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Savage Midnight: Armored Up an Rolling Heavy for ETL-Pg.109


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Lasciel of the Razored Orchid


The Razored Orchid at half bloom


Oh wow, that was a lot of replies for one goofy terminator. Thanks everyone! I always love to hear what you have to say. Keeps the hobby batteries charged.

Wait... this plog is just short of 60 subscribers... are you guys sure you're hitting the right buttons? That seems unprecedented biggrin.png

Well, either way, glad to have everyone!

@ Slipstreams - They're both from the WoC plastic Chaos Knights. That thing is a treasure trove for CSM players, lemme tell you. What about his knees? Like... how they work? How they look? What they're made of? happy.png

@ Angrypants - Dead on it, Sir.

@ Hushrong - Glad to hear it! ... All going according to keikaku...

@ Tarvick - Thanks! How does this new one look? I was a little worried that Aluciel's sword would look a little cartoonishly large, and I suppose it still does, but I'm more ok with it on a 40k model than I would be with a 30k one.

@ Augustus - Thanks! It doesn't make his ass look fat though? biggrin.png

@ Kol - I would assume so. Kinda like a less curvy Kopesh?

@ Dantay - More a Chaos Knight halberd, but it does look very Sica-esque doesn't it?

@ Der_H - Thanks!

@ Dark Rage - Appreciate it!

@ Apologist - HA! That's another BnC celeb to check off my bucket list! tongue.png

I dunno how much of a "pleasure" a lot of it is, but thanks for stopping in and saying hi!

@ Knight of the Raven - HAH! Who is Shornaal for, if not the kids? woot.gif

Haha, just kidding! (but not really)

That pic totally made my evening, though.

@ MagicMan - Ah, what is Slaanesh if not sweet? Glad to hear they evoke thoughts of sugary treats. The perfect camouflage for luring the chubby, soft bellied hab workers of M41 to their inescapable doom.

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The way I saw the knees made them look like 2 dimensional rectangles that just jutted out from his legs at a weird angle.


...though the additional pictures helped me see them right :p

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The way I saw the knees made them look like 2 dimensional rectangles that just jutted out from his legs at a weird angle.


...though the additional pictures helped me see them right :p

ha! At first I was like "what is he talking about?" But then i scrolled up and looked at the first pic in the first post of this pasge and slipstream's totally right! The knees look super weird in that pic. Luwlz. Can't believe no-one else was weirded out by it- including me. It's totally the angle of the pic though. Almost seems funny because i think even a one degree change and it wouldve been fixed. :tu:



The squad looks awesome Flint.

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I think its a combo of the Hip Plate and the Angle of the Picture that made it come out so weirdly... :p

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Is he finished? I'd wash the chaos star in his cleaver blade so that it's actually noticeable if I were you, or paint the arrows in a contrasting color (orange, or dark red maybe?).

@ Knight of the Raven - HAH! Who is Shornaal for, if not the kids? woot.gif

Haha, just kidding! (but not really)

That pic totally made my evening, though.

Hah, so he's a dark apostle? msn-wink.gif

I don't watch Legend of Korra, but apparently this lady up there has a few episodes of sweet sapphic subtext even though she dates boys (because soccer moms).

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Morning Folks! I'm at a bit of an impasse. I only have two of the squaddies for the Razored Orchid left to paint. Which one should I tackle first? Anti-infantry (left) or anti-armor (right)?



@ Tarvick - Oh, this isn't my normal hobby speed. I just procrastinate like hell when final exams are looming. Suffice to say it may slow a bit by the end of the week.

Between you and me, the wacky "walrus" helms that everyone hates on chaos terminators? Totally my favorite part ever since the end of Void Stalker where ...Xarl I think?... comments he wants to headbutt the hell out of some poor bastard.

@ Slipstreams - Haha, good to hear we corrected any notions of Selena Gomez knees.

@ Cormac - Of course t'was. I did mention I was on a Dresden bender right?

Jury is still out on whether or not an 8th legion pyromancer with the surname Ascher will be in the works biggrin.png

@ Forte - Thanks! I'd like to think my Slaanesh game is on point. Right up there with my Slaaneth accuracy and my Shornaali technique!

@ Augustus - Thanks buddy!

Yeah, I forgot how many little eccentricities the CSM plastic terminators have.

@ Brother Heinrich - You and me both. I'm pretty much just down to painting stuff I think looks cool, so it's all good, haha!

@ Quixus - I wish my sculpty skills were up to that. All of my Razored Orchid, except for the squad leader, have shoulder pads from the WHFB Warriors of Chaos plastic Knight box. That thing is a treasure trove for CSM players.

Also where I got the daemon face for the heavy flamer.

@ Kol - Hah! He does have a bit of a Ryuko Matoi vibe doesn't he?

@ Balth - Exactly what I was going for!

@ Knight - I think I can manage that.

I'm not a big anime fan either, but you have my attention, haha!

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@ Cormac - Of course t'was. I did mention I was on a Dresden bender right?

Jury is still out on whether or not an 8th legion pyromancer with the surname Ascher will be in the works biggrin.png

Yes! The Dresdenverse Cult grows! My Eyes of Tivan WE warband have Summer/Red Court inspiration, and my Highborn EC warband has Winter/White Court inspiration.

I say go for the Ascher. You don't even have to use the name, just let it inspire. Though bonus points if you give his staff terror marks that look like F U E G O. ;)

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