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Standing marines

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Yes, but it requires two sets of legs. First step to so cut of the feet from your primary set of legs, then hollow out the bottom of the leg to take a new foot. Then from your second set of legs, cut the shin just above the foot and then trim off the excess armour, rounding the top of the foot to fit into the first set of legs. Smooth and trim to get a nice fit, a small amount of GS could be used here.



Then cut your primary legs at the thigh ribbing. You can try to preserve it or cut it all of and resculpt with GS (my preference as it allows greater flexibility in poses). Once your legs are positioned and set attach your feet in a natural position that better supports the upright marine. 


Alternatively, if you're passable with GS skills, you could simply skip the second set of legs and sculpt the feet. 

Places like Anvil Industry have a great selection of legs that'll be cheaper and easier to get than a bunch of GW ones.




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