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Savage Midnight: Armored Up an Rolling Heavy for ETL-Pg.109


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I like Flints stuff because she isn't one of them super amazing Golden Demon standard painters, I like coming here and seeing her improve and learning new things, and seeing others get better makes me push myself as well, I don't have the patience to pull off insane panting like some people so I used to think why bother, I'll never be that good, but unlike other forums where there is a divide between the good and the not so good ( I kid you not, on another forum someone posted a mini they spent a lot of time on and the first reply to his post was 'that's censored.gif, next time paint with your eyes open'), here us tabletop standard painters get helped along by the good ones, even if the advice does sound like cockney gibberish at times.

Personally I thought the Slaanesh marine looked the mutt nuts, would look better in the crimson plate of the Word Bearers though or the putrid green of the Death Guard. tongue.png

Yeah, seriously. The level of respect for all levels of skill is a huge draw for me. I used to be a little confused when people would enthusiastically cheer on stuff that I thought wasn't so hot, but you know what? After a while, it sinks in and you're like "that's actually pretty good for someone who's just getting started" or whatever.

For what it's worth, I don't see Flint's stuff as beginner level at all. She's got a great grip on her aesthetics and she's really, really good at cranking tabletop minis out. She's not scared of ambitious projects and she's 100% fearless about posting her work up in whatever stage. When you zoom in this close, everything starts to look a little... different. Until I started looking at my models closeup, I thought they looked fine. Now, I'm always pushing myself to up my game because the flaws really start to drive you nuts when you get real close in. I love when people post full-res pics on Photobucket or something (Geektom, I'm looking at you) because you can REALLY get in there and see it, warts and all. What seems like a perfectly crisp model at 2 feet above a table starts to look like something that a real human actually painted, using a tiny tuft of hairs stuck onto a wooden stick. The fact that we, as a community, can look over each others' work with a sense of empathy says a TON about what makes this forum special.

Haters gonna hate, but it takes a special kind of person to display their work for anyone to look at. The only way to grow is to make yourself vulnerable, and keeping yourself open to criticism and advice. It's tough to do, but after a while it starts to feel like your army is more than just yours. People in the community get attached to it and it takes on a life of its own. It's a really beautiful thing, to be honest.

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Posted · Hidden by Captain Semper, October 31, 2014 - off topic
Hidden by Captain Semper, October 31, 2014 - off topic



Now people have had their say. Enough is enough. Just let any issues go and do not post them. Consider it done and dusted.


Out of respect for Flint and her thread lets get back to talking about the thing we all love. Miniatures. Offer tips and advice. Encouragement and motivation. But let's all enjoy out chosen past time.


Thank you :tu:

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Thread got a clean-up and is now opened again.


A few points:

  • Keep on topic.
  • Do not post memes or other unrelated images to make a point. Limited use is tolerated normally but it has been done to death here. Use English instead.
  • No personal attacks or non-constructive posts with "smart" comments. My tolerance on this has reached rock bottom. There will be warnings issued immediately if there is even a hint of a personal attack.

So continue to discuss the work of the original poster, offer constructive criticism and generally behave in line with the forum rules.

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@ Kael24 - Thanks! The Seraph is my first project as soon as I finish this guy for March of Legions.


Speaking of which, here's my entry for the lil March of Legions project. ( http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/298727-march-of-the-legions-xx-legion/ )


Al Farealof the XX Legio Librarius




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Here's my entry for this month's little March of the Legions challenge, all finished.




Captured Operative (hereafter referred as Op)– “My name is Al Fareal, of the XX Legio Librarius, Serial C336613.”



Interogator, 1st Legion: Belazarus Lucephon  (hereafter referred to as BL)– “That is not your name. Your genic codes and ident software have been wiped clean from your warplate’s data banks, your mind has been sterilized of any psykana markers, and your fingerprints have not existed in quite some time. All our convent could determine was the Biomanticus specialization within the Librarius of your own legion. What was your purpose here?”


Op - “My name is Al Fareal, of the XX Legio Librarius, Serial C336613.”




BL – “That is not your name. You were found inside of a Fortress monastery, clad in First Legion war plate, in possession of an impressive amount of tactical and personal information which I can only assume had been lifted from the interior data vaults. What were you looking for, legionary?”


 Op - “My name is Al Fareal, of the XX Legio Librarius, Serial C336613.”




BL – “That is not your name. Over the past three weeks, there have been twenty-seven First legion Astartes found dead, ranging in rank from line trooper to demi-captain. So far, no weapons have been found. Is that because you have carefully covered your tracks, or because there were never any weapons to begin with?”


Op - “My name is Al Fareal, of the XX Legio Librarius, Serial C336613.”




BL – “You worthless bastard, you have murdered almost thirty of your former brothers and stolen priceless information from our data stores. The cognomen priests have only recently intercepted and cut your off-world data link. The only reason you yet draw breath is because those in higher positions than I wish to see how much you have learned and why.


Your primarch may have fled from the light of the Imperium, but in this, we will have vengeance. We will rip the information we need from you. We are the legion of darkened secrets and hallowed truths. We are the FIRST, notthe last…


Op - “My name is Al Fareal, of the XX Legio Librarius, Serial C336613.”




BL – “Tell me why. Why murder your brothers, why betray everything we were born and trained to do? Why undermine everything our fathers have built by throwing in with the Warmaster’s doomed venture?”


OP – “Very soon, I will slay you as I have slain thirty-five of your simpering kin on this forsaken rock. I did so for the same ambition I complete every action my Primarch commands...For the Emperor.”




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Like it. Now don't slap me (I know how much you can lift so your slap is probably a bit on the scary side.


Could you maybe try a little thinned green wash pushed towards the highlights and a couple more blue washes pushed toward the shadows? (Glazing is another name for the technique). Just a thought though.


Freehands are improving too :tu:

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haven't been here for a while, but if Flint's thread still excites the masses, not that much seems to have changed biggrin.png

i like the new alpha legionary and agree with Forte on the glazing.
as usual i'm looking forward to more :tu:

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I like the pose of the model, sword and shield is always good. The legion number really stands out to me, I am liking it a lot. The metallic, green/blue looks ace as well. Though there are a few highlights that seem a bit thick, whether that is intentional or not I do not know. Such as the sword edge and the top of the backpack.

Overall I think it's a great marine, could you share how you smoothed out the chest plate though? Been trying to myself with liquid green stuff but finding it comes out rather bumpy.

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I like the pose of the model, sword and shield is always good. The legion number really stands out to me, I am liking it a lot. The metallic, green/blue looks ace as well. Though there are a few highlights that seem a bit thick, whether that is intentional or not I do not know. Such as the sword edge and the top of the backpack.


Overall I think it's a great marine, could you share how you smoothed out the chest plate though? Been trying to myself with liquid green stuff but finding it comes out rather bumpy.

Liquid green is hard to use to good effect. I find removing most of any details you want rid of then gradually scrape the rest away with the side of a knife blade. Takes a while but works.

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 Though there are a few highlights that seem a bit thick... Such as the sword edge ...



Just noticed the sword, I had the same problem until someone told me to use the side of the brush not the point, use hardly any paint and gently drag the side along the edge of the blade, for the bit in the middle of the sword I still end up messing that bit up lol

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Freehands are improving too thumbsup.gif

Aye, me and Flint are secret freehand ninjas yo, we got mad skillz that thrillz but we have to expose you all bit by bit so we don't overwhelm you with awesome sauce.

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Morning guys!


@ Forte - Haha, my punching speed is not so impressive. Mia St. John I am not, regardless of what my Halloween costume would attest. 


I see what you mean. I had a good bit of Coliea greenshade in there, but I think it kinda got wiped out in subsequent applications of Girlyman Blue and Druchii Violet.


@ JeffTibbs- Try 'em now. Prolly caught me when I was editing them ^_^


@ Wicced - Hah, tell me about it. Always glad to see you stop back in, and thanks!


@ STD(I) - Thanks! I try.


@ Marqol - Sadly, I have never been a graceful edge highlighter, though I'm trying to improve. Probably unintentional ^_^


For the chest piece, it started out as a generic Gray Knight one (you can still see some of the embossed details in the WiP pic) that I gently scraped away most of the detail from. After that, I used these magical tools create a smooth surface out of all the razor knicks and to fill in the embossed part.




I haven't seen too many people use that plastic putty for Warhammer stuff, but I picked it up from my Dad, who is an avid WWII modeler. It's amazing for gap filling (*waaaaay* better than liquid greenstuff). It has a consistency and texture I can only describe as "creamy peanut butter" so it's super easy to apply with a scuply tool like above, or a finger, but it dries with the same hardness as apoxie sculpt. Then you just sand it down, and it comes out like you see above. 99/100 times you can't even tell there was something there after the primer coat goes on.


Let me know if you have any other questions. I'd be happy to help ^_^


@ Forte x2 - Yeah, I've had a rough flirtation with Liquid Greenstuff for all of 2 weeks. Then the bottle dried out, and I went right back to this apoxie plastic stuff.


@ STD x 2 - Hah! I wish. 

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I like the XX dude, Flint. Actually already just the way it is, sans the glazing - but it is your model!

As a side note, without distracting from but backing up Captain Semper's latest mod here:

I like Flints stuff because she isn't one of them super amazing Golden Demon standard painters, I like coming here and seeing her improve and learning new things, and seeing others get better makes me push myself as well, I don't have the patience to pull off insane panting like some people so I used to think why bother, I'll never be that good, but unlike other forums where there is a divide between the good and the not so good ( I kid you not, on another forum someone posted a mini they spent a lot of time on and the first reply to his post was 'that's censored.gif, next time paint with your eyes open'), here us tabletop standard painters get helped along by the good ones, even if the advice does sound like cockney gibberish at times.

Personally I thought the Slaanesh marine looked the mutt nuts, would look better in the crimson plate of the Word Bearers though or the putrid green of the Death Guard. tongue.png

Yeah, seriously. The level of respect for all levels of skill is a huge draw for me. I used to be a little confused when people would enthusiastically cheer on stuff that I thought wasn't so hot, but you know what? After a while, it sinks in and you're like "that's actually pretty good for someone who's just getting started" or whatever.

For what it's worth, I don't see Flint's stuff as beginner level at all. She's got a great grip on her aesthetics and she's really, really good at cranking tabletop minis out. She's not scared of ambitious projects and she's 100% fearless about posting her work up in whatever stage. When you zoom in this close, everything starts to look a little... different. Until I started looking at my models closeup, I thought they looked fine. Now, I'm always pushing myself to up my game because the flaws really start to drive you nuts when you get real close in. I love when people post full-res pics on Photobucket or something (Geektom, I'm looking at you) because you can REALLY get in there and see it, warts and all. What seems like a perfectly crisp model at 2 feet above a table starts to look like something that a real human actually painted, using a tiny tuft of hairs stuck onto a wooden stick. The fact that we, as a community, can look over each others' work with a sense of empathy says a TON about what makes this forum special.

Haters gonna hate, but it takes a special kind of person to display their work for anyone to look at. The only way to grow is to make yourself vulnerable, and keeping yourself open to criticism and advice. It's tough to do, but after a while it starts to feel like your army is more than just yours. People in the community get attached to it and it takes on a life of its own. It's a really beautiful thing, to be honest.

Amen to that, brothers!

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Wow, That was fast!


Nice Fluff Flint, very in line with what I'd Imagine a 1st Legion Interrogator to be doing while practicing his "art" and equally so for an Alpha Legionnaire.

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I liked the fluff - you could just hear the smugness in his voice at the end tongue.png The shade of blue and green are just the shade I think of the XX using happy.png

(Don't know why the last part didn't show up...)

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Yeah I can see the pics now and they look awesome. As for the putty, I've tried a couple types, including auto-body putty. Works pretty well actually. I have some Tamiya white that I use once in a while. I still use LGS for some things. I've never tried the one in your pic. Where can you get that stuff?
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Another soul here who likes the Legionary and exchange in dialogue.


That is definitely not someone I would want to bump into in a library...and I barely can fathom having even to ask to see his membership card.

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