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Savage Midnight: Armored Up an Rolling Heavy for ETL-Pg.109


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Evening folks!

Lookit what I finished.

Squad Barbed Hyacinth stands ready to rend the foes of the Cult of the Fanged Blossom!


Replies. Thanks everyone. Always glad to hear what everyone has to say. Always keeps my hobby batteries charged.

@ Slipstreams - How else should pink be, besides eye searing and awesome? :D

@ STD - Nah, airbrushing is just a different way of getting different results. Some girls bodybuild, some girls power lift. Both are cool.

@ Jaspcat - Hah! ... I am subtlety incarnate. The rest of the squad are also hilarious and mini-easter eggs as well.

@ Daemon2027 - Thanks! Metallics are awesome, but I wanted to see what a chaos marine without a lot of metal trim looked like. Glad it seems to be going well!

@ SanguiniousReborn - Black and pink is my IRL favorite outfit combo, so I was excited to try it in mini form.

I think the two WT lightning claws that have hands to them are just big enough to look a little cartoony on a power armored model. The ones that just have claw fingers look good, but these I think look better on a larger model.

As to what's in the sack... His lunch... why do you ask? huh.png

@ Forte - HAH! ... with Shornaal... it's a sexy lunch.

@ Sanguinious x2 - Yep, that happens. Too late now though, the entire internet has seen it.

@ Kol - Glad to hear it! Hopefully it becomes a Chaos thing.

@ Augustus - Thanks. I had fun picking out names for the rest of the squad too! biggrin.png

@ Balth - Awe, don't feel like that. I want to think I inspire rather than intimidate.

@ Firepower - Yep! Terminator Squad Razored Orchid, Combat Support Squad Barbed Hyacinth and Fire Support Squad Jagged Violet. All make up the Cult of the Fanged Blossom.

I know what you mean. There are a few places on the model that are seriously bugging me, but I set myself a super firm 2 hour time limit on each Terminator sized mini, from basecoat to basing.

@ Daemonclaw - No worries, he fixed it. I just had Forte beat him for me thumbsup.gif

@ Tanith Ghost - Wonky like he's dancing or wonky like he's on drugs? Either could be (and probably are) applicable.

@ Tarvick - Glad to hear! I should be able to crank another of the Razored Orchid out this weekend... now which one do I want to tackle next... decisions... devil.gif

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Still waiting for the say you run out of ideas and name a Squad "pointy Petunia" :p


Don't worry I have faith in your Imagination! And if pink doesn't sear my retinas, its not being done right. Luckily thats what you're doing!

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Flint they look amazing wub.png :WUB2: from what I can see from a small picture your silvers look really good, It was only a week or so it seems where you were getting advice off people on the best way to highlight a silver blade you did.

Seeing you crank out minis so fast with improvements every time truly is an insperation

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Hey guys. Wanna see my favoritest Raven?


Also my entry for the XIX March of Legions.




Alastor Rushal
XIX VIII Legion,  Commander LXXXIX Company
The Tongueless, The Raven of the Eighth






@ Slipstreams - Haha, hopefully no time soon. Glad to hear the pink is suitably hazardous to your eyesight.


 @ Jaspcat - Of course. Wouldn't be Slaaneshi if it wasn't ridiculous.


@ STD - Thanks! Always glad to hear I inspire. I like to think I'm a pretty quick learner ^_^ 

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Hey guys. Wanna see my favoritest Raven?

Also my entry for the XIX March of Legions.






Alastor Rushal

XIX VIII Legion, Commander LXXXIX Company

The Tongueless, The Raven of the Eighth


@ Slipstreams - Haha, hopefully no time soon. Glad to hear the pink is suitably hazardous to your eyesight.

@ Jaspcat - Of course. Wouldn't be Slaaneshi if it wasn't ridiculous.

@ STD - Thanks! Always glad to hear I inspire. I like to think I'm a pretty quick learner happy.png

Well, I know a Night Lords player whos trying to reproduce this particular Raven of the VIII. I'll point him in this direction for inspiration :p

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Rushal looks great, for a traitor. The terror mask is suitably terrorific and you did a great gem effect on the eye lens.


Any chance of a view from the top? I am intrigued to see the weapon in his right hand and it's a little hard to make out in the photos

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@ Dantay - This work? happy.png

Ah, the glassy effect for the eye lenses is stupid simple (which of course it is, b/c I'm lazy). Just a normal highlight progression, dark red, band of lighter red, white dot for reflection, and a small swipe of liquid gloss after I matte coat the rest of the model. Same thing I do for actual gemstones.


Technically Alastor is supposed to use a Meteor Hammer, but I thought a barb-hook lash was similar enough and a little more 8th legion-y.

Also, I really like how his Terror mark came out. It's probably my favorite of all the ones I've done so far. It's weird, the method just clicked for me, and it turned out really well.

@ Slipstreams - Always happy to inspire. Let me know if there are any questions I could assist with.

@ Candles - Thanks!

The little stitched skin thingie? It's from a WoC Marauder box set. Over on the square-based side of the fence, I play Beastmen, Warriors of Chaos and Chaos Dwarves, so I have *plenty* of fun, evil conversion bits.

@ Helter - I know what you mean. The chain looks a little short to me too, but I couldn't find another way to wind it without obscuring the lightning strikes on his right thigh. Oh well, glad it looks cool otherwise though happy.png

@ Barabbas - Thanks! For a pet XIX, I like him too!

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Aluciel of the Razored Orchid




@ Dantay - Thanks! That was my thinking exactly ^_^


@ Dark Bjoern - Mhmm, me too. I tried to bridge the visual gap as well I could. 


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Still Eye Searing Pink so thats good :tu: 


Where'd you get the sword and Shoulders? They look real nice! And maybe its just me, but I don't understand his knees :9

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