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Need help restarting BA


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Hello brothers, ignore my user name. I made it when I first got on the B&C and was playing my BT but I decided to get into my blood angels again. I first decided to start playing my blood angels after I was playing a game with my new black Templar's and I was having fun with my crusader mowing down xenos left and right but I then started missing things. I missed my death co. who would get hit with a battle cannon shot immediately when they entered the game or when they were trying to chase an eldar jet bike squad due to rage, or my assault squads with fnp and FC led by a chaplain.I then decided that my heart belongs to the sons of Sanguinus so here I am today. So anyways I haven't played for a REALLY long time and I would like to know the basics to blood angels. Thank you in advance.

PS. I have to start from scratch because about 90% of my 40k things I gave to my cousin as a gift when I was going to college. sweat.gif

Edit: special thanks to community for getting me restarted with awesome conversions and everything. Also chaplain admentuse's battle reportsteehee.gif

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Best advice I can give is to read any tactical primers or threads relating to specific BA units.  Then check out all the tourney style army lists in the army list section.  Check the threads relating to the Death Company regarding their load outs, as well as the use of Fragioso drop pods (furioso dreadnoughts with frag cannons).


Keep reading and come back with specific questions that people can get their teeth into :)

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Best advice I can give is to read any tactical primers or threads relating to specific BA units. Then check out all the tourney style army lists in the army list section. Check the threads relating to the Death Company regarding their load outs, as well as the use of Fragioso drop pods (furioso dreadnoughts with frag cannons).

Keep reading and come back with specific questions that people can get their teeth into smile.png

Thank you. I've been looking through threads today. What is the best HQ that we have non special. Would a reclusiarch or a librarian be better? Also are tactical squads worth using or our assault marines still king in troops? thank you

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You can never really go wrong with a nice core base of two tactical squads, a Baal predator, and a Rhino.  Timeless units that won't change much or be invalidated by our 6th Ed. dex when it comes out. (I'd imagine/hope)


That being said, take steps to prepare yourself for the eventual release of said codex.  Unless you really like a certain specialty unit like Sanguinary Guard and are sure to use it, I'd keep those kinds of purchases smart and slim.  


However, that also said, your "catch-all" solution is magnetizing.  If you choose to magnetize your models, your wallet is your only limitation.  Buy models to your heart's content in that case because you can adapt them to whatever curve-balls the new 6th Ed. Codex might throw at you.





HQ, Reclusiasrch:) I used to swear by my Reclusiarch. Never did I enter a game without him and his crazy token-unit (Death Company) tagging along. He's still very useful when paired with them, and not too costly an HQ for what you get out of him, even if his maul is AP4 now.  He has his place, it's in melee with Death Company.  Without the Death Company, I'd suggest being a bit wiser with his placement, as his maul AP4 will make it hard for him to keep up with other melee units like Assault marines and in challenges, combat, etc...  You can give him a fist and call it done, run him with anyone.  The built in 4++ Rosarius is a good item to pair with unwieldy fistings.


HQ, Librarian:) Your force multiplier, plain and simple.  He's there not so much to "get stuck in" like the Reclusiarch does.  He's there to sit back, throw out buffs, and continue to make his points back by doing so.  The token school of powers to take is the re-rolls, you really never can go wrong with them when paired with devastators or other shooty units.  For his points he's a good investment, though Epistolary is never really worth it.  For those level of points, take another Librarian to keep your multiplier up even in case of "oh god, drop pod assault/assault locks the first one".  Cheap (bound to get cheaper in the 6th Ed. dex like normal-marine libs did), effective, and resilient.  And hey, if need be, he may clinch-kill a warlord or big creature with a force weapon as a last resort.


Troops, Assault Squad:) I've never been one to really run many ASM since my army largely hasn't changed in models since 3rd Ed.  Others will attest to their versatility in spades however, jumpack or not.  Scoring, easy to put needed weapons on (in case one region like AV is lacking in your army, or such), and very cheap/cost effective.  I can't really play them up too much, because I mainly (read: almost always) use them just to tie up troublesome enemy ranged squads.


Troops, Tactical Marines:) Since 3rd Edition I've never gone into a game without my 2 compulsory troop choices being two tactical squads.  Guns, special weapons, and on the cheap.  The quintessential bread-and-butter unit of any Space Marine army.  They're likely to get a tad bit more expensive with the release of our 6th Ed. dex, but this is to compensate for most-likely-flat-rate special weapon choices, firing at assaulting units, snap fire, and the ability to fire rapid-fire weapons at full range after moving.  They shoot well, hold objectives well, and weather fire/melee combat pretty decently.  I swear by them because with proper, smart positioning they can turn(usually more often they "stem") tides, or make battle flow in a direction you want.  I'm leaning towards making mine flamer & heavy bolter squads for 6th.

</my two cents>

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Thanks guys for the advice. I might just get the strike force from c:sm and change the ironclad to a regular dread. Though I don't know what to do with the captain? Hmm. Also do you find that termies are any good and if they are which one?


Edit: @dark legion are when do you think 6th Ed. Will our 6th Ed codex come out. If I am correct we just got a digital release

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Welcome back aboard, brother. I'm in the same situation myself, after a year of playing my DAs exclusively, I'm dusting off my red dudes again.

A couple of lessons I've learned so far (I'm sure my brethren have learned these things a while ago haha):

  • Sanguinary Priests are no longer auto-includes. The -I nerf to FC and less occurring FNP really do hurt.
  • Storm Raven serves better as a gunship than a transport. Need a transport for your DC, use a Land Raider instead.
  • Death Company are really, really awesome in 6th Edition.
  • Assault is not dead, once you get in there you still bring the pain. cool.png

Good luck!

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Some tidbits:

~ Never buy a Rhino. If you need a transport, buy the Razorback as the kit has options for both a Rhino and a Razorback.

~ Work out what style you want to play and buy the units for that, before chopping and changing.

~ While it is possible to download an illegal copy of the 40k rulebook, the cheapest way to get hold of one is to go to Ebay and look for the Dark Vengeance rulebook - this is the small one and just has the rules and not the fluff.

~ The current Ally rules allow you to play both Black Templars and Blood Angels in one army.

~ Buy a Stormraven, Furioso Dreadnought (and Drop Pod, equip the Dreadnought with a Frag Cannon), Baal Predator, 2 x Attack Bikes and Mephiston. No matter what style you play, you will get good mileage out of these.

~ Things like Terminator Squads, Bikes Squadrons can be a success, but they need a list built around them. A Sanguinary Priest here makes them quite resilient.

~ Sanguinary Priests are best purchased per 1000 points, but depending on your list these aren't necessary. If you intend on having one on foot, get/kitbash Corbulo.

~ Rage is different than it used to be. Death Company don't really need a Chaplain any more and if you scroll down the forum a little bit, there are good threads about how Death Company should be armed these days.

~ Power weapons come in four flavours. As a general rule, give a Sergeant a Power Sword (for challenges) and give Independent Characters a Power Axe (this takes advantage of their better weapon skill and although they go last, they can be let loose on a squad if the Sergeant is tied up in a challenge).

~ The Blood Angels Battleforce is best made into ten foot Death Company and ten Assault Marines rather than shown. Best to sprinkle with other part.

~ Never buy an Assault Squad box. Use Death Company as it's better value for money and a great source of BA bits. The Sanguinary Guard is a good source of BA bits too.

~ As for the Space Marine Strikeforce, it does have some promise should you want the Tactical Marines. Captains are sadly not competitive and the Ironclad will need some converting to make it's weapon into a Frag Cannon.


  • Sanguinary Priests are no longer auto-includes. The -I nerf to FC and less occurring FNP really do hurt.


What do you mean by "less occurring FNP"? Surely if anything, it occurs more often as we get it against everything bar double strength weaponry?

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Fair enough smile.png

Personally, I prefer this method but that's because I roll 5++ like a boss (funnily enough, I like Shield of Sanguinius too).

Lol. I have horrible dice rolls, sometimes I think my dice are set to end on onesermm.gif

Thank you brothers I will be spam buying some DC from ebay and my Flgs. What playstyles do we have in 6th edition. Last I rember it was either DOA or razer-spam. Also if you run a tactical marines how do you run them.

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I guess my brackets didn't quite explain thoroughly :)  Furioso retitled due to the cannon it is equipping - the frag cannon.


Contemptor - Forge World dreadnought model specifically made for 30k Heresy gaming I believe, with rules that suit it, looks more like a marine.  Often purchased with dual Kheres guns with a cyclone launcher (check contemptor options on FW site).  There are also rules posted around in a PDF from FW that work for 40k, don't know how up to date these are, but they are slightly different to normal dreadnought rules.

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~ Work out what style you want to play and buy the units for that, before chopping and changing.

Just to clarify that point a little, what I mean is don't, for example, buy a bunch of jumpers and Corbulo. Think of a style, get in what you want to try and what seems to compliment it and if you want to try something else, proxy it in if you opponent(s) allow.


As for what lists work well, do you know what play style and armies your opponents have? Or are you looking for something to just play against anyone? In general, jump armies seem to be on the wane at the moment, Razorspam can still work but it depends on your local meta, null deploy/alpha strike lists work well (as in Drop Pod lists) and some success can be had with armies that rush your opponent. By that I mean causing a target overload close to your opponent as early as possible. Again, this can be achieved with Drop Pods and Storm Ravens.


Tacticals can work, but (in my opinion) there are better options out there. Currently I ma not using my Tactical marines outside of Apocalypse.

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~ Work out what style you want to play and buy the units for that, before chopping and changing.

Just to clarify that point a little, what I mean is don't, for example, buy a bunch of jumpers and Corbulo. Think of a style, get in what you want to try and what seems to compliment it and if you want to try something else, proxy it in if you opponent(s) allow.

As for what lists work well, do you know what play style and armies your opponents have? Or are you looking for something to just play against anyone? In general, jump armies seem to be on the wane at the moment, Razorspam can still work but it depends on your local meta, null deploy/alpha strike lists work well (as in Drop Pod lists) and some success can be had with armies that rush your opponent. By that I mean causing a target overload close to your opponent as early as possible. Again, this can be achieved with Drop Pods and Storm Ravens.

Tacticals can work, but (in my opinion) there are better options out there. Currently I ma not using my Tactical marines outside of Apocalypse.

Thanks jumpers have always been fun to me but the thing that caught my eye was the drop pod list. I have never used a drop pod list before how does it work and is it any fun? Thank you.

Also had a game with my 6th edition blood angels: I used my friends models. It was a 500 point game and i was using a librarian with divination, force staff,and a jump pack. two squads of asm with a meltagun in one them and a flamer in the other. Both sarges had a power sword and a priest with a jp and power sword. I played against my friends tau. I don't remeber his list very well but he used a fireblade and two fire warior squads of 10. I won but at the cost of the librarian and the priest who I put at the front of my squadswallbash.gif . Good game over all.

Ps: Its mostly tau, Eldar, and C:sm over where I play but there is a wide variety of players. Though there barely any space wolves players down here any more.

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Hello brothers I tried doing some list building last night for 500 points tell me what you think:


HQ: Librarian

Force sword

Jump pack

Bolt pistol



Jump pack

Power sword



assault marines


Power axe on sarge


Tactical squad

Combi-plasma on sarge


Let me know what you guys think and how to expand to 1000 points

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