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Savage Midnight: Armored Up an Rolling Heavy for ETL-Pg.109


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This is the sexiest thing I've seen all day. Brilliant use of that MK III command armor for a 1Kson.

~strikes a pose~

How about now? msn-wink.gif

You know Flint, there's still time to save him. Just trim off his hood, trade in the spear for a fist, and I might look the other way... No I won't, but at least he'd burn with some dignity left. furious.gif

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Oh wow, that was a lot of replies. Thanks guys!

Here we go:


Well, to put paid to the "mystery" here they are all dolled up.

They were both crafted for my campaign thread as a sort of (spiteful devil.gif ) prelude to a new contributor that will hopefully be joining in shortly. The full pics and fluff are linked below. Enjoy! biggrin.png



@ Firepower - Oh, I have totally done 9th legion before tongue.png

And we've had this discussion. Night Lords aren't heretics per se. We just figured out what the Emperor was up to and decided it wasn't our jam.

@ Helterskelter - Oh, that wacky salvo gun from Conquest? It does look pretty hot!

The sword from the jump pack guy is from the plastic Dark Elf executioner command.

@ Teetengee - Close!

@ Anaziel - Well I'm not just going to tell you happy.png

@ STD - Mebbe...

@ Augustus - What says Thousand Sons about the first guy? I was worried he looked a little too Sons of Horus-y.

@ Slipstreams - Hope they hold up to your expectations.

@ Jaspcat - I already did one white and red legion!

@ YFNPsycho - I could totally see Salamanders on the first one.

@ TJWyrm - I have indeed been practicing the red. How'd I do, was it worth it?

@ J-Tibbs - Glaives 'n Hoods gives it away, huh?

@ STD x2 - I totally worked a few wolves in there devil.gif

Call of what now?

@ KBA - Wow, that's pretty high praise coming from you. Thanks bunches!

I've had that MKIII set sitting around forever and *had* to do something with it, haha.

@ Firepower x2 - But that hood was so much work to shave off a Gray Knight and get it in there in the first place...

@ Knight of the Raven - HAH! Awesome...

@ DSS7 - Half right, haha.

@ Tarvick - Hey buddy! Glad to see you stop in again! How's things?

@ Salvation of Reason - I know right? Your Thousand Sons are *legit*

@ Chaptermasterdemon - Got it right in one happy.png

@ Recon - thumbsup.gif

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The sword gave him away, especially in combination with the reaver body and the jump pack and his pose. His chin up, looking down through the crosshairs of his pistol - almost arogantly, as if it is gauche even to use it in favour of his mental powers.

They look fricking awesome. You *need* to give me your red recipe. Now. Please? biggrin.png

Edit: sward... swOrd!

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Aye, not bad for some heretic witches.... Seriously though, some nice work, I like the brassy gold trim on them.


You are putting many of us to shame at the speed and quality that you paint at...

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You are putting many of us to shame at the speed and quality that you paint at...

This times a thousand. To churn out the quality and quantity that's been spilling out of this thread makes me pause for a sec and wonder what kind of arcane deals you've struck with Satan in order to slow down time wherever it is you model and paint. If it cost you your soul, well it was worth it tongue.png

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Hey guys!

Thought I would take an extra bit and show my personal little take on two of the symbols of the Cult-Temples of the Thousand Sons.

I have been on a *serious* Dresden Files bender over the last couple of weeks, which always gets my fluff writing kicked into high gear. I also love how fire is used and explained as the awesome weapon it is. Pyromancy is such a neat combat discipline, I really wanted one of my own. Thus, Temple Magus Kohan.

So traditionally, the Pyrae cult (and Khalophis, my absolute favorite character from McNeil's novel) wore a symbol of a phoenix. I knew I totally couldn't get that down adequately, so I went with this. Still avian, but waaaay simpler, which made me happy after a few tries:


Secondly, I knew I really wanted to include an adept of the Pavoni temple. The biomancy discipline is probably the most fascinating for me. Just all the awesome possibilities being able to completely control your own body chemistry opens up is amazing for so many reasons. Also, I love Hathor Maat. It makes me super happy that McNeil describes him like the ultimate in anime Bishonen. Hilarity.

And thus, Harem Tul, Seneschal to Magus Kohan.

A "colorful feather" would probably clash a bit with the gold, red and white I had going on, so I went with a monochrome one. I'm really happy with how it turned out.


and replies!

@ Slipstreams - Glad to hear it!

@ Augustus - Ah, gotcha. I'm super glad that he looks like he has as much character as I was hoping for.

My red recipe is pretty stupid simple, which of course it is, b/c I'm lazy... It is amusing b/c its one of the rare times I mix Vallejo and GW paints though. I was surprised they didn't rebel and cause weird chemical reactions :D

Black Primed

1.) VGC Scarlett red

B.) Wash 50/50 diluted Druchii violet

3.) Layer VGC Gory red

4.) Edge highlight with GW Evil Sunz

5.) Wash Carroburg crimson.

I didn't think it came out amazingly, but I'm glad you like it! ^_^

@ STD - Thanks!

@ Atia - Thanks, girl! Always appreciate it.

I suppose I have to work a bit of icy charm in there somewhere whether it's bases or force weapons. It is in my official title after all :D

@ Forte - Thanks!

@ Dantay - Thanks buddy! I feel like progress is pretty glacial some days though.

And heretical? You're just mad b/c I torched some wolves devil.gif

@ KBA - I'm certainly glad you think so! No deals with Satan, just sustenance via sushi, entertainment via Netflix, and spine correction via a foam roller. And a bit of insomnia for funsies.

@ Anaziel - No worries, it's the thought that counts ^_^

@ Lokkorex - Haha, yep.

Finished him on day 1 of the March of Legions event. That would be 9 pages and about 200 posts ago :D

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Looking good, the first symbols looks close to a talon which gives the impression of a Phoenix and the white feather goes nicely with the scheme I think.


Yuno gasai avatar this time, definitely goes with your night lords.

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