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Savage Midnight: Armored Up an Rolling Heavy for ETL-Pg.109


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@ Firepower x 2 - I suppose if you're lame you could use Seraphim or whatevs the young-uns are doing these days. I'm old school. This is what I use to highlight black:



Don't mention Old please, I'm still using Flesh wash and Chestnut Ink, and my Enchanted Blue is from the 2nd Ed Blood Angels paint set :/

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@ Firepower x 2 - I suppose if you're lame you could use Seraphim or whatevs the young-uns are doing these days. I'm old school. This is what I use to highlight black:

Don't mention Old please, I'm still using Flesh wash and Chestnut Ink, and my Enchanted Blue is from the 2nd Ed Blood Angels paint set :/

Same here. Whenever I do green eyes on something, I use a hexagon-shaped, white-capped 2nd edition bottle of Emerald Green. Best green in da 'ole world!

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I also own chestnut ink, blue ink brown ink and the enchanted blue! Just not in as ol a pots as yours (mine ae hexagonal). About half my paints are the hex pots, which GW should never have moved away from

The baner looks great Flint, like the snowflake. Maybe it would be easier to invest in some Sakura micron pens for fiddly freehand and text work smile.png

Just bought a 0.1mm tip sakura and it seems to work really well. Just need other colours besides black and the tattoos and runework will be a breeze smile.png

Cant wait to see thunder daughter done.

Also nice gold recipe, I may have to borrow it for future models (plus the local craft store which I just discovered should be getting a vallejo accout soon Yay!!)

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@ Firepower x 2 - I suppose if you're lame you could use Seraphim or whatevs the young-uns are doing these days. I'm old school. This is what I use to highlight black:

Don't mention Old please, I'm still using Flesh wash and Chestnut Ink, and my Enchanted Blue is from the 2nd Ed Blood Angels paint set :/

Same here. Whenever I do green eyes on something, I use a hexagon-shaped, white-capped 2nd edition bottle of Emerald Green. Best green in da 'ole world!



I've got a pot of that kicking around as well! Really good stuff, but mine's gone off in the last few years. I think I tried reviving it one too many times with plain water. Need to let it evaporate down and add some proper medium maybe. The pigment's still fine, though.


I also own chestnut ink, blue ink brown ink and the enchanted blue! Just not in as ol a pots as yours (mine ae hexagonal). About half my paints are the hex pots, which GW should never have moved away from



Still have all those as well. One weird thing I like about old inks (not washes, mind; inks in the taller skinny pots) is that they remain water soluble after they dry. While this can really screw things up if you're not planning for it, it can be awesome if you ARE planning for it. :D I feel bad that young pups like Flint here will never experience the breadth and depth of older "inferior" paint lines of yore. Unless they invest in off company brands, anyway. 

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That was the 0.1mm sakura pen and less than 1 minute.


Way better control than a brush for text work, comes in a number of colours too... Be good for your banners and such like.


I think the pups was for me, as I am a dyed in the wool, Space Wolf collector ;)  Hope that gets you off the hook Jeff :p
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Hehe...I still have the old Chestnut Wash, Armour Wash, and Emerald Green. Still love the old Fiery Orange and Ruby Red too. Pot lids were a pain once the tag snapped off. Or the lid. But the some of the paints still hold up now all these years later.
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Careful Jeff: calling our Queen a pup will set her off msn-wink.gif

Only one Queen on this board, and that's my Bee.

Oh crap, did I just say that out loud on Flint's thread? I'm in for it.

(Flint and I are cool, so I'm not too worried)

Hehe...I still have the old Chestnut Wash, Armour Wash, and Emerald Green. Still love the old Fiery Orange and Ruby Red too. Pot lids were a pain once the tag snapped off. Or the lid. But the some of the paints still hold up now all these years later.

I keep an IKEA butter knife in my hobby room just for these paints. There's a way to sort of use your finger as a lever and pop them open. Plus, I can use the blade to do things like cut milliput and whatnot. One of my fave hobby tools. I did write "Not for food" or something on it just in case. biggrin.png

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Careful Jeff: calling our Queen a pup will set her off msn-wink.gif

Only one Queen on this board, and that's my Bee.

Oh crap, did I just say that out loud on Flint's thread? I'm in for it.

(Flint and I are cool, so I'm not too worried)

I've started referring to her as Mistress Flint lol


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So, I need an opinion. Apropos of absolutely nothing... (not planning anything, honest!)

Option A


Option B



@ Firepower - Ah, you're going the gray route. I've been trying varying degrees of gray-blue myself happy.png

@ Forte - Yup! Just like that.

@ Jasp - Hah, one of the very few upsides to near crippling insomnia...

@ Barabbass - Here here!

"I will always choose a lazy person to do a difficult job, because he will always find an easy way to do it."

~Bill Gates

@ STD - I still have a pot of Nightshade around here somewhere tongue.png

@ Augustus - Ah, I'm relatively new to trying to paint greens. All of mine are the super new stuff from GW (moot, warpstone, colea greenshade etc)

@ Dantay - I've got a couple micron pens around here somewhere. I'll give 'em a look see! Thx for the examples too happy.png

Let me know how the gold works for you, and let me know if you have any questions

@ J-Tibbs - Hah, young? How old do you people think I am?

@ Augustus x2 - *Snort* True dat. Everyone gets a freebie though.

... but only one. After that it's the claws devil.gif

@ Forte - Ooooh, chestnut wash. That is an old one.

@ J-Tibbs x2 - Haha, the "Queen" Night Lord title is entirely unofficially, I assure you. I like to think of myself more of an angry, stabby princess happy.png

@ STD x3 - HAH! Yeah that works too.

@ Knight - Yeah, that's my other Night Lords thread tongue.png and thanks!

@ Dark Bjoern - Certainly glad to hear you think so.

@ Forte - Maybe... does the above count?

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@ J-Tibbs - Hah, young? How old do you people think I am? 




Hobby young. It's not the same as age young. You can be 72 and 4 years old in the hobby. Which makes me wonder: will I still be playing when I'm that old? I can't imagine ever NOT doing this... I'm sure I will. 


And I prefer A, personally, but it might look too similar to... What the? Wait a minute...


YOU ALREADY HAVE A HELMET FOR YOUR KNIGHT! What are you up to over there? 

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