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Savage Midnight: Armored Up an Rolling Heavy for ETL-Pg.109


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Evening guys!

So here's what I'm thinking for the color scheme. It's my first time trying a triple layer blend, so there may be some kinks to work out. But hey, getting there biggrin.png


Huh... I think that may be the first time in recorded history a pic has come out smoother than the real life paint job...

Anywho, replies!

@ Basswave - I'll take that as approval, haha.

@ Dark Rage - Glad to hear it! Whatcha working on yourself?

@ Recon - Thanks buddy!

@ Aquilanus - Always glad to see you stop in!

Having hobby time is the one positive benefit from a touch of insomnia. I am prepared to make the best of it happy.png

@ Slipstreams - Castigator, but close biggrin.png

....and you praise my Bronzes tsk tsk tsk. Those metalics looks slick. Very nice blends on those reds as well. I would actually want it a bit more blotchy to make it seem beaten and bent, but its good nonetheless :)

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Evening folks.

Shoulder armor happened today!

Trying out a new blue/black recipe. Still working the kinks out (should not have started with a large flat surface, haha!) but I think it worked well for my first foray :D



@ Teetengee - I'm finally getting some actual consistency in my photo-setup, so I can't complain!

@ Slipstreams - This is true. But it was fun to give you a good natured hard time about it, haha.

@ Recon - Thanks! I am very happy with it for a first shot.

@ Kael24 - Glad to hear. Pretty is *always* what I want to hear :D

@ Basswave - Fortunately I can't catch anymore heresy. Already full.

@ Forte - Yes... third. Exactly three and no more than that. mellow.png

@ Basswave - *sigh* yes. Among other poor, inebriated, late-night shopping choices for a brand new credit card pinch.gif

@ Chaeron - Glad to hear it!

@ Augustus - HA! That's what you get, punk! :P

@ Atia - Thanks girl! Whatcha think of her shoulder pads?

@ Marqol - Haha, that's the idea. One evil house, one not so evil house, one not quite good house.

@ Jackdaw - Nah, this is the "hackyhacky *sound a volkite sword would make* dakkadakkadakka" kind of knight :D

@ ckpmax - But these are golds. Totally not the same thing! I was a little afraid of making the blends too blotchy, even though I want a sort of worn look to the armor panels and metal work. It came out surprisingly smooth. Glad to hear it looks pretty good though!

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Morning folks!


Got a little painting done so far. Namely, finished up the other pauldron and the groin guard.




Also, tried a little battle damage on the shin guards in a small, controlled area. If I can get down a good looking, repeatable standard, I'll expand on it. Thoughts and constructive crit appreciated. Trying a lot of new things with this Knight :D






@ Atia - Well you'll never scare boys with that attitude :P


I totally forgot you were working on a Knight from way back. I suppose my three knights would average out to a single Reaver titan :D


@ STD - Thanks! I hope she looks awesome.


@ Basswave - It comes with the Castigator. It has this awesome overlapping carapace thing going on.


@ Dark Bjoern - Yup, right on it!

@ Hellchyld - Mhmm

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Hmm, I think I see what you're doing with the scratchs. Cutting through the paint until the metal underneath shows, right?


I think the major problem you're having is that the silver part looks raised. Maybe rub it away, paint it all the metal color you want and then paint the black on top to help layer it?

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Afternoon everyone!


Just finished up a project that sat halfway for a good few months. Yay me!






@ Knight of the Raven - Can't argue. Still working on it. I like the little slashes more than I do the pock marks.

@ Krieg - Thanks! I wanted to see if I could pull of red over a large area.


@ Kol - Not a bad idea. I'll sit down and see what I can come up with.


@ Thrillhouse - First, I love your BnC handle. It makes me think of a hilariously extreme fun-house at the fair. 

Secondly, thanks! I think I'm slowly improving.


@ Salvation - Hmm... maybe... but they'd be one giant, dysfunctional family of a killer robot :D


@ Kizzdougs - Thanks! It actually turned out way better than I originally thought it would. When applying that top most red/orange layer, it looks so stark against the dark red and red brown. I'm always amazed how much the last purple/brown wash knocks it back. Glad to hear its coming out well.

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