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Savage Midnight: Armored Up an Rolling Heavy for ETL-Pg.109


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Wait, are flowers sprouting wherever he treads/floats? The fact that the basing looks like a desert wasteland on areas in front of him and flowers beneath and trailing behind him really sells that idea. That just reinforces the purity facade which I think is delicious, especially since the flowers appear to be nightshade...


So now that you're done with Slaanesh, when will we see the Red August?

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Morning everyone!

Kinda procrastinating on painting more pink at the moment. Decided to put a little bit of work into my Ursarax. Here's where the little squad stands right now:


One finished, one blocked in, one primer black biggrin.png


@ Pearson - Thanks buddy!

@ Augustus - How else should a Scion of Shornaal look besides FABULOUS? happy.png

@ Jackdaw - Glad to hear it! I was a little leery of using the flowers, since I've never really done so before except on that pair of Thousand Sons I did awhile back. But I am so happy they turned out pretty well.

You should totally do a Sanguinor! His mini is terrible. And creepy.

@ Recon - Awesome, thanks!

@ Kael - Ha! Destro. That's great.

@ BassWave - Yep! That's the idea. I am a huge fan of Aekold Hellbrass in Warhammer fantasy, and I wanted to do something similar in 40k. Basically he's a Tzeenchi champion who was created to be the complete undoing of the followers of Nurgal. Where the plague god is death and decay, Aekold Hellbrass is life and change unending. Flowers and new growth sprout where ever he walks, things already alive get new and interesting mutations on the fly. Which really makes him sound like a jacked up verison of Fern Gully biggrin.png

Anywho, I thought that was the coolest visual ever, and I wanted to see if I could pull off something similar in mini-form. Glad to hear it worked acceptably.

@ Kol - Haha, nope... though a Scottish brogue would be kinda hot on a red head chick...

Anywho, the Red August is the one doing the hunting... Jackal hunting... msn-wink.gif

@ TJWyrm - Oh yay! Glad you think so.

@ Dark Rage - Thanks!

@ Atia - Thanks girl!

Alpha legion switching? I have no idea what you mean.


And it's funny you should mention chicks switching avatars though... For reference, my first avatar on the BnC biggrin.png


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@ Atia - Thanks girl!

Alpha legion switching? I have no idea what you mean.


+We are Legion+ ... i mean Alpha Legion? What's that? british food?


And it's funny you should mention chicks switching avatars though... For reference, my first avatar on the BnC biggrin.png


Hehe :D Rapunzel is awesome :P

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Morning guys!


Lookit what happens when I get an actual free day:




Right now she's in about eight easily assemble-able pieces waiting on primer.


@ Atia - Isn't she though?


@ Augustus - Glad to hear it.


And I can't argue. Can't go back though. Thems the rules :D

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So many pages to get through since I last looked in! blink.png Too much to comment upon, save to say that your progress has been good to see smile.png

I just wish I was able to do as much as you have lately sad.png

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Evening guys!

So here's what I'm thinking for the color scheme. It's my first time trying a triple layer blend, so there may be some kinks to work out. But hey, getting there biggrin.png


Huh... I think that may be the first time in recorded history a pic has come out smoother than the real life paint job...

Anywho, replies!

@ Basswave - I'll take that as approval, haha.

@ Dark Rage - Glad to hear it! Whatcha working on yourself?

@ Recon - Thanks buddy!

@ Aquilanus - Always glad to see you stop in!

Having hobby time is the one positive benefit from a touch of insomnia. I am prepared to make the best of it happy.png

@ Slipstreams - Castigator, but close biggrin.png

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