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Savage Midnight: Armored Up an Rolling Heavy for ETL-Pg.109


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Why would the skull mask make you think of Keira Knightley? Apart from the fact she is all skin & bone.


And if its a Lannister influence, and you are doing another standard knight, it could be Tyrion, sa the standard knight is pretty stump beside the castigator and lancer..


Could the red be for the adeptus mechanicum?

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Maybe give it a gloss or satin sheen? 


Since this is dry fit, could you maybe give the reaper chainblade arm a more dynamic pose? Like its held aloft on its way down onto some 'unfortunate' victim and still have the head pointed in its direction? Might help with the overall static look most knights have due to having more-or-less mono-posed legs. Maybe have the Battle Cannon arm pointed upwards as if it was Reloading or blocking another blow?


Also, since the vote was for head B, does head A on the base mean that we may soon see a red-and-gold behemoth striding alongside the Midnight Clad and Ice Queen (and others I might've forgotten)?

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Awesome knight so far Flint! I agree with slipstream about the pose - and have a possible idea for the right arm: maybe put a little more distance between the body itself and the elbow, and draw the arm a little to the back, so that the angle between the upper arm and the cannon becomes slightly smaller. This only works with the pose you suggested, namely the knight looking along the chainsward.


Great work so far. Can't wait to see him finished!

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Knight is looking great!


I miss seeing Queen Elsa as your avatar, is there some connection between you not having her, and SlaveToDarkness having a creepy zombified Elsa nowadays?

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Knight is looking great!


I miss seeing Queen Elsa as your avatar, is there some connection between you not having her, and SlaveToDarkness having a creepy zombified Elsa nowadays?

Fun fact: I was wondering the same thing myself. What is she up to? :ph34r:
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@ Slippy and Augustus - Something like this?


@ Knight of the Raven - Glad you like her elbows :D

That blue did come out really pretty didn't it?

As much as I'd like to, I shall keep the Frozen references slightly more subtle

@ Slipstreams - I can't just *tell* you what I'm doing with the red and gold helm :P

@ STD - Thanks!

@ lokkorex - I know right? That Elsa as Conan pic was perfect for me. She was like my Mod graduation present to myself ^_^

But I have a vicious psychological need to change my avatar at least every other week. As awesome as she was, it was starting to get to me. Plus this one totally says "psychotic Night Lord fangirl" like a charm devil.gif

@ Ludovic - Up to exactly zero things! Why won't anyone believe me?

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If the head will face and look the way I think it will, then yes I think thats what we meant? (I'm feeling bossy as I type this :( ) Have you tried having it in a Vertical Slash instead of Horizontal?


2nd Part : The urge to meme is high! But, oh well, at least it makes every reveal fun :p

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Afternoon folks. Just taking today to put the finishing touches on my first GW knight.

In the meantime however...

I wanna play a game. Guess that legion!


Ok to be fair, that could be a couple of them and you really can't see his psychic hood from this angle (totally exists though!). Does his buddy help? biggrin.png


I'll give you a hint, it's a legion I haven't tried my hand at yet happy.png


@ STD - A bit. I cleaned it up and redid the snowflake.

@ Slipstreams - Don't feel bossy for loosing a bit of constructive crit! I always appreciate it.

@ Jasp - Just wait, I'll have something plenty gory shortly happy.png

@ Augustus - Yay! Glad to hear it.

@ Firepower - Oh, you know... If I *actually* painted them, they wouldn't be quite as vindictively wrathful. Seems out of my hands really biggrin.png

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