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Terra Will Fall - An ancient evil returns


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As an aside, both Darth Potato and I lack gaming groups entirely. We both do our Heresy armies just for our own edification. You should stick with it, spend the time you normally game with writing more fluff for your guys and exploring new techniques for converting.


When my group split up, I spent a lot of time perusing youtube and reading books about color theory and it really helped get my yellow down. Also, its a lot of fun to find a new technique not a lot of people use. A bit like finding a holy grail.

sorry for the aside, but got any recommendations for channels marshal? or you could pm me the details as well.  I love listening to technique videos as I work on stuff. 

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As someone who has had to walk away from a poisonous situation before, I can understand the need to walk away.


You should realize that you were probably the glue holding that mess together and without you, it will die out. They will also discover how shallow their hobby is without any spice in it.


So, be patient. Stick to the high road. Be the person of character and let them go along their merry way. Go do something else. Put your stuff in a box and put it away for awhile. DON'T sell it off.


Like running water, don't be surprised if at some time in the future, you find your hobby trickling back into your life.


It is insidious in that regard. :)


We'll be here should you ever feel like coming back.


Distractions like this never last.


Communities like this never end.

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Well, :cuss

It's a shame that a bunch of d-bags have brought you to this decision, but honestly, with your enthusiasm and drive I think you'd probably be able to find enough players to start your own club and hire out a local hall with whatever gaming rules you'd like.

Besides, with FW's Typhon having just released, can you really pass on that? msn-wink.gif

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....... Your right my lady ordered my armies on parade board and typhon from FW last week and I got my deathshroud yesterday.


I think I may consider making my own club, one that allows all formats of gameplay and tournaments like battle brothers or my idea for a warband tournament...


But I'll have to think on it, may not be easy to pull off but I like the concept. A true grimdark brotherhood of hobbyists where the only restriction would be if you can't keep pace with my beer intake you can't play ;)


But I need a couple of weeks to stay away before I finally decide, the support from everyone is unbelievable but I need to figure which way I'll take the hobby.


Ohh by the way Grot I'll be up soon so get ready a list brother as I'll be coming for you and Mt Gravett

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My man cave only has room for 6 guys, plus I don't want people in my recliner!


But we are looking at selling soon and using the equity from the profit for a bigger place maybe your on to something Kol, build a granny flat or extension out the back with it's own bathroom library gaming space with inbuilt storage for terrain and boards, bar fridge with an assortment of beers and do weekly games.


BBQ joined to the side what else could you really want

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....... Your right my lady ordered my armies on parade board and typhon from FW last week and I got my deathshroud yesterday.

I think I may consider making my own club, one that allows all formats of gameplay and tournaments like battle brothers or my idea for a warband tournament...

But I'll have to think on it, may not be easy to pull off but I like the concept. A true grimdark brotherhood of hobbyists where the only restriction would be if you can't keep pace with my beer intake you can't play msn-wink.gif

But I need a couple of weeks to stay away before I finally decide, the support from everyone is unbelievable but I need to figure which way I'll take the hobby.

Ohh by the way Grot I'll be up soon so get ready a list brother as I'll be coming for you and Mt Gravett

Hmmmmm, a list you say.....you mean I'll need to read some rules too I guess......I'll see what I can russle up.



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it's getting more and more tempting to travel to the land down under it seems...


especially if it involves massive amounts of beer.


one day, far in the future good sir, the 4th legion will arrive on your shores, and it won't be pretty...

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Brother, I ain't played a game since 2011. Hasn't slowed me down for a sec. If anything, I've increased my painting and modeling skills by a vast degree.


Focus on your army and it's fluff for a while man.

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Brother, I ain't played a game since 2011. Hasn't slowed me down for a sec. If anything, I've increased my painting and modeling skills by a vast degree.


Focus on your army and it's fluff for a while man.


What's a game? :huh:

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Okay so I've been thinking on it and I won't be building an army but rather every single legion, I want to make my own mark on every single legion including IA mechanicum and my idea for renegades.


This means traitor or loyalist I'll put my spin on them.


Wait for Monday brothers

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It's not inspiration it's moving away from my club and just having a go with all legions and aspects even the dreaded fenrika.


But a big focus will be on my WE and DG for troops, characters and other such units like ashen circle or raptors shall be attempted

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who knows, by the time i can afford to go to Australia, i might be able to swing by Alaska and pick up Heathens and Furioso.


can't wait for you to turn your Eyes on the fourth legion, brother.





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Other option is jasp you can move down here to tassie, well southern tassie preferably. Much nicer then dry hot crowded city of escalators Adelaide and we, on general, take things a lot less seriously then you mainlanders. Besides I need someone to play games against down here and I would consider it an honour to play against such an inspiring hobbyist as yourself. And if you do decide to stay on in in... Adelaide... Maybe when I come over to visit my mother in law I can find a few hours... Days... To duck out and meet up for some games. I would love to face a forge world army. Heck I have never played to win, I play for fun. Even intentionally lost a few games before just so they everyone enjoyed the game. So come on, come to the land down under down under...
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Dude..... My retirement plan is in good old tassie, or canada haven't yet decided but ill deffinately have a game brother any time your over.


Actually wouldn't mind visiting tassie with the misses.


But China's next on the list

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Go tassie over Canada any day. My father in laws new wife is from canada and some of the things she tells me... Let me put it this way we have all of the good points of Canada and less of the bad. Of course we have the typical Australian thing of every creature is out to kill you in some way, but hey, being an Adelaide boy that is nothing new...


Edit: besides why wait till retirement. I promise when you come over to visit you won't want to leave. That and I can't wait till you retire to get a good opponent to play against.


When you do come over thought you will definitely have too look me up for a game and I will do the same when I am over, probably later this year.

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Glad to see you're sticking with this Jasp, with all the awesome HH armies going on I've been putting together a 'wishlist' for a small Salamanders Legion army (and struggling to resist putting funds aside to begin it!).

Still, tasmania...guess it's better than becoming a kiwi!whistlingW.gif

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