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Savage Midnight: Armored Up an Rolling Heavy for ETL-Pg.109


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Afternoon all!

Slowly knocking out my last few pink Slaaneshi marines. Only 3 to go after this.

The first half of Jagged Violet looks way better than I thought it would, considering I gave them exactly 60min per marine ^_^



Wow, my little angry chaplain seems kinda popular! Thanks for all the replies, guys. It always keeps my hobby engine revved up :D

@ Helter - Glad he looks enough like a chaplain that you picked up on it, despite the fact I completely forgot to mention it, haha.

Fluff-wise, he is Vau'gun Wreave, formerly the Chaplain of the 28th's Atramentar detachment. Currently the bodyguard/attack dog of the 28th's Master of the Forge, Heghan Ironnight. There was some vague, vicious murder duel in the past that left Wreave not quite murdered all the way. So Ironnight found him and rebuilt him. Made him better... b/c he had the technology.

Now my Forge Lord has a vicious enforcer who was fearless *before* he was 9/10s robot :D

@ Tarvick - Thanks! That's certainly what I was going for. He has a helm from Lord Zhufor, the Khornate terminator, just with the Rune of Eight shaved off the forehead. Probably my favorite FW helm of all time... alass I only have a single one left remaining... but like 6 headless Zhufors just lying around sweat.gif

@ Pearson - Thanks!

@ MrBear - Glad to hear it. Even though he might have trouble spotting anything...

@ K-Sci - Thanks buddy! I thought you might appreciate the use of awesome Khorne bits.

@ Atia - ... Imma wait until you build the most badass, epic Salamander character of all time... then I'm going to call him adorable :P

@ Krieg - Thanks! I've been poodling around with recipes for super dark blue black for quite awhile now, trying to find one that I really like. So far, this is the one that has made me the happiest. All about those tiny, sharp highlights.

As for the snow base, it's partially the awesome FW sculpt, but I like to think icy basing is one of the things I can point at and say "I'm pretty darn good at that."

@ Dos(ally)etka - Thanks! And will do *salutes*

@ Brother Heinrich - Excellent! Glad to hear that the 28th live up to their sobriquet.

@ Recon - Haha, thanks.

@ Augustus - Tea? Night Lords do espresso, triple shot. How do you think they see in the dark so well? :D

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Damn you flint, pushing me harder and harder towards chaos Again.


Wow on that chaplain (choppy-lain? ) he looks cool enough to have his own slasher movie.


Are you and sister-superior Furyou Miko Gonna change your avatars back?


Edit: Furyou Miko! Furyou Miko!

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@ Atia - ... Imma wait until you build the most badass, epic Salamander character of all time... then I'm going to call him adorable tongue.png

gnehehe :D i need to note that all tyranids and any daemons are also cute :P nice work on the marines flint :>

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Can't really comment on the Marines, Flint, cause I (kind of)hate the Big F and all his damnable get.(Seriously, they're my second-least favourite Traitor Legion)

But the mohawks look awesome, anyways.


Where are the rules for the Cataphractii Terminator armor located?  I want to order the Forge World books, but I want that book first.


Your CSMs look great, btw.


The rules for Cataphractii are in Betrayal and the Legion Crusade Army List.

Now, back on topic.

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"Midnight Rent Upon the Hill of Bleeding Angels"




@ Dark Bjoern - Thanks! He only took three months biggrin.png

@ Tarvick - Haha, thanks! It's a look I pilfered from my Slaaneshi WoC Knights.

Six headless Zhufors is less useful than you would imagine.

@ Dosjetka - I do quite enjoy pink, though not as much as black.

@ lokkorex - Always glad to hear I inspire! Probably the most meaningful praise I can get.

Change what with Sister-Superior?

http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/800x600q90/673/utFkZT.png No idea what you're on about.

@ Atia - Omigawd. You are such. a. girl. But also thanks. biggrin.png

@ Krieg - Always glad to hear I can entertain as well.

@ TJWyrm - Aren't little mohawks the best? These guys are fire support as opposed to close combat, so they have plenty of time to get their 'hawk on.

The one on the right is from... I wanna say Anvil Industries. He does come complete with 'hawk. There's also a non-mohawked helm that's otherwise identical that I want to do something with.

@ Augustus - Well of course! What *doesn't* say Shornaali marine about that helm? Thanks again btw.

@ Noctem Cultor - Need is a strong word. As in "do I *need* more little resin men?: Why yes, of course. That's a silly question.

@ RagingGriffon - They're in the first HH book, Betrayal. And thanks!

@ Psycho - The big F? These guys are *hella* removed from the 3rd legion. Think like a wacky 43rd founding. Like the cursed 21st take two.

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Holy Wow!!


Looks absolutely amazing! All of it. The searing pink with the black and the ice blue...


The winged Lord who is just waiting for his adoring worshippers to join him. A bit monochrome, but I like it, makes him distinctive and the pinkwould not l=have looked good on him. Almost like a living marble Angellic statue at which his followers prostrate themselves in worship to his perfection!

P.S. where is the group shot?? Have you done the blood streaked wings yet???


The fluff fo the Knights is pretty creepy/ haunting too, I can't wait to see how the castigator comes out.. And oh yes! Love the diorama, only nitpick, mouldlines on the chain axes. Zhufors head rocks though. Like he's screaming, Come at me bro'


Lastly, have a great new year Flint! Hope you have a great 2015

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Evening folks! Lookit what I finally (finally) finished!


The Consummate Wrath of The Fanged Blossom Warband 




and gotta get dat group shot!




I am *so* done painting pink, haha!




@ Slipstreams - Glad to hear it. I'm pretty fond of it myself.


@ LetsYouDown - You do not live up to your BnC handle. I really like that interpretation. It's one I hadn't thought of :D


@ Kol - Haha, I take that as a good thing.


@ Ace Debonair - Always glad to see you check back in!


@ Dantay - <See 'bove> ^_^


Thanks for all the kind words! Rest assured the mini-mold line (my mortal nemesis) has been since expunged.



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