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Savage Midnight: Armored Up an Rolling Heavy for ETL-Pg.109


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Awesome, but what's with the one golden stripe on the back of the close combat weapon? It looks out of place.

It looks like a name banner. Maybe for kill counts?


Still, I keep getting this image of some poor soul looking up an going "It's a snowflake!" and then death.

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Awesome, but what's with the one golden stripe on the back of the close combat weapon? It looks out of place.

It looks like a name banner. Maybe for kill counts?

Still, I keep getting this image of some poor soul looking up an going "It's a snowflake!" and then death.

Death... like an avalanche coming down the mountain.

(I think Quixus was talking about the little stripe below the name banner)

I feel sad for the regular knight. It looks like it is coming together awesome, and yet there's a voice in my head that's all excited going "Castigator Castigator Castigator!" woot.gif I blame the sword.

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Morning folks!

Knight is all finished up from the waist down ^_^



@ KBA - Thanks! Yeah, that amused me too ^_^

@ Quixis - Oh, just hadn't started in on the golds yet.

@ STD - Thanks! I feel like I'm slowly becoming more legit.

@ Forte - I know right? It's always cool to see how their skills improve, their ideas and conversions change, and how it all comes together to make a unique log.

@ Kol - Hah! Perfect. Death Snowflake.

@ TJWyrm - That is a pretty awesome visual.

I'm excited to start in on the Castigator as well... but mine won't have a sword msn-wink.gif

@ Kol x2 - Yep yep! Just started in on it actually. The golds actually take the longest out of all of the colors on this thing b/c they are like 6 steps.

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Now I want to get a Warhound and name it "Death by Snowflake" with the motto "I might be small, but I herald a greater storm".


EDIT: That is copyrighted and trademarked and patented. By me. At 2:41 PM EST, Saturday, 22 November, 2014. :D

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Stepping gently past the refrences i don't understand (but an quickly going to find out about)...

A glacial knight? interesting.... and whats to become of your other knight? another night lord titan or glacial knight?



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What have I told you about practicing freehand? Bad Flint! Bad!

Ok, it's not that bad, but two pointers; try to avoid writing with the brush as you would a pen, or you end up with with angular, quasi-caligraphic letters which are very clearly the product of a paintbrush, and secondly, thin layers are better than thick ones- that snowflake has some clumpy bits.

For the first problem, there's a relatively simple solution, but it's not easily explained without a visual aid (which I don't have). Basically, you always want to be pulling the brush pointed in the direction of the line. Angle your wrist and turn the model to do this. For instance, if you write a lower case 't,' when you draw the line going up and down, the brush is pointed up as you drag it down. When you cross the 't,' you turn the brush or the model so that the point is moving left to right, rather than keeping the brush pointed upwards and dragging it sideways. That way you get two even, thin lines, rather than a thin upward line and a fat sideways line.

It's trickier with circular letters, because your wrist really isn't meant to bend like that, and you won't always be able to manipulate the model well. But take your time, and don't try to paint the letter in one swoop of the brush . Draw a bit of the letter, adjust, draw more, adjust, etc.

On a more positive note, you're doing a great job keeping the white panels fairly smooth, and the gold is annoyingly excellent. Also, the Contemptor ax turned out wonderfully smile.png

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Firepower meant well I'm sure with his "bad flint" (I imagined him spraying you with a plant sprayer) msn-wink.gifbiggrin.png
But I do agree with him: the Knight deserves the skill you have and I believe you can do better than what you did - on the banner. I'm absolutely in love with the paint job on the Knight itself, the colours used and the way you applied them (and that gold, ooooh that gorgeous gold of yours), the colour scheme (I like the way you mirrored the scheme on his feet) and his pose (nicely done btw). But the banner... nope. You can do better than that and I think firepower gave you excellent tips. Try to mix some water in your paints to make it more runny. Practice on your thumb nail or some other similar surface.

Try to map out your design beforehand. Ron did some awesome articles on it.



and a nice tutorial by Volomir, with great further references and links


Come on Flint! Do that excellently painted Knight justice with a banner freehanded with your awesome skillz!! biggrin.pngthumbsup.gif

Edit: 'paints'. Not 'points'.

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Nice handling of the pale colors Flint!

I'm curious how your gold is 6 steps though. Would be interested in knowing how you did it, however, since more paint recipes in my 'memory banks' is never a bad thing,

Also, about the new avatar, I'm going with :


..then again I did have a testosterone fueled 'dark' phase (that I never really grew out of) when I was younger so, all in all, thumbsup.gif !

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Afternoon folks! Finished up the Reaper blade today.


@ Kol - Darn it! That is *sooo* steal-able too. Heh, "Death Snowflake" sounds like an amusing sobriquet for this Knight, just like "baby chubbie" was for my shawty Storm Eagle.

@ Skrall - Depends on the references, my work tends to be rife with them happy.png

Obviously, Frozen a bit, but I try not to be too heavy handed. Most of the iconography of this Knight is centered around the Knightly house of dan Elsan, the homebrew one from my little campaign thread. Their motto being, "Ice and Ash!" or Glacies et Cineris ^_^


@ Firepower - Thanks for the advice! I'm sitting down with it tonight to pretty it up a bit

I am content with the fact you find my gold technique "annoyingly" proficient :D

@ Augustus - Ah, the mirrored toes. That is actually (hilariously) my favorite part of the knight so far.

Thanks for those links too! I'mma study them in earnest. Totally not practicing on my nails though, this hobby has already jacked up *waaaay* too many manicures tongue.png

@ Daemon2027 - Thanks! I like this avatar. She seems to be popular. I'm kinda emo myself, so she speaks to me as a wanna-be goth kid.

@ Atia - Thanks, lady-bro! I have a bit of a passion for winter themes and colors, so I feel like white, blue and purple are pretty practiced for me. Glad you like my avvy too. She's probably my favorite.

@ Slipstreams - Sure thing! (chill on the memes though, plz)

Painting Flintinian Gold (all paints are Vallejo, all washes are Gdubs)

1.) Tinny tin basecoat, failing that a dark brown. Doesn't make a huge diff.

2.) Glorious gold layer (cover all the tin/brown)

3a.) Really light (30% or so wash/water ratio) wash of Agrax Earthshade, concentrating on the crevices.

3b.) 50/50 watered wash of Druchii violet

D.) High light with 50/50 mix of Glorious Gold and Steel

5.) Itttttty bitty edge highlight of just Steel

6.) 50/50 watered wash of Gryphonne sepia.

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Thanks Flint! And don't worry on the Memes, I had a massive (thought about it for ~5-10mins) internal debate on if I should use it and decided to risk it...


Washing gold with a Violet is new to me, curious how that looks pre-speia..

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Thanks Flint! And don't worry on the Memes, I had a massive (thought about it for ~5-10mins) internal debate on if I should use it and decided to risk it...

Washing gold with a Violet is new to me, curious how that looks pre-speia..

Lots of gold recipes involve greens and purples. Gold is a very weird color, and there's a lot more to it than browns/yellows. Although it's just plain mean to post recipes that require Gryphonne Sepia tongue.png

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Sigh. I really gotta find some scratch to invest in vallejo golds. All the best recipes seem to use them. dry.png

I still use Shining Gold. But will be moving to the Vallejo Model Air range for metallics. The two I've used so far brush on really smoothly.

Can I recommend too that instead of using Steel or Silver to highlight gold/brass/etc, use Vallejo Metallic Medium instead. Just make sure you thin it with another medium (thinner or glaze) and not water.

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@ Firepower - They really are pretty awesome. GW metallics aren't *bad* I don't think, but I've got these VGC metals watered down to like 50/50 and not a hint of that wacky flakey particle dispersion yet ^_^


@ Slipstreams - Looks like this:




The little ring on the stubber hasn't been treated with brown or purple wash yet, the cannon has. Purple (haven't tried the greens) makes gold a much "richer" deep color, especially if you weight it right in the recesses. 


@ Firepower x 2 - I suppose if you're lame you could use Seraphim or whatevs the young-uns are doing these days. I'm old school. This is what I use to highlight black:




@ Forte - I've got both of the gold colors from the Airbrush range, but I have to say I'm not quite as big a fan. They seem much more "brassy" than rich gold if that makes any sense.


@ Barabbas - Hah, that sounds awesome but a pain to highlight. Trust me, whatever I paint is the lazy girl way. ^_^

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@ Firepower x 2 - I suppose if you're lame you could use Seraphim or whatevs the young-uns are doing these days. I'm old school.

Believe me, if I had more than 1/3 of a bottle left of Gryphonne, I'd be thrilled. I'm outright empty on Badab Black,and that makes me a sad panda sad.png

Those two washes were/are worth their weight in gold.

I'm still using mixes of black and codex grey for my black highlighting. Not looking forward to when I run out of codex grey, either. sad.png

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