Cpt. Tiberious Posted November 4, 2013 Share Posted November 4, 2013 INDEX ASTARTES: NOVA SLAYERS "Pray not to your gods for mercy, for none will be given" - Chapter Master Solomun Tannis PROGENITOR LEGION: Imperial FistsPRIMARCH: Rogal DornFOUNDING: 23rd "Sentinel" FoundingCHAPTER MASTER: Master Solomun TannisCHAPTER ROLE: Former Crusade Chapter. Now rule an Imperial worldHOME WORLD: Dolsia (Segmentum Pacificus)FORTRESS-MONASTERY: The Argent KeepCOLORS: Grey with blue shoulder padsSPECIALTY: Armored AssaultSTRENGTH: Under strength following the 3rd War for ArmageddonBATTLE CRY: "Honor to Dorn! Praise to the Emperor! Death to our enemies!" ORIGINS and HISTORY Founding The Nova Slayers were one of the many chapters created during the 23rd founding of M37 to recoup losses sustained during the difficult times in the preceding millenia. The need to create chapters that had very low chance of non superficial mutation prompted the High Lords of Terra to select gene-seed from only the most pure stock on hand. The most applicable candidates were cultures taken from the gene-seeds of Rogal Dorn of the Imperial Fists, and Roboute Guilliman of the Ultramarines. The former was chosen in the case of the Nova Slayers, and new sons of Dorn were created. Brother-Captain Anton Tiberious of the Crimson Fists second company was chosen as the first Chapter Master of the Nova Slayers. Gene-Seed Being spawned from the gene-seed of Rogal Dorn, the Nova Slayers share the same biological anomalies as their brother chapters. Noted Defects include a nonfunctional Sus-an Membrane and Betcher's Glands, as well as a nonfunctional Omaphagea. Behaviorally, they seem to be of an even temperment. This is, however occasionally overcome with episodes of extreme zeal and ruthlessness when engaging a particularly hated foe. Battle-brothers from the Nova Slayers chapter will sometimes enter a seemingly frenzied state, and will systematically eliminate enemy forces often times defying orders to let them withdraw. While this is frowned upon, to date this "quirk" has yet to result in accidental death of allied forces or non-combat personnel, so it is largely overlooked. Additionally, recruits that show signs of psychic abilities lose said abilities while undergoing the processes necessary to become a full battle-brother. The cause of this phenomenon is still not yet known, but it is hypothesized that the ability to manifest and control warp energies is lost due to an unforeseen mutation of the gene-seed and the way it affects the brain. As a result, the chapter is devoid of Librarians. The Crucible of the Firstborn Only decades after the chapter was officially declared ready for combat by the Adeptus Mechanicus, the Nova Slayers cut their teeth during the 7th Black Crusade of Abaddon the Despoiler. Being a fleet based chapter in its infancy, the Nova Slayers were just beginning a self appointed crusade known in chapter history as The Crucible of the Firstborn. While the chapter was conducting cleanse and purify missions in the Gothic Sector, Abaddon led his legions through the Eye of Terror and the battle-brothers of the Nova Slayers chapter aided the Imperial forces attempting to halt his advance through the Ultima Segmentum. Though the chapter was young and sustained heavy losses in the myriad skirmishes of what is now know as The Ghost War, they fought with the zealousness and skill at arms befitting sons of Rogal Dorn, and did their part to make Abaddon pay for every mile of Imperial space he invaded. The decades went on and the Nova Slayers continued their crusade in the name of the Emperor, helping to reclaim worlds and quell invasions. These years of service began to mold the chapter into true angels of death, and one hundred of the most skilled members of the chapter's various battle companies were hand chosen by the chapter master to be the initial members of his first company. Of these chosen one hundred, nine were appointed the task of leading and teaching the chapter's remaining companies. The Crusade Company of the Nova Slayers was born, and was to be led by Chapter Master Tiberious himself. The Bellrath Crusade The Nova Slayers were one of the eight Adeptus Astartes chapters to participate in the crusade to liberate an area of space in the Segmentum Pacificus designated as the Laanath Rifts. The crusade began to falter after its 50th year, when Imperial forces began to receive heavy resistance from a previously unknown xeno species, the Hellgrimmites and their hideous bio-mechanical warmachines. In an act of unparalleled heroism, the collective might of the Sons of Medusa spearheaded an orbital assault on the xeno throne-world, with other Imperial elements holding their ground against the harrowing enemy. Brutal fighting ensued for days on end, and the Nova Slayers yet again spilled blood in the name of the Emperor, all the while hoping their battle-brothers from the Sons of Medusa would strike the fatal blow to the alien's command structure. The siege on the throne world finally ended in victory on the thirty-second day, and with their leadership destroyed, the Hellgrimmite forces were quickly dispatched and turned to little more than small refugee bands fleeing for their lives from the might of the Imperium. The home long deserved In early M39, after centuries of crusading, the Nova Slayers were finally granted stewardship of an Imperial mining world called Dolsia located in the Segmentum Pacificus. The High Lords of Terra, seeing the importance of Dolsia's abundant mineral resources, charged the now seasoned Nova Slayers chapter with safeguarding the planet and It's outlying bodies. First contact with the people of Dolsia was made in no subtle fashion. The Nova Slayers fleet broke orbit and newly appointed chapter master Roderich Kreath and his honor guard descended upon the planet's most populated capitol city in a thunderhawk gunship. Upon exiting the giant aircraft, the space marines were met with the awestricken stares of hundreds of bewildered imperial citizens. Kreath, looking around at the now whispering crowd, removed his helmet and stated in a stern but reassuring voice, "Citizens of the Imperium. By order of him on Terra, the Emperor of Mankind, you are now under the protection of the Nova Slayers of the Adeptus Astartes." Blank stares turned to tearing eyes and jubilant smiles as, all at once, the gathering crowd fell to their knees in reverence to their newly appointed guardians. COMBAT DOCTRINE The Nova Slayers specialize in high speed assaults on enemy positions carried out aboard armored personnel carriers. These assaults are usually spearheaded by Predator main battle tanks or rapidly inserted Dreadnaughts, and a quick reaction force of assault marines equipped with jump packs, or veterans in terminator armor is usually employed to deal with more seasoned melee threats. Rhinos carrying tactical squads attempt to breach the enemy's defensive line, while Sternguard Veterans in Razorbacks and Centurian teams take up position to provide fire support. Once the enemy's lines are broken, the marines disembark from their armored transports and engage the enemy in brutal and surgically accurate close quarters fire fights, usually culminating in bloody melee combat. Once a defensive firing line is established and any objectives are secured, the Nova Slayers press forward upon the enemy, dispatching them without remorse until none are left alive to be taken prisoner. In the tradition of their parent chapter, the Nova Slayers are adept at the use of the holy Bolter in all of its forms, and expert marksmanship with these weapons is one of the chapter's most prided accolades. From the compact Bolt Pistol to the Devastating Heavy Bolter, the battle-brothers of the chapter train rigorously for hours on end to hone their accuracy to the point of near perfection. HOME WORLD Dolsia is an Imperial mining world located in the galactic south-east of the Segmentum Pacificus. The planet's six major land masses consist of mostly mountainous terrain, dotted with verdant forests, and separated by vast expanses of saltwater. The day is roughly thirty-four standard Terran hours long and the gravity is comparable to that found on Terra. The air is breathable, albeit polluted by the constant machine assisted mining of the planet's abundant metal ore mines. The chapter's fortress monastery, The Argent Keep, is built into the snowy peaks of the Gallowspire mountain range. The monastery was given its name because of the high silver and iron ore content of the mountain. The slopes of Gallowspire are said to shimmer like a glorious beacon in the light of Dolsia's twin suns. The location of the structure affords it two advantages, the mountain acts as additional protection, and the metal content of the rocks make accurate orbital scans almost impossible. This means would-be attackers would have no way of knowing that Dolsia was an Adeptus Astartes home world without prior knowledge of the fact, or until making landfall. Although the tithe grade of the planet is officially Adeptus Non, Dolsia exports the raw ore it produces to neighboring systems to aid in the construction of weapons, armor, and vehicles for the Imperium. This is done as penance following the event now known as The Plague of Unbelief in which, through deceit and coercion, Dolsia and a number of other planets were made part of a corrupt empire, and forced into slave labor by the Apostate Cardinal Bucharis of Gathalamor. Although Dolsia was one of the first planets in it's system to rebel against the corrupt Cardinal, its people see their involvement in his plans as an unacceptable scar on their planets history, and seek to absolve themselves in the eyes of the Imperium. ORGANIZATION The Nova Slayers follow the Codex Astartes fairly rigidly with a few divergences. These divergences are mostly reflected in the chapter's uniform such as company numbers and colors not being displayed. Squad leader designations are still present but in a slightly altered variation of those used by more Codex compliant chapters. One notable divergence is the Crusade Company, which fills the role of the chapter's first company, Named for the chapter's crusading heritage. The Crusade Company is comprised of one-hundred of the chapter's most battle hardened and often eldest veterans. It is led by the chapter master and his honor guard, and its members are designated by golden ornamentation of their chest plate and shoulder guard rims. The Crusade Company is used to supplement elements from the chapter's battle companies with leadership and specialist units during combat operations. Each battle company is appointed a captain chosen from the most skilled of the Crusade Company's warriors. It is the duty of this captain to not only lead his brothers on the front lines, but to impart his decades of knowledge to them, that they may better defend the Imperium from its enemies. It is the goal of every initiate to one day be counted among the ranks of the crusade company, and in turn impart their knowledge to future generations of the chapter. CULTURE Chapter Beliefs The beliefs of the Nova Slayers are firmly rooted in the teachings of Dorn, and the chapter prides itself on its devotion to the Imperium and to its primarch. Conviction and Courage are the traits most praised by members of the chapter. They abore corruption of the mind and spirit, and believe that a person is measured by their actions. These notions of personal accountability often drive the Nova Slayers to acts of bravery, as well as acts of brutality. A battle-brother of the chapter is equally likely to lay down his own life for a group of human refugees, as he his to slaughter a group of fleeing enemies so they may no longer mar the galaxy with their presence. These beliefs made the Nova Slayers' settlement of Dolsia a bitter sweet experience. They were at first disgusted that they were charged with protecting a world known for its heresies, but at the same time they could not help but admire the strength of will it must have taken the planet's people to rebel against the madman that enslaved them. The transgressions of the world's past, were still being atoned for willingly by people who only knew about them by way of stories passed down through the generations. This admiration and respect for the Dolsian people has prompted the Nova Slayers to recruit exclusively from Dolsia and its outlying colonies. Recruitment The Dolsian people that make up the Nova Slayer's recruiting stock, mostly the sons of miners, are of a determined and devoted nature. Most, if not all, current Battle-brothers in service that were recruited from the chapter's home world, were done so voluntarily as a display of their devotion to the Imperium. To the Dolsian people, it is considered the highest honor for a member of a household be accepted into service as a space marine. Every fifteen years, an envoy from the Argent Keep is sent to each of the capital cities of Dolsia with the purpose of selecting the most promising young aspirants. These chosen are transported back to Gallowspire were their testing begins with a series of trails called The Slayer's Proving. The aspirants are divided into five man groups, and given the task of reaching the gates of the Argent keep. They are told that they may reach their goal in any manner they see fit, but must work together to succeed. This is done to build comradery and group tactics between the the aspirants, as they are likely to live and die for or alongside one another in the coming trails. Each group is monitored closely by expert scouts and remote cameras, but no interference or contact is made throughout the duration of their trail. The groups are forced to face numerous threats and survival situations throughout their journey up the rugged slopes and forests of the Gallowspire Mountains. Carnivorous wildlife, deadly natural hazards, and the unforgiving weather assail the aspirants for weeks on end until they reach their final test. Those that survive their journey must now attempt to defeat an unarmored Nova Slayers battle-brother using only crude tools and their bare hands. This task is all but impossible for a full grown man let alone a young man in the condition the recruits are undoubtedly in, but those with the conviction and courage to attempt such a feat are scrutinized and judged on their performance. The aspirants that manage to stand the longest, and display skill and tenacity during this final test are granted entry to the Argent Keep, were they will begin their service to the Emperor as a scout of the Nova Slayers' 10th company. Those who are killed, either on the journey up the mountain or by their final trail, are returned home to their families for burial. =============================================================================================================== Probably not the most impressive Liber Astartes article on this board, but I'm pleased with how it came out (of course I am, I wrote it LOL). But as always, C&C welcome. Appreciate the interest/input everyone, have a good one. (Made small changes to certain parts of the article as per suggestions from Brother Hrvat. Hopefully enough has been altered for the article to better fit with the universe.) (Minor spelling and grammatical errors corrected as per denotation by Brother Curvacious. Thanks for the assistance.) Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/282808-chapter-approved-nova-slayers-finished-ia-article/ Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hrvat Posted November 4, 2013 Share Posted November 4, 2013 Not bad and do like your colour scheme My initial impression is that the document is a bit jumbled, with paragraphs not being in "right" sections. I guess you had writen it in the manner it came to you, resulting in the order presented. In addition there are some minor nitpicks and questions that if you are willing will make your chapter better fit the shared univers here at Liber Astartes. 1) The date of the 23rd founding is not set by date, so generally seting one is avoided. 2) If this is following the GW IA format the gene-seed paragraphs 1 and 3 should be in the gene-seed section while paragraph 2 better fits under combat doctrine. 2a) What would that have to do with Adeptus Ministrorum? 3) 7th Black Crusade happened in Ultima Segmentum - western part > http://wh40k.lexicanum.com/mediawiki/images/0/01/Black_Crusades_of_Abaddon_the_Despoiler.jpg so it is unlikely they would be among the first to respond if they were in the west of Segmentum Obscurus 4) The claiming of the world scene is an odd one, Space Marines either claim worlds by rights of conquest or by Imperial Charter from the High Lords 5) Though I understand what you mean under Earth-like world it is "out of univers" view so something like temperate would be better in stead. Also changing Earth to Terra later in that paragraph since that is what this the place known as in 40k, the only time when they use Earth is when they add Old infront. 6) The final recruitment task isn't credible. A Marine is better than a quintet of preadolescent boys except in the rares of circumstances. It would be expected of them to fail that last test and would instead be judged on by how well they held out, rather than wining. Sure a win may happen in odd situations but that would very rare. I hope I don't sound to harsh. You have a great visual basis for the chapter and solid ideas that could benefit from some streamlining and polishing. Cheers Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/282808-chapter-approved-nova-slayers-finished-ia-article/#findComment-3512874 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cpt. Tiberious Posted November 4, 2013 Author Share Posted November 4, 2013 Thanks for the input. Ok so here we go... 1) Ok then, dropping the specific year I can do. The M37 is still cool thought right? 2) Im trying to follow the GW template as much as I can. The second paragraph is trying to outline the behavioral affects of the gene-seed on the marines. Or at least that's what I was trying to convey. 2a) It was an effort to make it seem more professional I guess lol. What Imperial organization would be likely to care about something like that? 3) If not the first to respond, would it still make feasible sense that they would have fought is some of the conflicts in the 7th Black Crusade. 4) They were givin rights to Dolsia by the High Lords of Terra. They saw it as an asset, or it's metal ore exports anyway, and charged a relatively new chapter with protecting it, it's outlying colonies, and neighboring planets. I'll try to make that more apparent. 5) Gotcha. I'll just ditch the "Earth-like" part. I got on to describe a relatively earth-like planet in later sentences anyway to it seems a bit arbitrary. Also I'll fix the earth to terra thing you mentioned. 6) Ok. I was a little skeptical of that myself if im honest lol. Seeing recruitment methods of other chapters; crimson fists having to kill one of those giant spined lizards (IIRC), Iron snakes having to slay a giant sea serpent, etc; I didn't really know if defeating an unarmored space marine in a knock down drag out fight was too tame or too bold. I'll amend that paragraph to something more feasible. No harsh tone detected. I submitted this so I could get some tips to make it better, and to gain some perspective. Thanks for the help and encouragement, hope the rewrites work out. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/282808-chapter-approved-nova-slayers-finished-ia-article/#findComment-3513054 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hrvat Posted November 4, 2013 Share Posted November 4, 2013 As a good help for creating new chapters you could use Deathwatch: Rites of Battle, if you can't access what is writen in that book is mostly word for word copied on 40k Wiki in the Foundings topic. 1) Yes, later years of M37 is the official GW "date" 2a) I am not sure any does. Operational doctrines of individual chapters are not really something wider Imperium cares about as long as they are not damaging to friendlies. I guess another chapter that follows the Codex more strictly than them could object/notice/complain on their habits. 3) Sure they can take part, though they might want to be somewhere closer so to speak when the thing happens. 6) This article - lifted from Rites of Battle could be helpfull > http://warhammer40k.wikia.com/wiki/Astartes - the Founding and Recruitment sections this could also be helpful > http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130831031104/warhammer40k/images/e/ea/BlackCrusades3.jpg Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/282808-chapter-approved-nova-slayers-finished-ia-article/#findComment-3513199 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cpt. Tiberious Posted November 4, 2013 Author Share Posted November 4, 2013 I did some editing. Mostly to the areas you said needed some tweaking. What do ya think? Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/282808-chapter-approved-nova-slayers-finished-ia-article/#findComment-3513231 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Beta galactosidase Posted November 4, 2013 Share Posted November 4, 2013 The spellings are "sentinel" and "omophagea." The possessive is "its Primarch," "its system," "its form," etcetera. The article has really bad structure; it needs an abstract or thesis to tell me why it's worth reading, and I'm not sure whether any of the content links together or has a direction. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/282808-chapter-approved-nova-slayers-finished-ia-article/#findComment-3513273 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jape Posted November 5, 2013 Share Posted November 5, 2013 Really like this, some nice juicy fluff, I get a real feel for the chapter. Well done. Curvacious, its effectively a wiki entry for a chapter, what kind of direction is it meant to have? Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/282808-chapter-approved-nova-slayers-finished-ia-article/#findComment-3514041 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cpt. Tiberious Posted November 5, 2013 Author Share Posted November 5, 2013 Curvacious: Thanks for the proofread man lol. As far as the lack of structuring goes, I modeled this article after the format presented in the old Index Astartes GW publications. Which, as Jape has pointed out, is more of a basic data entry for the chapter as opposed to a novel. Admittedly, the history section could be a little more fluffed out. But a chapter founded during the 23rd founding doesn't really have a grand design as its reason for being, they are just there to replace massive casualties. What they develop into from that point on is what matters. Jape: Thanks man. I appreciate it. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/282808-chapter-approved-nova-slayers-finished-ia-article/#findComment-3514134 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Severus6 Posted November 6, 2013 Share Posted November 6, 2013 "Those that survive their journey must now attempt to defeat an unarmored Nova Slayers battle-brother using only crude tools and their bare hands. This task is all but impossible for a full grown man let alone a young man in the condition the recruits are undoubtedly in, but those with the conviction and courage to attempt such a feat are scrutinized and judged on their performance. The aspirants that manage to stand the longest, and display skill and tenacity during this final test are granted entry to the Argent Keep, were they will begin their service to the Emperor as a scout of the Nova Slayers' 10th company." As cool as this may sound, I just dont buy it. When the few that survive "the trials" make it thus far, the last thing that they will want to do let alone be able to do is try and take on a SM, unarmored or not. Here is a suggestion: If any of them make it that far, they are met by a SM, possibly one that becomes a "sponser" of sorts or guide. The young aspirant can be met with a simple, "follow me and dont stop for anything". That kid is going to be exhausted; he will be at the end of mental, emotional and physical reserves and then he is told to keep going. Fighting for survival is one thing. The fight or flight syndrome will kick in either way when forced to fight but the cold reality of knowing that the trail of pain isnt over yet will simply just break some people. They will either give up or keep going; that is the real test. How far and for how long will you go to achieve victory? How much will you endure? " Those who are killed, either on the journey up the mountain or by their final trail, are returned home to their families for burial." I like this, as it shows a connection to the people; to bring back the honored dead. To have him buried with honors; not focusing on his failure but his courage and conviction to even try. It should be done with solemn reverence in accordance with local beliefs. That will tie your Chapter even closer to the people they recruit from; "we are them, they are the very best of us"....you cant buy that kind of buy in. You have to cultivate it and strengthen it with ritual. Just a thought, hope it helps. Severus6 Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/282808-chapter-approved-nova-slayers-finished-ia-article/#findComment-3515275 Share on other sites More sharing options...
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