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Forge World Night Lords 'Night Raptors' (images fixed)


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Have to say the photos don't do them justice. The helms with wings that don't look rediculous are amazing. And all the extra details just scream Night Lords. At last.



Edited for broken links.

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You know what's awesome? No beltfed bolt-weapons. That crap is so Orky and Ghetto it's not even cool.

Then again now that I think about that...kinda makes sense sad.png

But those are far less dumb than the GW original Batwing heads.

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Aye, they seem to be doing them in the order they appear in the story line of Horus Heresy, which would make sense. I can't wait for the iron warriors stuff, and I've also noticed they've painted quite a few of the new vehicles in Iron warrior colours...

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These guys look... ok.  Not bad, but while the heads are great - best night lord helmets I've seen - the overall bodies and posing don't look quite as nice to me as the Word Bearers heresy jump guys.


Which in turn are, imo, blown away by the 40k raptor/warp talon models.  I mean, I like my chaos marines with an extra helping of chaos, so I was always going to like the raptor/warp talon models more than their heresy counterparts, but for once the overall posing and detail of the 40k models are just superior all round, imo.


Again, these guys aren't bad, though, and the heads in particular are amazing, I hope they make a pack of just those available separately, like they did with the Sons of Horus helmets.

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I really can't disagree more Mal :p


The heads and arms are ok, the torsos are amazing. The poses are indeed weird -can be saved with some work-, but in no way are this sculpts inferior to the Raptors/Warp Talons. Not in my world. The 40k raptors are overall ok, but the sculpted lightning is awful, as well as the helmets and legs poses.

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In the everlasting shadows... :lol:

But seriously, the Talons stuff... Some claws are epic, others are fugly as hell, the torsos ok, the arms ok I guess, the legs are the same as the ones of FW or GW Sanguinary Guard, just awkward, but workable with minor conversion skills. They have lovely bits of course -not the jump-packs dry.png - like the weapons and shoulder pads. Don't get me wrong, they're a must have for any bits box. The FW ones however are overall better sculpted, the lovely details on the heads -which I don't like so much, but they're growing on me- and the torsos is stunning. The gloved arms are also very well done, the jumps just ok -I'm a fan of the old edition ones, until FW or GW are redoing them I'll stick with those or the SG ones without wings, as well the weapons.

For me the obvious winner are the FW ones -and that's not even a competition- but hey, a mix-max of FW torsos and heads with bits brom the Talons would look great...

*starts drooling, enters catatonic mode*

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