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Savage Midnight: Armored Up an Rolling Heavy for ETL-Pg.109


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I personally really dislike chaos terminator models, but I will say that I like the additions you've added to them. The weapon conversions are seamless and brutal looking. My favorite is the daemon flamer. The color scheme is also very striking. My favorite thing however is the nightmare that Slaithe has, that was terrifyingly creepy!


I just can't wait for you to go back to working on knight titans ;)

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Morning folks! Finished up one of Belucifariel's claws just to give his colo(u)r scheme a test run. Since he's supposed to be slightly a more serious attempt than my Lululemon pink n'black guys, his colors are a little different.


Pink is going to be pretty minimal. His armor will be the blue/white of the horns and skulls I've been using. His trim and wings will be the same blue/black I've been using everywhere else, and his smallest metallic details and his deathmask will be blue shaded silver.




Ugh, I'm going to have to learn to color balance white in photoshop better but this should give a decent idea.



@ Vesper - Thanks! His wings are 3/5s of a box of dark eldar scourges.


@ Slipstreams - Yes it was, don't lie :P


@ SanguiniousReborn - You think so? I always saw him as more of a bishie Blood Angel.


@ Salvation - Yep, dead on it. Haha, not so much pink, but hopefully impressive nonetheless.


@ Basswave - HAH! I'm glad you like my fluff. It felt creepy to write, so I thought I was doing something right :D


As for getting back to Knight Titans... I totally have this castigator de-sprued and glaring at me...


@ Forte - Glad to hear it!


What might you suggest for a bodyguard?


@ Slipstreams x2 - Hmm... I could see it. S'totally why I put that single one on Slaithe's pauldron.


@ Anaziel - Glad to hear it.


@ Helterskelter - Will do!


@ Dorns_Fist - Thanks! But important point, six wings... 'cause Shornaal :D


@ Forte - HAH! Yep, I thought Dorn's comment might grab your attention from wherever by making your Slaanesh sense tingle.


... wait... ew.


@ Barabbas - Close, silver death mask. I thought it would look a little more monotone with the black and white.


@ Augustus - Oh, it has already been brought, sista. :P

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There was a whole thread a while back about how to make talons work. One guy had them run behind a landraider. Maybe you could throw the razored orchid in a land raider and rush behind with lord and retinue if you wanted them a talon retinue. Jump out and murder stuff when you reach the enemy line.
Also, the changes to that lord are wonderful.

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Hey guys, remember that time I built and painted a GW Knight Titan, then forgot about it for a couple weeks? :D

Her she is all dolled up in my campaign thread.


and a little teaser pic.



@ Dark Rage - Thanks! Glad to hear it works.

@ Forte - Well, I'm nothing even approaching a gamer. Talons look hella cool, so they maybe in the works. I only have like 4 boxes sitting around. rolleyes.gif

@ Hushrong - Does he count for both since I've got him on a 60mm base as a prince? :D

@ Teetengee - Truth be told, they'll probably never see a game. I'm much more of a hobbyist than anything else. Improvements look good eh? Sweet.

@ Chaptermasterdaemon - Cool beans! Can't wait to see it.

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Morning folks! 


@ Forte - Sounds like a plan! I'll see what I can rustle up.


@ Slipstreams - Thanks! I'm hoping to put a few weathering tricks I learned on this one to use on the next.


@ Dark Rage - Appreciate it. The GW knights are so mono-pose, I thought I just *had* to do something more fun with mine. I like her little Cap'n Morgan pose :D


And speaking of fun stuff, here's a couple of fun VS! photos and fluff between the righteous Matriarch of House dan Elsan and the wayward progeny, Jacquelyn dan Elsan and her Lancer, Jackal Dawn.


C&C on fluff and hobbying is welcomed and appreciated, as always! ^_^




Julianna dan Elsan saw her brother die.

The hulking form of Wolf of Worlds had burst from the cascading debris of a falling habstack like a marine predator breaching the tidal rush. Before the smaller god-machine even had a chance to readjust its ion shielding, the massive Cerastus pattern had ended its life in a violent beam of black plasma. With a rending crash of crumpling armored plate, Falconer felt to its knees, its face and chest a smoking ruin. There was no way anything biological even remained of Lohan dan Elsan, much less a possibility of life. The Cerastus roared its victory to the sky and with a savage kick to a buckled plastron, sent the smaller machine over backwards in a skidding wash of sediments.


Julianna’s Knight Titan went berserk.

Kara Hakaen’s outraged bellow shook the earth itself as the mortis-cry of the Falconer echoed through the manifold network. With splay-clawed feet tearing the earth and pavement like a blood maddened kharnak, Thunder Daughter charged with barely a hint of suggestion from Julianna. She wouldn’t have even tried to avert the warspirit’s fury in those moments. Her voiced hardened to a flint edged razor as she barked into her vox-com unit.

“Harken, Tremor Child, TO ME!” She felt his own battle fury bleed into the manifold link as he accelerated towards her and the Cerastus.

Her right hand burned with Kara Hakaen’s need to fire everything in her possession at the towering Knight Lancer. Stubbers snapped to life, sending hundreds of medium caliber rounds rattling off the blue and black carapace. Julianna fired the battle cannon and snarled in fury as the high explosive round ricocheted harmlessly off of the Lancer’s ion shield. The sheer size of her father’s once proud Knight, now trailing bloody totems and torn banners, only phased her for a split second as she closed with it. The rage of Thunder Daughter’s need to kill washed any hesitation from her. In the screen of her onboard auspex, Harken’s tag pinged a close range acknowledgement. A second later, her younger brother’s stentorian shout crackled across the internal vox-emitters of the command module.

“Butcher the traitor, for the ICE and ASH!”

The Cerastus turned to face Thunder Daughter as she closed. It waited for her, titan killing lance held in a ready position. Her reaper blade roaring a hateful dirge, Julianna and Kara Hakaen lunged to meet the blue and black leviathan. Directly behind the towering Cerastus, she could see the powerful, hunched form of Kal Hadan, her brother’s Knight Errant, accelerating to close the gap and flank the defiled god-machine.
A savage smile tore Julianna’s lips back from her teeth as her reaper blade screamed across the surface of the Lancer’s gauntlet ion shield. She and Harken would tear a righteous vengeance from her worthless sibling, and she would take great joy in doing it.




They had the massive warmachine backing onto the defensive now, never giving it an opening to bring its titan killing weapon to bear. Julianna rained blows off of the Cerastus’ gauntlet shield as Harken darted in to snap his reaper blade into the vulnerable flanks of the Lancer. It was already bleeding machine oils and lubricants from half a dozen deep wounds. They had it now. Through the hail of information scrolling across Julianna’s manifold uplink, a Unit Disabled/Destroyed warning from her supporting units of Asimarr Quartidecima flashed red before disappearing into the data flow. She paid it no heed and thundered the reaper blade off of the shield once more. She could hear the howl of the ion gauntlet’s capacitors straining to keep charged even over the hammering shriek of her chainsabre.

A vox-link acknowledgement pinged into her consciousness. It was followed shortly thereafter by a voice that made glacial ice run the length of Julianna’s spine.

“Dear sister… did you follow me all this way, only to die screaming?” The words of Baronetta Jacquelyn dan Elsan were lilting, almost sing-song even through the minor vox distortion. If she were feeling the stress of her Knight Titan’s struggles, she let none of it show.

“You will pay for everything you have taken from us, you little bitch.” The hatred in Julianna’s snarl surprised even herself.

“Julianna…” Jacquelyn’s voice turned her sister’s name into the final note of a melodic eulogy, “I’m going to enjoy killing you…”

Julianna heard the link die with a click. Before she could try to reestablish it, another flashing warning from her Asimarr support units scrawled past. Damn it, the Thallaxi units must be getting caught under Kara Hakaen’s feet in the fury of the combat. Two more flew past in the data stream even as she contemplated it. She slashed the datafeed into the corner of her command module with thought just as Kal Haldan brought his chainsabre arcing into the rear of Cerastus Lancer’s left leg. The towering god-machine trumpeted its indignant fury as it crashed to one knee.

Harken’s victorious growl reached Julianna’s ear like the first breath of air to a drowning woman. “Take your kill, Matriarch dan Elsan.”

The red eye lenses of the kneeling Cerastus glared into Julianna’s own eyes, its bladed maw seeming to scream in denied rage. The de facto head of House dan Elsan felt nothing but vindication, and the exultant, righteous fury of her mighty war mount as she brought the chainsabre high overhead.

“Die screaming… dear sister.” Julianna sneered and brought the howling chainsabre down in a decapitating arc.


White hot pain flared in Julianna’s left ankle and Kara Hakaen bucked angrily. Several red warnings of breached coolant lines and damaged servos flashed through her datafeed. The injury, though minor, made the machine's weight shift. Her chainblade glanced obliquely from the upper carapace of Wolf of Worlds, and the Matriarch of House dan Elsan roared in aborted wrath. She could almost see the taunting glee in the visual receptor lenses of the defiled lancer as its head slowly rose from a condemned’s hang . Its serrated fangs no longer screamed in denied rage, but yawned wide in vindicated amusement.

The Cerastus’ arm stabbed forward as it fired its shock lance at waist height and dead zero range. The black rod of plasma blasted through the waist gimbal of Kara Hakaen in a spray of atomized adamantine and ceramite armor plate. Psychosympathetic  pain ripped through Julianna’s groin and abdomen and she vomited a thin line of blood across her instrument panel. Thunder Daughter screamed her agony directly into her matriarch’s mind, paralyzing Julianna with the anguish of her injuries. There was nothing she could do besides flail her arms impotently as Kara Hakaen’s left leg sheared completely away from its hip mount, and sent the god-machine plummeting to the rockcreate roadway.


In the farthest corner of her vision, though unwitnessed and unappreciated, the single surviving support Thallaxi of Asimarr Quartadecima had linked an active vid-feed. Through the grainy pic captures, the loyal machine spirit relayed that its ammunition capacitors had drained completely, but it had tagged the only engageable assailants in the area for future elimination. A single blue-black armored Astartes and a smaller human wearing combat plate could just be made out, clamoring over debris kicked up by the rampaging war gods.




“Julianna!” Harken’s appalled bellow was short lived. Kal Hadan lunged forward, reaper blade screaming, to glance from the red energy field of the gauntlet shield. Dispassionately, the Cerastus shrugged its massive shoulders, sending the sabre wide, and forcing Kal Hadan to over balance to recover. With a shriek of capacitors, the Lancer fired its titan spear into the side armor of the stumbling Tremor Child, blowing the pilot’s cabin and its occupant into molten slag. The mighty war machine completed its over wrought swing, to crash ungracefully into the earth, only meters from its sister engine.

With a howl of protesting servos, the Cerastus Lancer rose to its full height, forcing itself to rise. The red eyes glaring from under a bronzed brow turned again to the prone form of Kara Hakaen. Moaning softly within her pilot’s canopy, Julianna hovered on the edge of psychosympatheic shock. Her mind was barely holding together. The shrieking pain of Thunder Daughter's injuries, the mortis-cry of Kal Hadan still ringing through her synapses. Even then, she still understood the airy, almost amiable words that bled across her cabin’s vox emitters.

“Dear sister… I’m coming for you…



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Morning folks! Took a shot at painting wings, tried out a couple methods and this one looks the best so far. (Totally started on the back, just in case I jacked a few of them up :D)


I want to go for a blue/black shimmery feel for them. Thoughts?




@ Dark Rage - Thanks! I like to think I am adequate at the fluff dispersal.


@ Atia - Well of *course* she's badass. She's an evil Knight Lancer :D


I always like to hear it though! 


@ Augustus - Glad to hear it. Thanks for reading!

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