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  1. So I really need to clean this thread up and make it less disorganized and stuff. So in here you will find: 40k Grey Knights Adepta Sororitas Inquistion Raptors......No longer have this army Thanks GW 30K Raven Guard Necromunda Redemptionist Completed models/ squads HQ Terminator Librarian Reynald de Vichers Inquistor (Interigator) Abygayl Selene Brotherhood Champion Landry de Lauzon Techmarine Talus ELITES Venerable Dreadnought Draper TROOPS Strike Squad Tancrede de Hautville Strike Squad Gaiwan de Monglane Strike Squad Godfrey de Caux Termnator Squad Tibauld De Gaudin FAST ATTACK Interceptor Squad De Plessiez HEAVY SUPPORT Purgation Squad Des Barres FLYERS DEDICATED TRANSPORTS Razorback "Long Swords" Kill Team Octarius Hand of Titan Raptors Hqs 10th Co Chaplain Arthurus Phobos Libraian Hes Elites Chief Apothercary Chraddas and Apothecary La Rocha 5th Scout Squad led by Veteran Sgt Helios Troops Fast Attack Heavy Support Dedicated Transports Flyers Lord of War Terrain Other Project Back to Badab Kill Team- Raptors Team 7 909th "Hell Rain" Charlie Company (Inquistorial Strom Troopers) Hqs Ordo Malleus Termiantor Inqusitor Lord Martyn Odum Ordo Malleus Inquistor Lord MyKel Westen with his Alcolytes Commissar Lord Kiera Lynx Elites Troops Alpha Squad Fast Attack Heavy Support Dedicated Transports Flyers Lord of War Terrain Order of the Valorous Heart Hqs Elites Troops Fast Attack Heavy Support Dedciated Transports Flyers Lord of War Terrain Completed Grey Knight Group Shot (12/05/2021) Raptors Completed Group Photo (02/23/2021) Order of the Valorous Heart Completed Group photo (11/07/2021)
  2. I started this build log in the Ravenguard section but figured it would be more appropriate to post here. I've dabbled in 40k since the start of 5th edition when I got my very first set, Assault on Blackreach. I was pretty young back then and over the next couple of years I built a modest space marine army and a small Sisters of Battle army (all that metal back then...) After a few years I sold all those models as they were poorly built and painted by me. Since then I started building a new army around 7th edition and now have a sizeable marine army again. Although I never played 8th I did get some Primaris models around the time Dark Imperium released. Then I got rather disillusioned with the hobby as medical issues meant that I have trouble with my hands and painting is very hard for me. SO I ended up putting my army in storage unpainted. With 9th here I've got excited again and have decided to push on and try my best anyway as the boys in green deserve to be fielded in full colour. So I haven't painted many yet but I will share what I have done so far. My Raptors I've decided to go for a pretty dirty look, like they've been fighting in a jungle for a while. Please let me know what you think. Here is my conversion WIP for Lias Issodon: The bolter is a conversion I made by chopping the upper receiver off a normal gun and attaching a new one from a sniper (an Anvil industries part i think) WIP scout snipers: I did a smilar thing with some of their guns and gave them gas masks to give off a special forces vibe. WIP tactical marines: I wanted to try and get as many scoped bolters as I could in their hands. Almost complete Las/Plas razorback: This conversion uses plasma cannons (I know the rules are plasma rifle) because i think it fits a vehicle better. Lastly a quick test for plasma as I want to paint some hellblasters after I finish these units. UPDATE 1 So for my first update I feel that I have been quite productive (despite hand pain). I've managed to paint a full unit for the first time in years, I'm quite pleased with them. Moving forward I'm torn between: Another tactical squad Or some Hellblasters I think I'm leaning towards doing the hellblasters as painting another 10 tactical marines might feel monotonous. Onto a modelling project. I'm just playing with a Librarian from the Dark Vengeance box. Does anyone have advice on the best way to remove all that DA iconography?
  3. I've dabbled in 40k since the start of 5th edition when I got my very first set, Assault on Blackreach. I was pretty young back then and over the next couple of years I built a modest space marine army and a small Sisters of Battle army (all that metal back then...) After a few years I sold all those models as they were poorly built and painted by me. Since then I started building a new army around 7th edition and now have a sizeable marine army again. Although I never played 8th I did get some Primaris models around the time Dark Imperium released. Then I got rather disillusioned with the hobby as medical issues meant that I have trouble with my hands and painting is very hard for me. SO I ended up putting my army in storage unpainted. With 9th here I've got excited again and have decided to push on and try my best anyway as the boys in green deserve to be fielded in full colour. So I haven't painted many yet but I will share what I have done so far. My Raptors I've decided to go for a pretty dirty look, like they've been fighting in a jungle for a while. Please let me know what you think. Here is my conversion WIP for Lias Issodon: The bolter is a conversion I made by chopping the upper receiver off a normal gun and attaching a new one from a sniper (an Anvil industries part i think) WIP scout snipers: I did a smilar thing with some of their guns and gave them gas masks to give off a special forces vibe. WIP tactical marines: I wanted to try and get as many scoped bolters as I could in their hands. Almost complete Las/Plas razorback: This conversion uses plasma cannons (I know the rules are plasma rifle) because i think it fits a vehicle better. Lastly a quick test for plasma as I want to paint some hellblasters after I finish these units.
  4. So here is my Company/Collection Set up. I put it in separate categories for easier viewing. Thoughts? Chapter Assets - 1st Company Assets- 2nd Company - 2nd Company Auxiliary Equipment - 10th Company - 10th Company Auxiliary Equipment EDIT: Chapter project, 2nd Company with Chapter Assets listed UPDATE: 1/27/2020 Completed - Forgeworld Imperial Strongpoint Display Board
  5. +++Unit of the week+++ Raptors This thread is only for tactics for Raptors, not for pictures, there are other places for that. How to best use Raptors? Wargear? Legion? Marks? Which stratagems are worth throwing out? Any solid unit combos?
  6. After many years of working on my Space Wolves, I've decided to start a new project. I've always loved the Raptors and after seeing Luther's amazing Raptors I've decided to give them a go. I've got a ton of Primaris Marines that I've not painted yet so I'm doing a company of pure Primaris Raptors. So far I have: 2 Primaris Captain 3 Primaris Lieutenants Primaris Phobos Lieutenants Primaris Phobos Librarian 2 Primaris Chaplain Primaris Judiciar Bladeguard Ancient Primaris Apothecary 3 Bladeguard Veterans 6 Primaris Intercessors 10 Primaris Assault Intercessors 3 Primaris Aggressors 10 Primaris Infiltrators 3 Eradicators 3 Outriders 2 Primaris Repulsors 1 Primaris Redemptor Dreadnought First model
  7. Bladeguard Veterans of the Raptors chapter. I'm waiting for some black battlefield role decals to show up in the mail, but they're otherwise done. Comments and criticism welcomed as always!
  8. Since the release of the new Space Marine codex and the Raven Guard supplement, I feel like space marines have been given a new lease on life. Right before 8th Edition was announced I had decided to start a true-scale project for a new army, and had settled on the Raptors, as the rules they had from Forge World at the tail end of 7th edition were fun and fluffy; and I had always been drawn to the lore of the chapter as a fun contrast to some of the more outrageous concepts in the setting. Once the images surfaced of the the scale of the Primaris Marines, I realized true-scaling was going to be a lot easier than I thought. I began slowly building the force, but didn't get much beyond putting the models together from Dark Imperium before becoming immensely discouraged with the rules of any Space Marine chapter other than Ultramarines. Fast forward to the Shadowspear box set and now this new codex, and I have purchased my tickets on the hype train. My intention is to build, paint, and play a force of Raptors representing the 5th Battle Company. I'm going to have it hew as closely to the codex disposition of a standard Battle Company as much as is reasonable; six Battleline squads, two Fire Support squads, two Close Support squads, and a command staff of one captain and two lieutenants, along with support staff from the Librarius and the Apothecarion. This will be a very infantry heavy force, to represent the fighting style of the Raptors: long term forward infiltration of heavy equipment as well as crew and support sections that then can support heavy infantry shock assaults, focusing on decapitation strikes and the swift reduction of the command and control capabilities of the enemy forces. The following images showcase the almost completed portions of the force, mostly the Battleline squads and the command section. Also, apologies if this is not the place to be posting this, as I figured my fellow followers of Corax would get the biggest kick out of this progress log! First up is the members of the command staff that I consider finished, except for a few minor touch-ups. Two lieutenants, each usually charged with leading a demi-company, and the Apothecary assigned to the company. I'm still deciding on whether or not he should have company markings to match the rest of the force. Next is the unfinished fellows from the command staff, the Captain and the Librarian. Both still need more paint as well as decals and to have thier bases finished. These three big boys are the first fire support squad, deployed in Centurion armor. They may not look like it, but a lot of conversion work went into these models, both in order to make them taller so that they would still scale well with primaris sized marines, and to have a sleeker, more exoskeleton feel than standard centurions. All the following images are of the battleline squads, 3 in phobos armor deployed as infiltrators, and three in tacticus armor deployed as intercessors. I still need one more infiltrator squad before these are all done, and I am finishing up the third intercessor squad. They just need decals. I've made some good progress, especially considering this has been a few years now, but I still have a ways to go. I'm still finishing up the rest of the Shadowspear box, and I'm hoping that one of the holiday box sets has phobos marines in it. Once I have those parts and an Invictor, I think I'll have all the models that I'll need, and it'll just be time to finish them all. Emperor give me strength!
  9. Meant to post this earlier but have been away from a computer and just remembered. Over on the Raptors Chapter Space Marine Facebook group one of the Members is going to be doing a Chessex Raptor Dice run. If you are interested join the group and the thread is from 12/29
  10. 1678 downloads

    Raptors Decal Sheet
  11. From the album: Raptors WIP

    The Librarian awaiting a name.. and a face!!
  12. From the album: Raptors WIP

    My take on the AWESOME Chapter Master Issadon!!
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