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Space Marine creator: Captain Titus would have "gone rogue"


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It would probably fit in with the BL motto of "if it's written, it happend'.


Titus got locked up, and the story that became the game would have been re-told by guardsmen around campfires, of Titus, the liberator of Forgeworld whatever.


He probably brought a whole company with him, but since all space marines look alike...

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  • 2 weeks later...


Ah, did not know that. In which case; canon conflict!

Is it not possible for Titus to have been sandwiched in before Sicarius, or has it been explicitly stated Sicarius took over following Invictus's death at Macragge?



Even if it is explicitly stated, could it not be that records of Titus were altered/removed because heresy?

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Is it not possible for Titus to have been sandwiched in before Sicarius, or has it been explicitly stated Sicarius took over following Invictus's death at Macragge?


Well, Invictus was First Captain and was succeeded by Agemman, so...


I actually can't find a thing about Sicarius' predecessor in my (admittedly cursory) search of Lexicanum and (*shudder*) 40k Wikia.

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Really? Because supposedly, Space Marine and the Dawn of War games are both set in an alternate universe (although parts of DoW are canon, as shown by Deathwatch).

Where was that said? I'm sure the events of Chaos Rising are cannon which is why nobodys really sure who the Blood Ravens chapter master is.

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Really? Because supposedly, Space Marine and the Dawn of War games are both set in an alternate universe (although parts of DoW are canon, as shown by Deathwatch).

Where was that said? I'm sure the events of Chaos Rising are cannon which is why nobodys really sure who the Blood Ravens chapter master is.

I'm not sure, but I've always been told that the game's developers confirmed it (for Space Marine, at least).

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Really? Because supposedly, Space Marine and the Dawn of War games are both set in an alternate universe (although parts of DoW are canon, as shown by Deathwatch).

Where was that said? I'm sure the events of Chaos Rising are cannon which is why nobodys really sure who the Blood Ravens chapter master is.

I'm not sure, but I've always been told that the game's developers confirmed it (for Space Marine, at least).

The game developers did nothing of the sort.


Here is the first and only time it was stated: http://web.archive.org/web/20120131235701/http://www.spacemarine.com/forums/topic/2017?page=3


Note that THQSledgehammer is not a Relic dev nor directly associated with Relic or GW.  He was the Community Manager for THQ's forums.  Personally, I don't exactly hold his word in high regard on the subject.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Really? Because supposedly, Space Marine and the Dawn of War games are both set in an alternate universe (although parts of DoW are canon, as shown by Deathwatch).

The results of these games end up becoming canon.  What takes place on the PC level (personal) is just in between game.  Kind of like battle reports or tourney results that end up making Canon.


That being said, It could be partially canon and just a gaming slipup.  2nd Company is often enough roped into the showboy promotionals that they just went with gold without thinking about enough of the backstory.

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That being said, It could be partially canon and just a gaming slipup.  2nd Company is often enough roped into the showboy promotionals that they just went with gold without thinking about enough of the backstory.

It's a shame really because Sicarius is such a badass if the Dev's had just made him the main character the game would have been a degree more awesome.

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