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Sisters Wishlist!

Da Taz

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If by "charge" you mean "the engagement move for Assault phase combat", then no, no need for it to be a straight line.


If by "charge" you mean "full-on rushing an opponent" then either in real-life or any other game system I've used (notably including Warhammer Fantasy) then yes, a straight line it must be.


Not weird at all, right? ;)

My wish list is fairly modest. I like the digital codex a lot, but would like to see ...


1. A generic ecclesiarchy HQ choice that satisfied your mandatory HQ choice so you don't have to take Uriah Jacobus if you want to take something non Adepta Sororitas;

2. A return of the Palatine or something new -- either way, a cheaper/lower rank HQ alternative to the canoness;

3. At least one other troops choice option -- I would be okay with any or all of zealots, Frateris Militia, Arbites, inquisitorial storm troopers (although granted if you really want some of these, you could ally-in IG veterans in carapace with shotguns to be arbites, or DKoK Assault Brigade Grenadiers as Inq Storm Troopers even now but it would be better to not have to pay the HQ ally tax); and

4. Some sort of non-Land Raider assault vehicle.

I would like some extra named characters (why no special canonness?), more options for every force org slot, more standard HQ options and some new unit ideas entirely.


Also a reworking of the act of faith mechanic to give options and boost the power.

But you can have Inquisitors now.


That said, they really should have put an option for BS4 warrior henchmen in there. ><


Well ... sort of. But Adepta Sororitas are "Battle Brothers" to my DKoK whereas Codex: Inquisition is "Come the Apocalypse" (which I think is daft but Forgeworld has declined to answer my emails entreating them to reconsider) so if I could get some Inquisitional stuff via the Sisters I'd be very happy. And, as you suggest, BS 3 henchmen in carapace armour carrying hotshot lasguns are not the same thing as storm troopers.

Ah. Why the heck are you CtA? I thought the Forge World guard units all shared an Allies slot with C:IG.

No, DKoK have their own allies matrix (that fir the most part makes sense fluff-wise), or rather, a couple paragraphs saying they are BB with sisters, other IG, and Space Marines. Allies of convenience with GK, BA, and DA because they don't like psykers, and CtA everyone else. So, RAW, since inquisition is not listed they fall under the everyone else.


Now treating C:=][= the same as GK made sense to me but when I asked Forgeworld about this they basically said "nope, RAW, inquisition is CtA". My pleas for them to reconsider, citing Hector Rex in the fluff, have been ignored (or at least they've declined to answer).


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