Mods

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Posted · Hidden by Captain Semper, October 31, 2014 - off topic
Hidden by Captain Semper, October 31, 2014 - off topic


after seeing the above... funny stuff, i wondered when the mods would warn people about staying on topic.


then i realised, it's the mods doing the shenanigans!


Flint: whats all this nonsense about slaanesh? your midnight-clad primarch needs you!

Cough, cough.


Do I need to say it?


Forte: i'm not sure what you mean, do you mean you're loading your mod-cannons against OT posts?

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Posted · Hidden by Captain Semper, October 31, 2014 - off topic
Hidden by Captain Semper, October 31, 2014 - off topic




Now now. Khazâd guards wouldn't look as good if their two-handed axes were one-bitted.

More on topic, the pink seems chalky to me. Is it only me?

agreed ,maybe you could try putting a wash over it to add an artificial blend to pull back the chalkiness.the same goes with the tabard
That's likely from adding a bit too much white into each highlight. Though it does also give more of a pastel look which is very Slseaansh.


seriously .sychophantic kneejerk response wont do anything to help iimprove painting

i give constructive crit and you dive in like some white knight ...sad

the problem is your attitude is not helpfull as the painting looks the same as the first minis.we have all painted

figures and know painting and for you to say this painting is made up of loads of highlight stages is crazy as is the stupid meme thing

I will not fully address every issue with this post on someone else's topic. If you wish to raise any issues reguarding my reply please feel free to do it via PM so not to derail another members painting thread as that can also affect their momentum.


Please feel free to critique my own painting which happens to involve pink, purple, and a lot of Slaanesh.


As for the actual topic. Flint is painting to a gaming standard and she does take on board tips and pointers from all who comment.

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Posted · Hidden by Captain Semper, October 31, 2014 - off topic
Hidden by Captain Semper, October 31, 2014 - off topic

Seriously though I fail to see why Forte deserved an insult here, stating that maybe there was too much white mixed in seems fair (his comment is just as valid as 'slap some ink on it'), he has pointed out things with my painting that has improved it from tabletop standard to slightly better tabletop standard and I know painting, well I should do as I am ex GW staff and have been painting since 1991, back when I had hair and was slimmer. 

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I'll say this once and once only: everyone is entitled to make a comment of work displayed here in the Forge. Others may like it or may not like it.


But if there is so much as a hint of name-calling there will be consequences.


You've been warned.

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as for the painting another way of acheiving a smoother effect .as highlights really can break a models look rather than help them.is paint the mini a midrange base colour then add a highlight and then weak washes of a slightly darker color to add depth

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Posted · Hidden by Captain Semper, October 31, 2014 - off topic
Hidden by Captain Semper, October 31, 2014 - off topic

seriously .sychophantic kneejerk response wont do anything to help iimprove painting

i give constructive crit and you dive in like some white knight ...sad

the problem is your attitude is not helpfull as the painting looks the same as the first minis.


It's amusing to me that you criticize someone for what you consider to be an unhelpful attitude when yours is so much more caustic and destructive.


I don't have a problem with anyone offering constructive criticism, but it should be just that - constructive. Word choice and phrasing are key, and I have seen you do better than this in other threads, while you like to wave the sycophant banner in others.


Flint might not be the best painter on the boards, but she's good and she is improving, and one thing you might have overlooked in the popularity of her thread is her infectious enthusiasm for the hobby. That tends to draw in people like moths to a flame.


appologies to forte .seeing it in the cold light of day my comment does look unnecessarilly

harsh .as is usual on this thread i was expecting backlash for daring to not agree that it is all awesome


It wasn't that you dared not to agree that all was awesome, but as I said above, the manner in which you chose to do it. People put a lot of work and love into their armies, even if they aren't Golden Demon winners, and you should take more time to consider how you word your criticism of their work in the future.

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Posted · Hidden by Captain Semper, October 31, 2014 - off topic
Hidden by Captain Semper, October 31, 2014 - off topic

To be fair, there was A LOT of :cussing OT memes going on. I post memes with the best of them, but they at least relate to the hobby and subject of the thread. Y'all need to calm down with that stuff.

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Posted · Hidden by Captain Semper, October 31, 2014 - No reason given
Hidden by Captain Semper, October 31, 2014 - No reason given



Back on topic now please. Enough has been said. Let's get back to why we're here. Flints miniatures.

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Moving on before this childish back and forth backlash between both parties continues... 


Concerning your Contemptor Flint, while I like the overall concept but I'd like to make a few observations. In regards to axe, that's actually a really awesome idea. I've always loathed that Space Wolf dreadnought but you make the axe work. What sort of rubs me the wrong way more or less is that I feel you're trying to blend the macabre with the ostentatious decor of nobility which, like I felt with the angelic EC, doesn't exactly work too well. Honestly, I think its made a bit more obvious in this one. Aside from I suppose the removal of the Aquilla on the front, the model is mostly still containing the prettied up look of the Venerable Contemptor and the base of the axe actually tends to fall into a similar aesthetic. However, when you try to add in the armour spike on the axe, the skull embedded into the axe, and the chains. These are such little things lopsided onto one limb of the model that they REALLY look out of place. Know what I mean? As I said with the Emperor's Child commander, I honestly think if you want to try to pull something off like this you have to go all the way or not at all. That's why I more or less avoid making my EC until I feel I have the proper bits, because I feel its one of the most difficult things aesthetically to pull off.  


Moving back to the axe, I think you did have the right idea with embedding the skull but I think you made the wrong placement. With the way its positioned, the teeth are sticking out where the arc of the hook is, which honestly to me looks really wonky. I think what you could have done is use greenstuff to sort of blend the skull's back a bit father until the teeth align with the curve of the beard. I know that doesn't exactly make the most sense, but this is sort of what I'm talking about in relation to what it would do. I'm really not sure how to actually describe it...





Lastly, and of course I know this is purely a personal preference and I've said it before, but I still don't think your blue works, but atleast I know why now. Its just way too dark honestly and I think that's because of the color blue you use as the basecoating. Mind if I ask which paint that is? I think it would be better if you might look into a paint that's just slightly brighter, not by much but you know, just a little bit. I think it would really help with the overall color composition of your Night Lords.



Now on a completely different note. Jesus I love the paint of your Slaanesh marines. It has almost a pastel feel to it that I think does sort of make it look a little chalky, but I so totally think it works. It reminds me of when I used to use oil based paints on a thick canvas. Its a really nice vibrant pink that works extremely well with the black and dark silver. Might have gone a bit thick on the highlighting on certain bits, but otherwise I think you did a great job with them so far. 


Keep improving.

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I like Flints stuff because she isn't one of them super amazing Golden Demon standard painters, I like coming here and seeing her improve and learning new things, and seeing others get better makes me push myself as well, I don't have the patience to pull off insane panting like some people so I used to think why bother, I'll never be that good, but unlike other forums where there is a divide between the good and the not so good ( I kid you not, on another forum someone posted a mini they spent a lot of time on and the first reply to his post was 'that's censored.gif, next time paint with your eyes open'), here us tabletop standard painters get helped along by the good ones, even if the advice does sound like cockney gibberish at times.

Personally I thought the Slaanesh marine looked the mutt nuts, would look better in the crimson plate of the Word Bearers though or the putrid green of the Death Guard. tongue.png

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