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Savage Midnight: Armored Up an Rolling Heavy for ETL-Pg.109


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I don't always want so see a lot of super awesome miniatures,

but when I do, I click on this topic. tongue.png

Totally agreed.

If you're going for white armour, I say go for blueish metallic wings. If you go for pink armour, I say go for the white wings...

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Evening folks. Pretty much finished painting my evil angel. Just need to finish up his base, and Belucifariel the Halcyon, Despised and Perfected of Shornaal, the Great Angeline Holocaust, shall be complete.




@ Khârn the Bloody - Thanks buddy! Good to see you back in again.


@ Augustus - How'd the blue-blacky wingy thingies turn out?


@ Salvation - Ah, I have not. I've heard good things, but I just get the little weekly one. I wonder if anyone has posted a pic online somewhere I could scrounge up. I'm curious now.


@ Dark Rage - Thanks! How 'bout now?


@ Jasp - Hah, would Sephiroth be an improvement? I am unsure...


@ Knight of the Raven - I do my best. Steel feathers aren't that great at staying airborne though... 


@ Warmaster - I have my clever moments. Always glad to hear I can inspire the younglings in my advancing age. 


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To be honest, he's kind of underwhelming. Not necessarily the quality, your painting skills are still par for course what I expected. But, given the rest of his warband, he seems rather . . . Well, to put it bluntly, pretty dang bland. For all his chaosification and even mutations, the over-all impression I get is that of a monotone loyalist Angel. It isn't that the paint scheme is bad, it's that it doesn't quite seem to 'fit,' either the Marine himself or as counter to the warband's colors.


You've already gone to the trouble of painting this guy, and I'm sure my opinion doesn't matter so much that you'll bother redoing it, but now that I have seen the end-product, I wonder if going at least a little bit more overboard in certain things would have been more appropriate.


I know you didn't want the super pink color, but perhaps a more vibrant color should have been chosen. If the white had a clear blue tinge to it, I think it would have looked much more vibrant, and even better would have clashed with the warband.


His wings also need a little sething extra. They seem razor edged, but if you showed some blood streaks (which I think could be done minimally to achieve the effect), it could look like the wings cut themselves as they move. Very Slaaneshy, not as Sanguiniusy.


The third thing that seemed off to me is the mask. The silver mask looks great, but like the armor and wings, kind of adds up to bland. What popped up in my head as a 'fix' might not even be doable, considering how tiny it is. I don't even do this myself, so I might be backseat driving here. But what I thought would look good would be to have the mask painted in flesh colors. I would choose two, one rather pale and one rather tanned. One would be for the mask itself, with the face ringed by dark red marks to look like it is sewn on, and the other color is for outside the sewing marks. As if he killed an angel, and is wearkng his face.


Sorry for a negative review. It really does look great on its own, it's only because of his brothers and backstory that I felt underwhelmed by it. Take the alternatives provided however you want to, or not at all, if you wish.

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@ Warmaster - I have my clever moments. Always glad to hear I can inspire the younglings in my advancing age. 



Younglings!? Fiddlesticks my dear, I'm but a year younger than thou. Although I think I aged a year scrolling through your profile to verify my assumption. Lots of awesomeness there, for the record.




Also, I do kinda agree that Sephiroph needs a little extra something. It's of my opinion that he needs to stand out somehow; granted, however, in an army of ghastly pink, and pale horse would stand out. I think we would need to see a group shot of what you have done, with him in it.

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I love the white as it makes him seem like a mockery of purity. It's really bright too which makes me imagine him as radiating light.


I honestly think adding pink to it would ruin the purity facade. A group picture with the rest of the force would definitely help in seeing how he fits.

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I like him. The monochrome feel works nicely on him as a standalone - I think a group shot is needed to get a better idea of how he sits with the rest of the warband. The base will help tie him to the rest, so I don't think that anything else will need to be done, but group shot us now!


Dem wings though.....

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I love him. He's obviously an awesome conversion and your neat painting skillz do him super justice. Your white is superb.


While I'm not as vehement about it as Cormac, I too am cusious as to see him among his comrades, as my concern is that he is a little too 'toned down'. If you agree after seeing him among his bro's, might I suggest a teeny tiny bit more blue in the white armour, or some blue details? That'll do the trick just fine. In any case, I think his wings could benefit from a very light drybrush with a Mithrill Silver equivalent. 


But these are just nitpicks. I love this model as a standalone and I think it's a testimony to your progress as a modeller and as a painter. :tu:


What's the base going to be?

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Oh wow, thanks for all the replies, folks. Didn't know he'd be such a hot topic :D


Anywho, here he is all finished up.




Came out 90% how I wanted it to. I'm also happy I finally figured out how to get Photoshop Express to white balance correctly without glaring everything out! I'll get a group shot of the warband up just as soon as I finish up the Jagged Violet. 


@ Heinrich - Glad to hear it!


@ Teetengee - Haha, I'll take that as a positive noise.


@ Hushrong - Thanks!


@ Slipstreams - Sweet! That's what I was hoping for.


@ Cormac Airt - No worries at all! I appreciate the constructive criticism every bit as much as the complements. Your opinion absolutely matters, and I'm glad you let me know your thoughts. 


The bloody razored wings idea is the coolest thing ever, and I'm totally using that somehow, some way. And soon. 


I'll be 100% honest, I am so done painting Slaaneshi things, but I'm definitely stealing a few of those ideas for projects down the road. My dark eldar would look especially fashionable with a couple of faces painted like that :D


@ Teetengee - Heh, pink scrolls? Sounds Lululemon-y


@ Warmaster - HAH! Yeah, I make people work for my profile's vital details. 


I'll get a group shot up shortly. 


@ Forte - Thanks! And will do.


@ Dark Bjoern - Glad to hear it. Disturbing is everything I could hope for. 


@ Basswave - Gotcha. I think I'll spare him the pink. How does he look all based?


@ Jackdaw - I know rite? The model exists entirely b/c I wanted to see what six seraphim wings would look like on a mini.


@ Augustus - He is pretty neat isn't he? I'm starting to understand that I can make something look halfway decent if I take my time and go through every highlight and shade layer that I should.


Added a few extra blue details and did another super light drybrush over his wings. How's he look now?


@ Noctem - Hah, glad to hear it, but If I'm being honest, I kinda think it's funny.


I even go so far as to poke a bit of fun at how popular female Knight pilots seem to be in House dan Elsan's history. Seems like they are getting the same "rare" treatment that Gray Knights who fell to Chaos did back a few years ago (also known as Drizzt Do'Urden syndrome :D ). 


Anywho, imma level with you. Most of the Knight pilots in both of my Houses are women just b/c I have no idea how to write believable male characters. Women I get, men I'm clueless.


 Do with that information as you will. ^_^


@ Lokkorex - Thanks!

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