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  1. It's finally time to start a thread here in B&C too, brethren. My loyalist splinter of XIV Legio Astartes, known as the Echoes of Eisenstein, is a labour of love that has now taken three years and lost all brakes a while back. When I got hold of my first Betrayal at Calth set, the path to damnation was set and I knew I had to go and start a whole army of truescaled marines. There would be no respite. There would be no models left unconverted. There would be only chopping and the laughter of ever growing mountains of grey soldiers waiting for their day. Inspired by Veteran Sergeant on DakkaDakka, the spiral into endless cuts and lenghtenings had begun. From so humble a beginning... https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/cxICLMQF8jr-Chm6sB_J4aXblfYqaEzYBsJ2k9Gc1NWiLbuoKvXLQvFOkMQ-hvNDA4yIzd1GABb6mrHXpiSKKQgQ7pL416dN2O5evQCZUuH7ni4O2l2z1fuSjmetKXD8_gaqeBPmCQlrzUlZKVghYNf7ILpwJyPR5YgS09srBpq30io8he9pjrklTKPBGsY8vqPltPUJn1h5ylmGu6PfztbuC3gwSRbcbvdd8q4EVA7dAaXavFEiM1Gx33J9n6yhYIX8rvIhsjtt83GovbT0XyRY1kBRwOb20kNbU2IxGmyQhb7BYfQSVaxeDfodfysz-kTpSKreino_UsLkzBIwZPkWbZNqN6Jb9fZ0mSfxyMYApIYH88HZrVC5zkQncqVsOZJypjt9eoP8f5WaZnaSSwYurw4Bhzc9xVu5_vXf1YOQPc5GD498D3sEUkgFjQpPLgKjO5c8EceDm8JW5vplLaZaK_diDdthqNd_jh732HkNSs1QT5Q6F-0wdu3TAN2fmHXPDD_WYb9fnBxTaAD0nI6bqv6C64z9Ht1hWvXHCTCnIBpwjoUXUM4VxkktYDTyuNAQnSbQEdt95HV2Qd4kO6syiYOFRBYYwxK7lJQC9i3W7cRgvTrU=w1625-h914-no https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-nAJFauMlF32XU_l84vwul0467NkVzlz7hDszZllum2-Tvx_0d1zqAR_uu5H8JopFYqQ3DNO9Wedalvi6oHwyhEQdxuG1c8Y3Jcdg_NpQUxvDqB7k0Q24FKBvpc9oDBM4sGx23EO2kGsqKFyC6zBuK3emH-zsiF7FCYNn5MdbZM71cWnsT0dX8voaotIeHnwQrDKRV9Tr-jenA38Mi8TM9zTR4i2eWPtFKLa2DpBsrDGT9-et8c1hWlVv1UtJM5U9Z_uVxrUMbXmQOHj86355ju8Kye7JWWnUdc5bJ3TmIT7ZipKvs3KzZoDTXDuhQPZ6U0Ky1ex4XKvfvf4u4Ij2iffLzS8_50Llfl--ve4I0KMe_9ECAAfdAQMJLpWL4zK1qeSyQn_Y_JS_REI2gClSG1kK_A2F6VvcMr_NgI_rs_NRLSDdmghTLiCGDof42wbYjDT1V0VmUusiv4K2p614tqOSCnyDHm0LfHZMu2BCYRsbDl_stWYzxlNIxflv37vWjhLzrGRG6iBdBaPxeJMOw-7a5qyTA-Y32hyUzuIWFfS8UQnR6KYyl7E_8b0V_4-DpdSgtpyuPo91slwtbTnDmox1dAmKWFjxGLhOCVFEGiidx8e27dwq4qhMbZNehi3ZmSQxSegwuwJFy7bkEdcsXQ7z4oXnQe8nYruKuirsg=w1625-h914-no 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https://images.dakkadakka.com/gallery/2019/7/24/1019345-30k%2C%20Astartes%2C%20Death%20Guard%2C%20Space%20Marines%2C%20Warhammer%2040%2C000.JPG https://images.dakkadakka.com/gallery/2019/7/24/1019348-30k%2C%20Astartes%2C%20Death%20Guard%2C%20Space%20Marines%2C%20Warhammer%2040%2C000.JPG https://images.dakkadakka.com/gallery/2019/7/24/1019349-30k%2C%20Astartes%2C%20Death%20Guard%2C%20Space%20Marines%2C%20Warhammer%2040%2C000.JPG https://images.dakkadakka.com/gallery/2019/7/24/1019347-30k%2C%20Astartes%2C%20Death%20Guard%2C%20Space%20Marines%2C%20Warhammer%2040%2C000.JPG https://images.dakkadakka.com/gallery/2019/7/24/1019335-30k%2C%20Astartes%2C%20Death%20Guard%2C%20Space%20Marines%2C%20Warhammer%2040%2C000.JPG With even an eager new recruit trying to sneak into the comparison picture! So, welcome to gawk at my insanity where I'll ever so slowly go through the same process with the rest of the 150+ guys I have either unbuilt or unstripped from previous owners of 5 boxes of Calth and Prospero, scratch tanks from busted Rhino carcasses, learn how to paint through my irrational biases ("dang my steel just looks bad in true metal but brass and copper, yaaaas queen!") and occasionally create piles of terrain out of ice cream boxes and my significant other's diabetes waste. Not even joking there https://www.dakkadakka.com/s/i/at/at2/2018/5/11/29a28eef14b8eb0f1200cee0031753e2_103099.jpg https://www.dakkadakka.com/s/i/at/at2/2018/5/11/1c925d506f8f5859e95907a73260983b_103099.jpg https://www.dakkadakka.com/s/i/at/at2/2018/5/17/94358936b6f1a9b4335b0feb8a17e829_103099.jpg https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/FPST-emK9xkOGZWBmgX0j77STx_FHmDr4R9PPKq1ruYkM4akNPB1hR4AEIQZlgcZuKv3sQURm8LmyYvcGbyGvp3LRuO48LW99v6EHO-9Sf4NOR6fVF2VJM8uF5fRPzUNGtMS-nJdp-tgq3r44dhngVDY7x3w0NWbO99imJpcepVXZ9E5NKBxB7njWNTQomF5ZPpYg34l8_7IoJ9mAB9rFrBTgp-5Ho0LMwmsPxGyZZ9I4X755wnGHe0FulklbM5fdHiGb3I0YHGk1yKHRVmtZwGEQ1yUvV3qz3jAet77cM1mpJRXMi2cizeduIlVPeVxsel1ggz7HtTEjHFtLfiCfYNuJlircb84ZOr-vvotAKtTQI-X-RQlwDI5V2BC82yH5lRG-k1fWqwAGPd4Ha8Flc1QbLAwWlFD-Bpq8qqZIsnlmDpl8080U0UKSlFlaIQfe33ofQhY3FxSC6ApC2hOGQ1-8tFmeANidaWE8HkZqxuCzJVKxdL1k2syYv_dGGv4iZcu6yHbuDucKfimDtHrOFWpZ4rBhX5KJpVnwgNfwW7QC2U9t3FN-I-6_9bRT5K3ywxS95JsC96-uThVmdCFeJ_brH_8EcoEcpinL-2HBXlCyQnZ6CCV48m7a_Yhm4fiQ2PT6G0aTFa4omttKkrlwcbfHBvd2RK8=w1620-h912-no https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/0Ssx4RGNJIAvPYFx6Ok6F5amrVkJ5-jp2_77KnstQVwpc8d-zvOwkfrU_agihKzAJ__BFesdwrgNWH3uiQ08aYNBBlslTbFO43hKTRB72UwAheeq8wDUvJZA7PtOUMQq7ayxHaWGosDcnVkR8Gu6ZCVZQDW5AAZuB5JXSCmmAcNdyPSR3Atm7nEbSJhfMZoALGEfErpSYFYlnPdJfhYmes_dKKeWh5fSv55AUVjaEaKVSCSvH03-HcPu35rwaewFQYA4YgeGdShJrkiwAuK85sDKmxarNaAtO643Alt5uvTBkAv_4qlCBYep6KvPL1k0qmHh5sZHUrOlW0yyeEuKENg-LVnIjb818D8cvJCNzH3VSL-k2nsSKsSSG2e43RST5EQodjkz531viHa_6pfqvvq9vWkIEOiHQT0PtAItHqZ5LhrFJUd3gPS55rOwb1BFUCXfFmpE4IS2m_9TCGNTOX5idXBzpf6VSXKIvubVbuynLxs6HgNiZc1AxvJwtcK1ZYw0t1pPo39KlK_tmrxcVEoRxcAOKZd6jumJ2Ps_bLLSsIHq7deW2e12qkLkeBmAhYlhlg4oE_lDdLGqRfn8FxUY1RwvShQ-uZ_sakqOFt8wjXi0aXxj0jbPUQRkWMIBxqidvaAqtM9pzK68hTQA-JjuwBLnJE9i=w1620-h912-no Count the seven, brethren (and drop a comment while at it, yo!). EDIT: oh blimey, is there a limit how much pictures one post can handle or why did half of them turn to links? Hope those work, at least?
  2. I thought I'd share my Chaos army and various WIP things, hopefully to motivate myself to get some more painting done! I have a decent sized Iron Warriors army, as well as a goodly number of Thousand Sons, which I'll get pictures of later. My current projects are a start up Emperor's Children Warband, and a force of The Cleaved. The Cleaved: I made this Plague Marine years and years ago when I had a spare blob of Green Stuff. The armour was a test piece for the new foundations, its straight Dheneb with a heavy devlan wash. He got some nice armour scores, and some weeping joints I abandoned them for a very long time, until the release of the new codex, whereupon I made a couple of plasma gunners to come later. I also have 5 of these guys that will be geting the cleaved treatment. My very first tank, well over 10 years old with an awful splotchy (but thin) nurgle paint job, back when the mark of Nurgle gave your vehicle +1AV all round. Rather than give it to the Iron Warriors, I've honoured it's heritage and dedicated it to the cleaved. The marine on the back was originally an ultramarine, but the blue wouldnt look good with the colour scheme. Green, however would, and seeing as there will probably be a few new DA players soon...and also to annoy Skink a little. The Nurglings on top need some detailing, as well as a few other bits and bobs, but I consider it table worthy after a weekend's work. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- With the new codex, I jumped at the chance to finally get some Slaaneshi marines under my belt. Noise marines with an 80's hair metal vibe. I wanted a full Sonic blaster squad, buy only had one and the blastmaster, so time to make up some stuff: Dude doing a squealy blaster solo, and regular blaster dude. You cant quite see the detail, ut they have hides/skin GS'd onto their leg armour, and regular dude has GW barbed wire wrapped around his thigh. Blastmaster and DeathKorg. You cannot have a band without a synth, so this guy got made up. The idea is that the bolter fires, gets some funky rhythm attached to it as it goes along the barrel, then hits the opponent with some music that they've probably never heard of. Noise Champion: Since squad leaders cannot currently have blasters, and in the hope that they can someday, I made something in between a combi bolter and blaster, the backpack (from the classic NM) and belt amp can also double as a Doom Siren. Smile:
  3. https://www.reddit.com/r/Warhammer40k/comments/194cfjt/my_death_guard_tutorial/ I found this tutorial and is quite interesting. And I really like the conversion, simple but effective.
  4. Chaos. It has been called the Primordial Truth. As it turns out, that is quite accurate. For me, at least. Since joining the B&C, I have dabbled in other..Things. I have tried to upkeep clever Project logs. I have spread my painting across Sub Forums. And left them there as the Things from beyond the Veil vied for my attention again. I have dipped my toes into Mechanicus… and it goes dark… I still think it needs more Spikes. and gets sidelined by other Things. Mostly spikey Things. Chaos. It happens to my painting table. Quite frequently. And all this crazy stuff lately. Necromunda. Titanicus. I even tried my Hand at Shadow War. Shadow War Badab. It has traitors. Well, almost… Then Chaos happens. Sooner or later, the B&C will issue the Call. And everything turns dark and spikey. Again. So, let the great Purge return my derelict blog attempts to be dissolved by the Primordial Annihilator. From now on, I shall channel my otherwordly painting efforts in this ongoing Prayer thread as i walk the Eightfold Path... and as the Great Wheel turns and the Eye opens, Let the Galaxy burn! Shudder at what is coming ….
  5. Hi Everyone. I’m Givemead. I’ve been lurking, off and on, on here for a while, but I’ve finally got around to setting up an account and starting my own log. For those of you who are interested here is a bit about my hobby history: Hidden Content I have been in and around the hobby for something over 30 years (my first White Dwarf was issue 110 in February 1989). I started out in Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay, moving on to Warhammer Fantasy Battle 3rd edition and then EPIC. I have only ever dabbled in playing WH40K but have been enamoured with it since those early days, first with Rogue Trader and on through the editions, I think I’m right in saying I have played a game in every edition but I’m not 100% on that! Before 3rd edition I’d not really collected a 40K army having only inherited a (mainly Harlequins) Eldar army from a friend who emigrated to America, but had added quite a bit to that with aspect warriors and other troops. 3ed was when I fell into the clutches of the dark gods and, inspired by the new codex at the time, started collecting chaos space marines. Things got more serious around 2007/8 when I decided that I’d had enough of collecting and painting at random and that I should make a concerted effort to get an army painted. I took part in the Tale of 40K Painters over on Warseer for several years and have as a result quite a large chaos army painted up – mainly daemons and within that mainly Nurgle (including about 40 of the last version of plaguebearers made in metal). In later years I did a bit more of the chaos marines; some 1K sons, a Hellbrute, a defiler, some plague marines and Warp Talons. Then for some reason I decided I wanted an army that I could finish (Ha, what a joke!) so I started collecting and painting a Tau Empire army. This was when the Riptide and other plastics were released. And I stuck at it for quite a while, through to the Stormsurge/Ghostkeel release when I bit off more than I could proverbially chew and I lost my hobby mojo, for the Tau at least, trying to convert the Stormsurge to have an enclosed cockpit. I forget the exact sequence of events but it was about then that GW release 8th edition, Dark Imperium and followed quickly on with the Death Guard. And with that I was back in thrall to chaos! Over the last year I’ve been having a few real life things that have meant that I haven’t had a huge amount of time to devote to the hobby, but the end is in sight and in short order I should be in a much better position for hobby time. If you have read this far then good on you. I’ll shut up now and get to the point. I want to have a real go at tackling my Death Guard, especially as I got the Infection Cluster battleforce at Christmas (not to mention the backlog). There may be other chaos stuff thrown in at some point just for good measure. First up a pic of the last good sized chunk of chaos models I painted, circa 2012/13; a Hellbrute and cultists, some plague marines and Warp Talons. Also some daemons; plaguebearers (the last metal ones), some screamers and plague drones (with riders converted from the metal plaguebearers). This next pic is the Death Guard from the first pic. They are mostly based on the old metal plague marine models that I think are about 17 years old now. One of the plasma gunners is from the slightly later havocs set, which was probably circa 2004. The icon bearer is built from plastic CSM bits plus some goodies that I had in my bits box. I'm not sure I want to do the new Death Guard the same way, not least of all because I remember the paint scheme I went with on these old ones was quite a lot of work, but I’ll expand on my thoughts later. Some more recently painted stuff now, from last year; an additional 3 plague drones, giving me 7 in total: These plague drones aren’t based yet (basing is something I want to explore a bit and get some feedback on). As mentioned above I have quite a few of the most recent Death Guard models, but I also have more old metal ones. Something that was bothering me when thinking about how I would tackle the old metal guys was that there has been a marked increase in size with the new models compared with previous versions. They are great models with masses of detail, but they're big. I thought about this quite a bit and decided that the main problem was that their legs are rather short and weedy in comparison with the new models but their torsos and heads are not so bad. I decided to saw the legs off the metal models and use Mk3 armour the metal torsos. I’ve got some of the metal havoc torsos and have used the Mk3 legs for them as well. This gave me the opportunity to boost the height more by putting filler in between the legs and torso. They are now much the same sort of height as the new ones: The hybrids may not have quite the same bulk as the new models but they will blend in much more now. It has been quite a bit of work but quite satisfying. I am now at the stage where I have 17 hybrids (including 3 FW resin torsos (how I came to have these I don’t know)). Here are some of them: The next problem to tackle is the bulk of the old models for which I think I will just use some plasticard at the shoulders and use arms and shoulder pads from the new multi part marines. I’ll also need to do so creative gap hiding around the waist area, but I’m sure my bits box is up to the task. In my next post I’ll show you where I’d got to with my poxwalkers.
  6. Hello everyone. Im really slow painter, especially then it comes to paint something for myself. I'll post here some Death Guard models i've done in pair with my wife in last year or two. This Typhus was painted for myself back in 2018 just to test color scheme and my friend asked me to paint one for him in same colors, so we decided to trade them. He got my painted one and i recived brand new sprues, that were laying on shelf for almost a year. At this time we are painting Typhus and terminators. This one is almost finished. Rusty pigments and Destroyer Hive are on the way Second will be painted in colors of my army - dark yellow with dark blue shoulders. Im still thinking how to paint his helmet - cool white or use warm bone tones.
  7. I made a New Year's resolution for the first time ever, and unlike everybody I know, I actually kept mine! Due to not being able to work this year, I've had all the time to work on my models and delete my backlog pile somewhat. And therefore, in the past 7 months, I've ground through my 3k list for Death Guard and got everything painted and based! Amongst a bunch of other things which don't apply here. Anyhoo, enough pre-amble, pictures! And apologies for the varying quality and style of some of these pics, I'm a bad photographer trying to find my feet. Necrosius Daemon Prince
  8. Well, I started a thread on the 23rd of July but with the DB crash and roll back dogs ate it along with my homework. The beauty is you now will get a lot of WIP pictures like some rapid time lapse across a fortnight without my inane rambling. That won't last The downside is there will be lots of pictures in one post, but not much I can do about that as I am having to play catch up. The Wall of Bronze Beasts Printed scans from my copies of the IA books for inspiration and direction. The First Five Gotta start somewhere and as I want half in Mk VIII a squad in my take on that armour was the obvious starting point. At this point I was pleased. Mk VIII Chests How I did Mk VIII chest so the abdomen cables aren't exposed. I obviously could only do so many before I ran out so you'll start to see white bits as I lifted a cast of my modified chest plates. Losing Focus Rather than staying on point I wondered what the second squad in MK VIII would look like as I intend to give them Tigrus bolt guns. Great but still not one squad built Focus still lost... And what they would look like with a plasma gun, Ryza pattern of course. Second squad again, still off with the fairies... Standing on things is cool Lorenzen said so (at least I think he did long ago). And he is right. And he is doing Minotaurs too! Although I won't have bare flesh anywhere on mine, too page 3 exposing themselves and helms are more menacing. Note I went back to squad one again at this point. I was going to make this guy the combat squad leader but didn't which has led to problems (see later). Arguably you could say I'd regained my focus... Captain who became Sciron ...but you'd be wrong. An idea that escaped and broke focus. On the original thread the consensus was the name Sciron suited him more than Carcinus. When I say consensus like one person responded. Both are spare names from the FW brass etch sheet. I like him, pity I'll hardly ever use him. He is more progressed now and I will finish him for Grotsmasha;s challenge as a "funsies". Finally the Heavy I stopped procrastinating and prevaricating and finally built the squad heavy weapon. Quite happy with this, so I put all my avoidance energies into the special weapon bloke. Sons of Medusa No, really. Whilst avoiding doing the flamer I started fiddling with Sons of Medusa. I should write a book called Focus Lost or something. Flamers need bunkers to burn So, Armies on Parade and themed terrain is well important, more so than having an actual squad built, so I am doing this in tandem. Big, isn't it? Note I will be attacking this as Minotaurs so it'll be ouch time for me. Fits with them perfectly of course thus me doing it. And the fact I had the FW Siege of Vraks moduler resin trench stuff lying about gathering dust. More on this later but I'll be picking up the foam board and ply tomorrow. The gang is not all here Nine. Sort of like the Nazgul except not. Flamer guy all sinister on the right side. Missile launcher man strangely giving out quests. Sinister Close up of too many to be a combat squad and not remotely loaded right even if they where. Dexter And too few for a combat squad but at least a close up of elusive flamer chap. Note I cannot make my mind up on the last bolter man, who may also be squad leader, so I'll make another nine and then decide which one goes with these guys and then give the others Tigrus, then vacillate for ages over who gets to be Sergeant Aristophane, and then avoid building their plasma gunner and heavy bolterer for ages whilst building a full 6 ft. by 2 ft. trench system. However tonight is gym, then selling my FW Reaver on eBay, and then adding bulbs to all their ankles.
  9. https://www.battle-report.com/2018/03/27/death-guard-vs-thousand-sons/ Flu season! Cheers, Thoth
  10. I'm having a hard time with deciding on color. Which do you like better? The light green is Citadel Death Guard Green The darker is Army Painter Army Green Neither has been shaded or highlighted.
  11. I'm having a hard time with deciding on color. Which do you like better? The light green is Citadel Death Guard Green The darker is Army Painter Army Green Neither has been shaded or highlighted.
  12. After 5 years away from the hobby due to University, I have decided to return. The stars seemed to have aligned with 8th edition, the Death Guard codex, and the completion of my degree coinciding. Perhaps some influence from the changer of ways.. I have pledged to complete the following for the 10th call of chaos: 1 Daemon Prince 1 Helbrute 7 Plague Marines Typhus 1 Rhino 7 Blightlords 3 Deathshroud Only when I was typing that I accidentally put 1 helbrute instead of 2. I still plan on painting both as I am participating in a 1500 pt tournament in 3 weeks where I will need the Daemon Prince, both helbrutes and the 7 plague marines painted, in addition to rebasing and adding a few other details to the other models which I have already painted (Back when I started Death Guard in around 2011, I had about 1500 points already painted) I have a huge amount of death guard to paint at the moment, in addition to the above I have 2 sets of dark imperium, 2 more squads of plague marines and mortarion sitting unassembled. I will try and keep you updated once a fortnight. Onto the units I have pledged for the call: Unassembled goodies for later Plague marines and rhino. The rhino has forge world doors. The 6 of the plague marines are from dark imperium, 2 of which have arm swaps to give them different weapons, the 7th is a plague brethren also with arm swaps. 2 Helbrutes, one is an OOP forge world dreadnought, the other is a slightly converted dark vengeance helbrute. Last but not least is my Daemon prince. It's been heavily converted from the plastic kit with a defiler face plate, some plasticard and a lot of green stuff. I look forward to showing some painted minis. On another note, what is the fastest/best way to upload images/posts? It took me ~45 minutes to do this post and I would like to be able to do it quicker.
  13. Are the Datacards worth getting? Are they going to be an evergreen product? Do I need to worry about them going away at some point? I'm not going to be able to afford them for a while unless the few ebay sales I have going actually sell...
  14. _________________________________ For Hatred's Sake _________________ ‘...has been slain. I repeat...’ ‘...all Thirteenth Legion forces in the vicinity are to evacuate immediately, contingency Ultio in effect -’ ‘...belay that, the Primarch still lives! Reroute emergency landers to my position – ‘ ‘...say again, my lord, say again – we’re getting interference across all vox channels – ‘ ‘ – have disengaged, I repeat, XII and XVII Legion forces appear to be disengaging. What in the Throne’s name is happening in the heavens? Talon and Victrix flights report atmospheric disturbance like nothing they’ve seen before – ‘ -vox-chatter fragments c. Second Battle of Nuceria, XIII Legion archival log _________________ The destruction unleashed by the advent of Lorgar’s Ruinstorm was without precedent during the apocalyptic wars of the Horus Heresy. Until the war reached the shores of Sol, no other event inflicted as much sheer chaos or systemic disruption across the Imperium. Whole systems were lost to Imperial records, never to be heard from again, and on hundreds of worlds the skies split apart as the nightmarish denizens of the Immaterium poured forth from the roiling, seething tides of unreality now isolating the eastern domains of the Imperium. For those who populated the Five Hundred Worlds, the nascent empire-within-an-empire carved by honoured Guilliman and the XIII Legion, the infamy and treachery of the Word Bearers and World Eaters Legions was all too clear; in this darkest hour the state of the Imperium-that-Was – and the fate of the Throneworld itself – was unclear. Many in the highest echelons of the Five Hundred Worlds and its protectors believed the Imperium to have been irrevocably sundered. During the fateful first weeks of the Ruinstorm’s creation, the XIII Legion counterattack across the Five Hundred Worlds foundered and ground to a halt. Those planets not flensed of life by Angron’s hounds or sacrificed to malevolent powers were where the XIII Legion focussed their efforts of reconquista. Celerax Magna, a densely populated garden world on the western edge of the Five Hundred Worlds, became the stage for a brief but particularly brutal war in the weeks following the advent of the Ruinstorm. Before the Heresy, Celerax Magna had been a navigatory terminus for Imperial fleets and frequently housed members of the Navis Nobilite. Left relatively untouched by the Traitor advance, the survivors of the Navigator houses fleeing the carnage wracking the Five Hundred Worlds sequestered themselves in Celerax Magna’s teeming utopian cities, hoping to avoid the worst of the wars tearing apart Guilliman’s empire. Such a peaceful dream was as naive as it was false. As the Ruinstorm worsened, XIII Legion reserves drawn from censuria companies and VII Legion survivors of the Phall debacle spearheaded a Loyalist force from several Legions intended to secure the terminus, liberate any Navigators that could be located and with their aid forge a safe passage through the Ruinstorm, if one could be found. It was not to be so. The Traitor Legions arrived in force mere hours after the Loyalist vanguard arrived on Celerax Magna, alerted to the presence of the Navigators by powers dark and nefarious. Knowing that they could not count on reinforcement, and that to fail now would be to doom Imperial efforts to escape the Ruinstorm, the vengeful Loyalists readied themselves for a conflict that would be utterly without respite or quarter. The resulting war lasted for seven days without pause and saw the deaths of more than twelve billion souls. _________________________________ For Hatred’s Sake is a narrative doubles event made for the Age of Darkness supplement for the Warhammer 40,000 (7th edition) ruleset, with myself (BrotherCaptainArkhan) as author. In this event, players form teams of two to take on opposing teams battling for the fate of Celerax Magna. During the chaos and confusion of the Ruinstorm, the members of many Legions from both Loyalist and Traitor allegiances arrived in the domain of the Five Hundred Worlds, some by chance, some by darker design. Teams will face off across three themed scenarios, attempting to decapitate rival forces, capture valuable information that will enable them to locate the Navigator survivors who may be critical to the war effort, and finally enact their escape. This log will document the weekly buildup to the event itself, with army pictures, lore, force dispositions, themed scenarios and finally battle reports detailing the final hours of the garden world Celerax Magna, and the fate of the warriors fighting over it. _________________________________ Belligerents Loyalist force disposition VI Legion Pale Hunters VII Legion Mountainfire Company XI Legion Task Force Cornelius XIII Legion The Black One Hundred [Legion identifier missing] Strike Force Black Mamba [Legion identifier missing] First Sphere _________________ Traitor force disposition III Legion Third Company Elite VIII Legion Pythius Strike Force VIII Legion The Painted Exiles XIV Legion Death Guard XVI Legion Sons of Horus V Legion White Scars _________________ Next update: Event Rules
  15. I felt like doing a project log. I should have started earlier since I've been doing the odd bit of Black Legion for most of the year but better late than never and the Death Guard release is round the corner so I want my Black Legion out of the way. Black Legion were my second 40k army from over a decade ago but I never really painted that many of them. This thread will be for Black Legion, Death Guard and Fallen Angels. I got my BL ready but only got to play one Fate of Konor game my army was more or less this: Proxied Cultists due to not wanting to buy or paint more autogun chaff right now and a rhino I actually earmarked for Death Guard due to not wanting to have to work on that many rhinos. Everyone was based for the campaign and the khorne berzerkers got rebuilt. Daemon Prince is only there because my Lord never got finished. Berzerkers were the only chaos unit I actually 'finished' when I was a wee lad. I don't have a 'before' pic for the berzerkers I rescued them but here are some left over bits to give you an idea of the state they were in. Now they look like this. Mostly made up of berzerker bits because I wanted to finish them without any further investment but there are some chaos knight, possessed and regular chaos marine bits in there. They aren't quite finished but they'll do for now. Banner is a plague monk one. Work in progress possessed. The rest of the squad I won't post because they're not very different from when I got them painted second hand (only thing I did was the black legion symbol and a coat of black over Iron warrior grey). Daemon Prince I started years ago and redid the trim and eyes to bring him up to scratch along with throwing a wash on him. Earlier this year I did these squads: Havoks with Forge World autocannons and mixed csm/mark 3 bits. Still need one last top knot. I did some touches up on my old chaos lord before noticing that he was way out of scale compared to the Dark Vengeance models I had just painted. I had planned on just changing the bases on my metal terminators since they were still kind of okay scaled to the 3rd edition chaos marines and berzerkers but the newer models were going to cause issues. So I bought a Terminator Lord Cadre and a Scarab Occult box to combine with a bunch of second ed metal terminator arms to make: Still kind of WIP Terminators Cyclopia Cabal (never actually used it before the new edition removed formations). Still a legal Supreme Command detachment but too expensive to use. I have a "terminator officers only" rule in my Black Legion which only my Exalted Champion is breaking. Motor pool with WIP rhino. Can't remember how I used to do eyes and have DG rhinos to do so its on hold. Bikers are only slightly converted because I needed to do something to make them come close to living up the ludicrous concept that is "CHAOS SPACE MARINE BIKERS" but also wanted to be able to get them out of the way. Stuff I did less recently. Chosen I did a year or so ago and are the current 'standard' I followed up with on the havoks and terminators. Guys on the right are my old 'possessed' from 3rd edition who I made without properly checking the unit entry while the guys on the left were done 7 or so years ago just after my daemon prince' first colour scheme back when I was checking out if p3 Blighted Gold was going to be the way to go. All were rebased recently. Mace chosen gets used as an exalted champion, the others get to be aspiring champions.
  16. So like many people since 8th Edition dropped, I've decided to get going on a Death Guard army. Background: I got into the 14th Legion back somewhere around 2003, after reading a then-famous White Dwarf article featuring tactics on playing Plague Marines. The early 2000s was a bit of a Nurgle renaissance, as we'd wrapped up the awesome Eye of Terror campaign and Deathguard.org was still around. I painted up ~2000 points using the Jean Francoise tutorial (basically drybrushing + washes), and spent a few years bashing them into my brother's Ultramarines and Tyranids. Eventually I moved on to other armies, and at several points over the years I decided to dissassemble and repaint my army. All those attempts stalled after a few models, and eventually I was left with a pile of half-painted models that couldn't really be fielded effectively. This year I decided to get my together and actually paint my army. Drawing inspiration from a number of awesome DG army logs (especially the work of Squiggoth and Animerik) and using downtime from Hurricane Harvey this weekend, I finished up my test model. I figured the old dime-a-dozen monopose 2nd Edition Marine would be a good test model (though he's missing some common features of later sculpts, like weird growths and puss). Some notes: - I'm gonna use the right greave for squad markings. The first squad will be checkerboard. From there, I'm thinking maybe caution stripes and flames for some other markings? - I'm planning on doing freehand on any blank shoulderpads. This idea is shamelessly stolen from Squiggoth's army. Dunno how easy this will be, as I don't have a huge mental tank of Nurgle freehand iconography . . . - Blue accents are also kinda stolen from Squiggoth. I think they pop well. - I love a lot of the grimy, gritty DG armies out there, but that's not one of my strengths as a painter. I kept the weathering to a bit of a minimum here, with just a bit of blood and Typhus Corrosion. Some other guys might get a bit grimier, especially the 3rd edition models with more mutation and nasty stuff in their sculpts, but this is generally what I'd like to shoot for. - My other 40K armies have summer (Eldar) and winter (Blood Axes) bases. I figured fall would be a good addition to that. Now that that's out of the way, I'll start work on the rest of the squad this week.
  17. Hey guys, so I too have fallen for the new models and started my DG Vectorum. Now, I've been reading their Lexicanum articles etc. but I still have some fluff questions. Hopefully you can help me out here: 1. I've read somewhere that Typhus used to decapitate his enemies and then vomit down their throats to spoil their gene-seed. I find this highly amusing as it is a perfect example for 40Ks "grimderp" moments. Is/Was this actually a thing? 2. I am a bit confused as to how exactly the Plague Marines stay so... "healthy". I mean they are rotting and disease-ridden and even if they don't feel pain anymore, shouldn't the diseases cripple them? Like some going blind or something? Is there an explanation why they don't just keel over and die? I know that Nurgle's blessing keeps them alive and makes them even more resilient. But a Space Marine rotting away and at the same time being even more resilient seems paradox to me. 3. Is Mortarion's non-bloatedness purely an aesthetic design decision or did he somehow "conquer" his sickness. I mean from what I've read he is surprisingly slim and human (apart from his wings) and not a bloated mess of tentacles and puss. 4. Do we know what Plague Marines do in their spare time? I think they still do some routine stuff like train for combat etc. but they obviously don't repair/polish their armour (since they also can't take it off if they are fused to it) or bolters. They are also rather... jolly maybe they even engage in some social activities like visiting the inhabitants of their Plague Planets or see who can grow the largest Nurgling? 5. Would it be unfluffy to field some tanks? I've read that the Death Guard's armory has fallen into disrepair and they use very few tanks. But I would love to take a Land Raider, Xiphon Inceptor or some Artillery to the field to support my footslogging units.
  18. Like many, as soon as I saw the Death Guard half of the Dark Imperium, I knew I wanted them all! As a pretext, if you're expecting completed models thick and fast, that isn't going to happen. I'm more a tinkerer with miniatures and I'm more interested in the conversion and sculpting side of the hobby. Even though I really like the stock Dark Imperium models but there were still lots of little conversions and changes I wanted to play around with - especially for those duplicates! Let's start with my WIP Malignant Plaguecaster, which is all rebuild / kit bash from the legs up; Initially, I only wanted to make a few slight changes to the original model after seeing a couple posters on here do the same. It went a bit further than that so I ended up completely rebuilding the torso from a chopped-up MkIII torso and Milliput (to build the proportions back up to the upsized Death Guard plastics). I'm currently having a blast sculpting on the really cracked and battered ceramite armour plates! The left arm will be a standard outstretched MkIII arm with the original staff, but I'm not too sure about the other arm yet - any suggestions? ~ I've got some other bits to post, but I'll wait for some feedback and thoughts from people before so. Question though - picture sizes OK? I have them quite large so you can see the details!
  19. With the new death guard being released I thought I would actually put some paint onto my entropic marines, they've been waiting since 5th. This plog will contain the dudes from the box as well as a FW dread and 2/3 squads of marines. Maybe some Havocs. Then I may splash out on Morty when he decides to raise his ugly head. I've started with the dread so here's where I'm at.... Untitled by Pete Haeger, on Flickr I've replaced his banner as it looked like it was there to break off. Untitled by Pete Haeger, on Flickr Untitled by Pete Haeger, on Flickr Untitled by Pete Haeger, on Flickr Still a bit to do, but what do you guys think? Anyone able to help with embedding the photos would be much appreciated
  20. Inspirational Friday: The Death Guard For those who do not know it, Inspiration Friday is a (generally) fortnightly weekly event within its home in the Chaos Space Marines forum, in which a topic is set for members to write short (or long if the muse takes you) fluff/fan-fic pieces about their war bands, characters and models. And today begins our fourteenth challenge of Inspirational Friday 2017: Death Guard The 14th legion. The sons of Mortarion. Warriors of Barbarus. Formerly the Dusk Raiders. The first-blessed of Grandfather Nurgle. Once warriors of strength, strong will and stern resolution, they were ravaged by plague whilst trapped in the warp en route to Terra. Their lord, Mortarion, swore fealty to Nurgle and saw his sons transformed into Plague Marines; their flesh bubbling with corruption, their innards spilling through lesions in their putrid skin and their bodies and weapons oozing with slime. They rule over the Plague Planet where sickness and pestilence are the norm, where miasmic clouds bring contagion and death and where the diseased pray to Nurgle for relief from their constant agony. When the Death Guard march from the Eye, or the Cicatrix Maledictum, there goes before them countless pandemics which ravage those who would oppose them even before the Plague Marines strike and bring the blessings of Grandfather Nurgle... Inspirational Friday: Death Guard runs until the 11th of August. Let us be inspired. To whomever wins IF: Death Guard goes the Pox Amulet... ...and the honour of judging the next challenge (which they can relinquish to me if they wish). Why would anyone other than a heretic want such an accursed bauble? To prevent the forces of Chaos from laying their claws on it, of course! Please submit your entries (and any questions you might have) in the main IF thread linked to above.
  21. Index Traitoris Legion: Death Guard Vectorum: Seventh Pestilence Threat Rating: Extremis Known Leader: Julgolax Homeworld: The Plague Planet Colors: Bone White, Rotten Green, Tarnished Brass and Silver Insignia: a 7 made of 7 fly icons. Strength: Roughly a company, unknown Battlecry: none Motto: "A blessing is best given to those who do not look for it." History The Seventh Pestillence is the remnant of a much larger company of Death Guard from the aftermath of the plague. These plague marines are all natives of Barbarus before it's destruction and have carved out a location for themselves on the Plague Planet similar to their company's barracks on their birthworld. The Seventh Pestillence Vectorum is lead still by it's original leader, the former commander Julgos Nothan who took up a new name after the great infection. The company was one of many within the 4th Great Company of the Legion to embrace their new situation during the days of the Horus Heresy. Since then they had been primarily a raiding force which made excursions out of the Eye of Terror in search of new worlds to conquer and new populations to destroy. Like many Vectorums, they see themselves as bringers of Nurgle's blessings, that each plague is a new and glorious opportunity for each imperial and alien alike to serve the will of the Plague God. Organization The Vectorum still adheres to it's ancient battle tactics and marches forth in waves of combined arms assaults, now supported by hordes of captured Poxwalkers and daemons of Nurgle. Their tactics mostly rely on fighting on foot but their twisted Warpsmith still keeps watch over a small host of Rhino and Land Raider APC vehicles for terrain too difficult to cross effectively on foot. The favored tactic of Julgolax is to send in his hordes of infected Poxwalkers flanked by swarms of daemonic flies and jabbering Nurglings to pin the enemy down in combat before his main force arrives to create a crescendo of plague-ridden violence. He orders his warriors to practice restraint though, as any survivors are taken to replenish his beloved Poxwalkers and the corpses of the dead are used to create grotesque hives for his cherished fly swarms. Recruitment Since the geneseed of Mortarion has long since been corrupted beyond all reproduction and all known reserves destroyed, recruitment is nearly impossible. The Death Guard have employed the sorcerous powers of their Plaguecasters to replenish their ranks via pacts and agreements with the Dark Mechanicum. Through the bargains struck by the Plaguecasters, the souls of the most worthy fallen warriors can be brought back and summoned into new bodies grown by allied forces in the Dark Mechanicum but it is rare and these warriors must fight all the harder to gain acceptance among the members of the Vectorum. The cost is usually quite high for the Plaguecasters as more pacts are made with daemons, they face great torment should their charges fail and die again... Alliances The Seventh Pestilence has always found itself aided in times of war by the forces of their patron, when circumstances warrant it, and they view direct intervention by the Plague Hosts of Nurgle as a sign of great favor and blessing from Grandfather. In particular, the Great Unclean One known as Gholburast has shown great interest in the forces of Julgolax and was the one who gifted him the Black Tree those millennia ago on Nurgle's behalf. The Seventh Pestilence has allied itself with a few outside organizations in order to keep their war efforts supplied and operational. Julgolax has made personal pacts with the Dark Mechanicum and a warband of Iron Warriors under Warpsmith Thulbor. In exchange for war material and support from the famed daemon engines of the Iron Warriors, Julgolax has given his allies an entire world on the border of the Eye of Terror (now Cicatrix Maledictum) with which to practice their craft. In addition to them, Julgolax has known to ally himself on occasion with members of the Word Bearers, Black Legion and even the Night Lords should they agree. Notable Battles (WIP) Notable Individuals Julgolax - Formerly 7th Company Captain Julgos Nothan of the 4th Grand Company, Julgolax took up a new name as the last vestiges of humanity rotted away. From a lifetime of despair that weighed heavily on his Legion, new joy came in the form of spreading the plagues of Nurgle to the people of the Emperor's fractured domain. He spent nearly a decade of leading raids into realspace to rid any lingering regret from his blackened soul in the aftermath of the Horus Heresy, and subsequently corrupting his body beyond return. He is a warrior loyal to Mortarion through and through, and has always possessed an independent streak that made him a born commander. Regoth Molod - During the Great Heresy, Molod was one of many psykers who were repressed by Mortarion and who eventually were given free reign to explore their powers after the Legion had fallen. Regoth Molod was one such psyker who fervently embraced the varied and bizarre powers available for him to learn from communing with the daemons of Nurgle. He has always been a part of the same company as Julgolax and though he is sometimes a challenge to his lord's rule, he would not dare cross the ancient and favored commander of the Vectorum. His powers have given him great status and respect among the host of warriors and will often lead his fellow plague marines in the absence of Julgolax. Subolod - Once the most honored of Julgos' company, bearing the standard of the 7th company to battle, Subos Galt had followed his captain ever since he was promoted to Captain and they had always been friendly rivals. Since the great infection, Subos had followed suit with his commander and embraced the fall from grace. He too took up a new name as part of washing away any lingering doubts or regrets and bore the gifts and burdens of Nurgle proudly. His great Plague Bell and Tocsins of Nurgle ring mournfully as they sound the approach of the Vectorum's plague marines, a death knell to many beleaguered defender. Known Relics Plague Bell of Gholburast - This Plague Bell which bears the great symbol of the Fly, thrums with an aura of despair as it's mournful gong drives the enemy to despair and the swarms of daemon flies to a frenzy of stinging, biting and lacerating. Plaguereaper of Julgolax - This mighty flail was fashioned in similar fashion to the other plague weapons wielded by the mighty Lords and Plaguecasters of the Legion but instead of a traditional scything blade, it's affixed with a cruel spiked censor globe with a diminutive Nurgling inside called "Gibblet" who constantly expels virulent slime and noxious gasses. The Black Tree - This abhorrent, infected tree is a twisted, slimy, black growth that lives in the heart of the company's Strike Cruiser "Exhumed Fury". It's rotten, fungal heart pulses with fell energies that it draws from the ships' reactor core and supplies many of the incredibly tough Rotwood for use in creating the Vectorums' plague weapons. It was a gift from Nurgle earned for the victory over the Blood Angels during the Putrefaction of Blood campaign. ​The Rotwood Known by several names, The Blackbone Plague, The Ebonheart Plague, The Ossifactor, the Rotwood derived from the Vectorum's Black Tree. This gnarled, fell spore is used not only to make terrible plague weapons for the worthy to bear into battle but also a vehicle for the doom of worlds. Taken and cultured from the Black Tree, samples of the Rotwood are encapsulated within munitions designed to hammer into the target world from orbit and begin an uncontrollable pattern of growth. The Rotwood is resilient, voracious and grows alarmingly fast when exposed to an energy source, be it biological or mechanical. The target population will experience the sudden and terrible surprise of grey clouds of spores released from selected sites which immediately begin infecting their hosts with nigh unstoppable black growths over their bones. Meanwhile, the spores can also manage to find energy sources to create mirrors of the original strain, the Black Tree. The Rotwood is notorious for spreading quickly because of it's highly mutable form, able to transition in minutes from an airborne spore to an infection and back to a spore within days once the host has reached the last stage of infection and dies, being reborn as a Poxwalker. Once a single Rotwood spore finds purchase, doom is practically assured.
  22. Hello all, Having lurked and commented a bit, I reckon it's time for me to start a log here on this fine forum. The fraters (I believe that's the nomenclature here?) set a high bar, indeed! As for me, I've been in the hobby for a while, having started back in the days with Warhammer Fantasy, but then changed to 40k. I'm far from monogamous when it comes to gaming systems though, and with a complete lack of impulse control I tend to spread my attention over a number of system. Still, 40K, and lately 30K, remains a beloved part of my hobby life. I haven't played an actual game in ages (and the last one, sometime last year, was second edition), but the universe and models continue to inspire and fascinate, not least through the stuff I see here on B&C. Other than that, I dabble in various game systems like Infinity, Ronin, Chain of Command, and various others, but given the lack of both chainswords and bolters, they're not really relevant for the discussion here. I hope to use this log as a home for all my GrimDark armies, of either 30k or 40k varieties. I'll also be using it as a repository for paint recipes, as I have a tendency to forget how I've painted stuff - a side effect of working exceeding slowly, I'm afraid. As I said however, I dabble, so there's bound to be one-offs, or even periods where I can't post my work since it'll be non-grimdark. Just so's everyone's warned. And on another note: I really, really hope for some constructive criticism. I truly do appreciate those comments that point out errors or stuff that might have been better. In all things I try to improve, and that's going to be much, much easier with comments and feedback from you, frater, so pick away, please! Currently, I've got 3 main projects on the go. A while ago I picked up the mid-sized starter, and have been picking away at it. Both the DG and Primaris sides are bound to get a bit of expansion, but I hope to keep it small-ish and not get carried away. That's never worked for me before, but one time has to be the first, right? The last project is my heresy Fists, who've been on the back burner for a bit. I hope to get back to them soonish. I've recently gotten a new camera so if the pictures aren't that great it's because I'm still playing around with it. The Death Guard is going to be done in a relatively fast and dirty scheme. It seemed fitting. Initially, I wanted to stick to the box contents, but I figured that with a bit of conversion, a MKIII plastic marine could become a decent Icon Bearer: He's got 1mm spacers in his legs, a clump of GS between the legs and torso, and a 1mm spacer to bulk out the torso, and he's STILL a bit smallish when compared to the other DG. Also, obviously, a PiP. I'll get round to him, eventually. There's more of the DG, but that'll have to wait for a future update when I get the chance to grab some pictures. I'll finish this off with a pic of the DA that will be opposing the Death Guard. The Dark Angels were my first marine legion chapter, and I've always had a special place for them in my heart. Since I've started I've also painted Blood Angels, Novamarines and Imperial Fists, but the scions of the First are something special. I'm mucking about with decals atm, and trying to get them to work. Comments are more than welcome!
  23. I realized that I invest more time building/painting stuff when I share what I am working on so I decided to start this topic as a blog of sorts. It can also be very helpful for me to read people's comments on my stuff since I only started painting on September 2017. It occurred to me to just create this topic in the CSM forum but since I'm thinking about getting some non-Chaos models I think it will fit better here. I also have several count-as non-GW models which I hope is ok to post in B&C but, just in case, I'll try to post pictures of them along with official GW ones. So, let's get started! On Sunday, February 4th, I got to try how it feels to paint models primed using Corax White (until now I had only tried Abbadon Black and Leadbelcher): I love the poxwalker models and they are my favorite ones to test new stuff in. I went on a shopping spree on Friday and this was my first time using washes that weren't Agrax Earthshade: But for most of the day, the drone was the one that had my attention. I had left it half painted for a couple of months and now it went from this: To this: I started to work on that winged Daemon Prince of Nurgle in the background but no pics yet as I'm still testing things on him (mainly sick flesh).
  24. Greetings Fetid Ones, Well this seems to be the place to chat about KT Tactica for all factions, so I thought I'd start the DG off here. So to start off. I'm loving KT and have my teams ready to to go. But what I'm liking is adding plague spewer, auto hits which seems to be one of the best ways to go in the game, blight launcher for demo specialist. One thing I'd love to see is a DG with sniper specialist, that would be fun. And I'm unsure as to how many poxwalkers to the list, I normally end up with about 3-4 and use them as meat shields to protect my heavies. So, what is everyone finding with running DG in KT
  25. Hi. As my hobby endeavours get progressively more random, and my available hobby time is on a compounding downhill trajectory, I've decided to consolidate everything into a single thread. Not that I've posted much the last couple month, or anything. I don't think I've even been to the B&C much. Just quietly chipping away at . With perhaps some new energy to share, everything shall go here. Unsorted and raw. I've managed to complete a fair share of my Oldhammer rescue backlog. Most importantly, I finished the Rhino. Couple pictures follow, most of completed models, but I intend to log further raw progress here. Also struggled through seven identical plastic plague marines from back then. Fantastically boring: Project Space Crusade was a real challenge. I made a couple bases for them. Basically plasticard and a couple old aquilas. Getting the dreadnought on an actual 40k base was significantly difficult. That thing's feet are one with its original square base. Lots of cutting, gluing, and swearing involved. In the meantime I've got the loyalist boarding party stripped, cleaned, magnetised, and have a first couple coarse base coats from my very cheap airbrush down. My wife thought they look like 'Space Police', which is an idea that I approve of heaps, hence the blue colour. Not sure if I want them to be Ultramarines or something else. Any feedback or -forward is appreciated. While the loyalists haven't been touched in a long time, team Chaos has seen completion. I honestly struggled through these. There's something about painting the exact same model a couple times, to some standard, that makes it hard. These weren't just as bad as the seven exactly identical plague marines above, but nevertheless numbing to paint. Didn't really enjoy. I'm taking a break from Oldhammering for a while. These are up next in the pipeline: stripped, cleaned, and awaiting basing, with the exception of the random trash I picked up the other month. Couple more plague bearers aren't shown, as is my Rogue Trader-era Chaos dreadnought.
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