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Savage Midnight: Armored Up an Rolling Heavy for ETL-Pg.109


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I like them, Flint. There's a part of me that always thinks it's super brave to take on a chapter that ForgeWorld hasn't really tackled yet, and you've done that. I like your reasoning and justification for the symbols and the freehand just keeps getting better.

It's worth a mention as well that the more I see your painting style, I actually don't really want you to "get better." It's not that I don't want you to progress, mind. What I mean by that is you've really nailed the painterly quality non-blended highlights. Most evident in the white cape you've just done. It's really refreshing compared to the overly airbrushed, superclean style that's so common these days (nothing wrong with it, per se, don't get me wrong). I feel like it captures the style of the current artwork really well, with a clear image but some areas dropping into a sketchy look. Digital painting is often like that, and I think it lends itself very well to grimdark.

Anyway, stop getting better, would you? msn-wink.gif

EDIT: It's come to my attention that some might read my comment as trying to reopen the argument against "better" painting styles. That was not my intention as I'd quite forgotten that argument. I even went out of my way to say that there's nothing wrong with the "airbrushed, superclean" style. I didn't edit that portion of my comment at all. At any rate, I stand by what I said and I'm happy to defend it publicly. I like Flint's style. That doesn't mean I dislike anyone else's style at all. It's not a zero-sum game where liking her stuff takes something away from the amazing bevy of Golden Demon-quality painters on this board at all. I'm confident that few painters would be offended by me encouraging Flint to (not) improve her painting style. :D Hit me up via direct message if that rubs you the wrong way, peeps. Sorry if I offended anyone at all.

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'Member that time I said I was going to build and paint a tabletop quality Slaaneshi warband for Call of Chaos? 


S'kay, I didn't either! :D


This one will soon be joined by four of his brethren and a Terminator handler. 


Sodomiel of the Razored Orchid Terminators






@ Dark Rage - Thanks! S'all about managing maximum effect for minimum effort with me. Glad they look good. 


And I love Yuno quite a bit. She'd make a badass Night Lord :D


@ J-Tibbs - Hah! The term "Joanna Blanchette" gets tossed around in reference to my "unique" painting style quite often. Happy to hear it works!


@ lokkorex - No worries, I totally did too until I went back and looked it up.


@ TJWyrm - Thanks! I feel like ice blue is one of the few things I can point at and say "I do that pretty damn well" so I try to work it in as a contrasting color here and there.


Kohan's little blue gem on his chest plate was particularly satisfying.  


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I like them, Flint. There's a part of me that always thinks it's super brave to take on a chapter that ForgeWorld hasn't really tackled yet, and you've done that. I like your reasoning and justification for the symbols and the freehand just keeps getting better.

It's worth a mention as well that the more I see your painting style, I actually don't really want you to "get better." It's not that I don't want you to progress, mind. What I mean by that is you've really nailed the painterly quality non-blended highlights. Most evident in the white cape you've just done. It's really refreshing compared to the overly airbrushed, superclean style that's so common these days (nothing wrong with it, per se, don't get me wrong). I feel like it captures the style of the current artwork really well, with a clear image but some areas dropping into a sketchy look. Digital painting is often like that, and I think it lends itself very well to grimdark.

Anyway, stop getting better, would you? msn-wink.gif

EDIT: It's come to my attention that some might read my comment as trying to reopen the argument against "better" painting styles. That was not my intention as I'd quite forgotten that argument. I even went out of my way to say that there's nothing wrong with the "airbrushed, superclean" style. I didn't edit that portion of my comment at all. At any rate, I stand by what I said and I'm happy to defend it publicly. I like Flint's style. That doesn't mean I dislike anyone else's style at all. It's not a zero-sum game where liking her stuff takes something away from the amazing bevy of Golden Demon-quality painters on this board at all. I'm confident that few painters would be offended by me encouraging Flint to (not) improve her painting style. biggrin.png Hit me up via direct message if that rubs you the wrong way, peeps. Sorry if I offended anyone at all.

TBH I think the whole airbrushed thing takes the soul (and skill) out of panting, like using photoshop isnt photography. I love the fact that Flint uses a brush and get stuck in with the model, and paints the way it should be done

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That pastel pink is wonderful, the contrast between it and the black trim looks great.

I must say I like the use of the Warp Talon Lightning Claws, they look bulky enough to still work on TDA but a lot more flexible, plus that electric blue works brilliantly against the pink and black. :)


So, um... What's in the sack? <.<

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Razored Orchid eh? Catchy.

He's pretty good over all. You get a bit sloppy with the pink here and there, washing out the deep purple shading, but I'm not sure it would be worth going back to correct. It's probably best sometimes to just say "Done!" and move on to the next project. laugh.png

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I like them, Flint. There's a part of me that always thinks it's super brave to take on a chapter that ForgeWorld hasn't really tackled yet, and you've done that. I like your reasoning and justification for the symbols and the freehand just keeps getting better.

It's worth a mention as well that the more I see your painting style, I actually don't really want you to "get better." It's not that I don't want you to progress, mind. What I mean by that is you've really nailed the painterly quality non-blended highlights. Most evident in the white cape you've just done. It's really refreshing compared to the overly airbrushed, superclean style that's so common these days (nothing wrong with it, per se, don't get me wrong). I feel like it captures the style of the current artwork really well, with a clear image but some areas dropping into a sketchy look. Digital painting is often like that, and I think it lends itself very well to grimdark.

Anyway, stop getting better, would you? msn-wink.gif

EDIT: It's come to my attention that some might read my comment as trying to reopen the argument against "better" painting styles. That was not my intention as I'd quite forgotten that argument. I even went out of my way to say that there's nothing wrong with the "airbrushed, superclean" style. I didn't edit that portion of my comment at all. At any rate, I stand by what I said and I'm happy to defend it publicly. I like Flint's style. That doesn't mean I dislike anyone else's style at all. It's not a zero-sum game where liking her stuff takes something away from the amazing bevy of Golden Demon-quality painters on this board at all. I'm confident that few painters would be offended by me encouraging Flint to (not) improve her painting style. biggrin.png Hit me up via direct message if that rubs you the wrong way, peeps. Sorry if I offended anyone at all.

TBH I think the whole airbrushed thing takes the soul (and skill) out of panting, like using photoshop isnt photography. I love the fact that Flint uses a brush and get stuck in with the model, and paints the way it should be done

first off apologies to flint as this is a response to the comment and no slight to her painting at all.

i feel that slaves comment could have been better constructed as saying airbrushing takes the soul and skill out of painting is misleading and could be seen as inflammatory.

airbrushing is a skill in its own right and something i am dabbling with (admittedly without great success) and i only wish i could achieve the results others have.

indeed many modellers use airbrushes to get base layers down quickly and then get in with the paintbrush for the other work

there was a member on these very boards called DV8 who made remarkable airbrushed models and is a very good example .

to say paint brushing is the "way it should be done "suggests there is a right and wrong way to paint.

art is a very vast and diverse area with many techniques and one should follow what feels right for themselves,if all the great artists did things the same ,art would be very boring .

to sum up this is not intended to get a reaction just to give another perspective after all i use paintbrushes myself

keep plogging away flint and enjoying what you are doing

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I like them, Flint. There's a part of me that always thinks it's super brave to take on a chapter that ForgeWorld hasn't really tackled yet, and you've done that. I like your reasoning and justification for the symbols and the freehand just keeps getting better.

It's worth a mention as well that the more I see your painting style, I actually don't really want you to "get better." It's not that I don't want you to progress, mind. What I mean by that is you've really nailed the painterly quality non-blended highlights. Most evident in the white cape you've just done. It's really refreshing compared to the overly airbrushed, superclean style that's so common these days (nothing wrong with it, per se, don't get me wrong). I feel like it captures the style of the current artwork really well, with a clear image but some areas dropping into a sketchy look. Digital painting is often like that, and I think it lends itself very well to grimdark.

Anyway, stop getting better, would you? msn-wink.gif

EDIT: It's come to my attention that some might read my comment as trying to reopen the argument against "better" painting styles. That was not my intention as I'd quite forgotten that argument. I even went out of my way to say that there's nothing wrong with the "airbrushed, superclean" style. I didn't edit that portion of my comment at all. At any rate, I stand by what I said and I'm happy to defend it publicly. I like Flint's style. That doesn't mean I dislike anyone else's style at all. It's not a zero-sum game where liking her stuff takes something away from the amazing bevy of Golden Demon-quality painters on this board at all. I'm confident that few painters would be offended by me encouraging Flint to (not) improve her painting style. biggrin.png Hit me up via direct message if that rubs you the wrong way, peeps. Sorry if I offended anyone at all.

TBH I think the whole airbrushed thing takes the soul (and skill) out of panting, like using photoshop isnt photography. I love the fact that Flint uses a brush and get stuck in with the model, and paints the way it should be done

first off apologies to flint as this is a response to the comment and no slight to her painting at all.

i feel that slaves comment could have been better constructed as saying airbrushing takes the soul and skill out of painting is misleading and could be seen as inflammatory.

airbrushing is a skill in its own right and something i am dabbling with (admittedly without great success) and i only wish i could achieve the results others have.

indeed many modellers use airbrushes to get base layers down quickly and then get in with the paintbrush for the other work

there was a member on these very boards called DV8 who made remarkable airbrushed models and is a very good example .

to say paint brushing is the "way it should be done "suggests there is a right and wrong way to paint.

art is a very vast and diverse area with many techniques and one should follow what feels right for themselves,if all the great artists did things the same ,art would be very boring .

to sum up this is not intended to get a reaction just to give another perspective after all i use paintbrushes myself

keep plogging away flint and enjoying what you are doing

I'll re-phrase that to - IMHO I think airbrushing isn't all that, sure there is some top notch airbrush work out there, but to me it doesn't seem to have the same feel as a brush painted mini, I can (again personal opinion) live with airbrushing a base colour down (after all I used Mephiston red spray for my ETL wordbearers) but I (myself) couldn't bring myself to do everything with an airbrush, in my eyes it just looks too clinical and soul less. I prefer looking at (for example Forte work) minis painted with flawless blending done with a brush, where you know the painter sweated over it making it the masterpiece it is.

I do apologize for my earlier comment, I could have worded it better, I am sorry to say that real life problems clouded my judgement in what I was replying, there is no right or wrong way to enjoy your panting/hobby, I should have said the 'Traditional' way. Again I am truly sorry (Amazing how many times I have said that in the past 12 hours lol) for any offence to anybody who use airbrushes.

On topic, keep up the good work Flint :tu:

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airbrushing is a skill in its own right and something i am dabbling with (admittedly without great success) and i only wish i could achieve the results others have.

indeed many modellers use airbrushes to get base layers down quickly and then get in with the paintbrush for the other work

there was a member on these very boards called DV8 who made remarkable airbrushed models and is a very good example .

to say paint brushing is the "way it should be done "suggests there is a right and wrong way to paint.

art is a very vast and diverse area with many techniques and one should follow what feels right for themselves,if all the great artists did things the same ,art would be very boring .

to sum up this is not intended to get a reaction just to give another perspective after all i use paintbrushes myself

keep plogging away flint and enjoying what you are doing

STD addressed this nicely sufficiently (kudos to him for doing so) but as an airbrush-base-and-brush-for-all-the-rest-painter myself I can only say AMEN to the above!! :tu:

His pose seems wonky IMO.

While hitchhiking from Casablanca to Marseille in 2001, I got a ride from a Morrocan guy who turned out to be a university teacher. He taught me an quote I have clung to ever since: "When we criticize, let's show how to fix the faults we find. Approve or improve."

You are cordially invited to explain what you think makes him look wonky and how to improve on it. smile.png (no beef, mate :tu:)

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airbrushing is a skill in its own right and something i am dabbling with (admittedly without great success) and i only wish i could achieve the results others have.

indeed many modellers use airbrushes to get base layers down quickly and then get in with the paintbrush for the other work

there was a member on these very boards called DV8 who made remarkable airbrushed models and is a very good example .

to say paint brushing is the "way it should be done "suggests there is a right and wrong way to paint.

art is a very vast and diverse area with many techniques and one should follow what feels right for themselves,if all the great artists did things the same ,art would be very boring .

to sum up this is not intended to get a reaction just to give another perspective after all i use paintbrushes myself

keep plogging away flint and enjoying what you are doing

STD addressed this nicely sufficiently (kudos to him for doing so) but as an airbrush-base-and-brush-for-all-the-rest-painter myself I can only say AMEN to the above!! thumbsup.gif

His pose seems wonky IMO.

While hitchhiking from Casablanca to Marseille in 2001, I got a ride from a Morrocan guy who turned out to be a university teacher. He taught me an quote I have clung to ever since: "When we criticize, let's show how to fix the faults we find. Approve or improve."

You are cordially invited to explain what you think makes him look wonky and how to improve on it. smile.png (no beef, mate thumbsup.gif)

Really I had no idea.... tongue.png

I'm not sure how to put it since no one else said anything. It's like he can't decide what he's doing, is he taunting, mid action pose or attacking?

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Really I had no idea.... tongue.png

I'm not sure how to put it since no one else said anything. It's like he can't decide what he's doing, is he taunting, mid action pose or attacking?

Aha! I see what you mean. And I knida agree - but maybe this is his tactic, you know. Getting your foe to second guess himself and then step in for the killing blow. Or just annoy the :cuss out of the foe and delight in the aggravated emotion. I could see a Slaaneshi terminator doing that. ;)

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