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What 2014 will bring


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Greetings brothers!


With the start of 2014 and the rumors putting a new BA dex out sometime in either Q3 or Q4 what does everyone think will bring BA into line with 6th edition?  I personally would like to see unit size restrictions on Sang guard increased to 10 or the inclusion of some sort of an invuln save.  Id also like to see something done with sang priests to make them worth their points and lastly something has to be done to make Dante represent his 1000+ years of experience.


Any thoughts?



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HQ: Dante striking at initiative, more wargear options for captains, reclusiarch/chaplain distinction, deathmasks for everyone (including sergeants)

Units: something to make assault marines more than a safety blanket for meltaguns and you HQ, vanguard vets to be more useful than their vanilla equivalents (so keep drop and same turn assault), Sanguinary Priests not using FOC slot, larger Sanguinary Guard units

General: price decreases

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I agree with the above, keep Furioso's as awesome as they are and Special Characters' Axes on initiative.


Plus one or more of the following:


Something to make Reclusiarchs and Chaplains worth a triple look.


Something that brings back the Rhino Rush (overcharged engines etc) or makes Jump Packing an option over Drop Podding.


Something that puts the fear into the enemy from our assault troops with JP's over the enemies 6th-ed-shooty-awesomeness.

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All of the current rumors are speculating that the Space Wolf codex and the blood angel codex could possibly be switching places in the line-up.  Tyranids, IG, Orks, Space wolves or Blood angels and Dark Eldar is the projected release order ive been seeing for the last couple months. Obviously this is just rumor but id love them to be true!

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I actually quite like our codex, it just has some pricing (point) issues. I would like SG to be 5-10, Dante stiking at AP2/Init - and give him the eternal warrior he deserves at the expense the Sanguinor (who could disappear for all I care, the chump!! Should have just remodelled Dante). Perhaps something to make Meph better in the 6th; give him smash as our psychic powers will disappear (including wings down.gif )

EDIT - and Captains - ARTICIFER ARMOUR!!!!

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Our army already works well as a short ranged fire power force, with some close combat elements. I would like that to see more developement, with bolter option for assault squads and 4 special weapon jump pack devastators as a heavy support.


Enabling sanguinary guard to field up to 10 models would be fantastic



Oooh yeah I forgot about that! ASM with bolters and Heavy Weapon Teams with jump packs being able to move and shoot would be freakin AWESOME! :D

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Oooh, I like the idea of a Death Mask upgrade for sergeants. That would lead to an interesting dynamic. If priced correctly (power fist cost?), this could be an incredibly unique spin on our chapter.


I think master crafting should make a return for sergeant/special character upgrades.


I too agree with artificer armor for Captains (priced so that it isn't an auto include option).


How about an Angelus Bolter option for either sternguard or as a sergeant upgrade? Thinking maybe priced like a combi-weapon.


I am going to guess that unique relics will be in the cards for us. Would be interesting if we got more of them in exchange for less squad options.


Agree with a bigger squad size for Sanguinary Guard.


Either a better way to get assault marines into combat intact or some way to make assaulting with them better. But only a bit. Maybe a squad upgrade/independent character that makes your opponent re-roll successful Overwatch rolls?


I'd like to keep the Sanguinor but it would be great if he was redone slightly. I dig that he is a bit like the better half to Mephy (Demon/Angel schtick) but he is definitely sidelined due to his cost/utility.

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I have the strangest feeling Sanguinary Guard may go the way of the seer council or wolf lords template, with you being able to second individuals off to different units. Certainly be an interesting change, plus I could use my models... Lol
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Our army already works well as a short ranged fire power force, with some close combat elements. I would like that to see more developement, with bolter option for assault squads and 4 special weapon jump pack devastators as a heavy support.


Enabling sanguinary guard to field up to 10 models would be fantastic


Oooh yeah I forgot about that! ASM with bolters and Heavy Weapon Teams with jump packs being able to move and shoot would be freakin AWESOME! :D

ASM bolters YES Please relentless would be nice too move, shoot, jump in, kick some teeth in

DEVS jump packs highly unlikely but access to melta, grav rather than just heavy weapons so move and shoot from a transport would be nice

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Im also keeping my fingers crossed for a new assault squad kit.  The current kit doesnt really need an update but with what the did with the new tac squad id love to see what they could do with a new assault squad kit.


When CSM came out and they redid the tac squad box i just assumed that when CBA came out the assult squad box would get a redo too. And really, all they would have to do to it to make me happy would be to bump the model count up to the full ten

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Im also keeping my fingers crossed for a new assault squad kit.  The current kit doesnt really need an update but with what the did with the new tac squad id love to see what they could do with a new assault squad kit.


When CSM came out and they redid the tac squad box i just assumed that when CBA came out the assult squad box would get a redo too. And really, all they would have to do to it to make me happy would be to bump the model count up to the full ten


Rumors from just a couple days ago:




via an anonymous source the Faeit 212 inbox
A friend that works for GW mentioned to me that he had seen new Blood Angels 
Marines being worked on. He also said that they were snap fit models from 
what he could tell.
A few weeks before that, the same guy mentioned seeing Necron Warriors with 
different looking Gauss flayers. He also mentioned a new Unit, a Necron 
Warrior in a Suit, like the Centurions. He had been told those were new 
Necron Destroyers.
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I have the strangest feeling Sanguinary Guard may go the way of the seer council or wolf lords template, with you being able to second individuals off to different units. Certainly be an interesting change, plus I could use my models... Lol


To be honest I doubt they'd do that, assuming they remain otherwise unaltered they'd essentially be Wolf Guard without the wargear customisation and restricted to joining jumpack-units.

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I just think the Sanguinary Guard fine with merely a significant point reduction.


Justification for the point reduction:  They were originally priced with the expectation that they would be using a SP's bubble.  Now that the SP bubble is so much worse, their price should come down.

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Leksington - perhaps that rumour of snap fit BA models could be something less likely as unit boxes, but perhaps, something more in line with a new army / edition box - akin to the BR and DV boxsets (yes I know those usually come out with new editions, but there was also Space Hulk don't forget!) - who knows :)


As for a poster above - I agree - Dante should have been remade instead of inventing the Sanguinor who, with Dante still existing, seemed pointless to my limited viewpoint.

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I like the codex as it stands for the most part. I'd like to see points reductions and a viable HQ that isn't a named character.


I'd like to see the rules for the Blood Chalice cleaned up a little (6" of the appropriate phase seems overly complicated to me given its role). 


I doubt we'll see assault marines with bolters as an option. Death Company already have that option.


I'm not familiar enough with the background to want any new units. I don't think the centurions fit with the general motif of the Blood Angels so I don't expect them to be added. Maybe we'll get some proper force multipliers as the current ones seem a bit "meh" to me.

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all the codex needs is some point adjustments to bring things like librarians, marine squads etc in line with the other marine codices, dante to get some tweaks (ideally better rules for the axe mortalis, remove the stupid death mask rule, something to fit his tactical genius added instead). Add IC back to the characters that don't have it (it doesn't make sense, and is completely out of keeping with other marine codices, DC tycho in particular needs to be part of the DC). Vanguard WILL get made to work like regular vanguard, no point crying over it, but maybe we'll get something to make ours stand out. I Highly doubt Sanguinary guard will change to 10 man squads, same for honour guard. Captains need to have access to artificer armour, Red Thirst needs to be changed. I'd personally like to see it be a turn by turn thing again, make it a +1 s, +1 I, Fearless rule and fleet if you get it, but you have to move towards the nearest enemy and run rather than shoot. Fits the character, can be a very good buff, but can likewise be a negative if the timing happens to be wrong, very fitting IMO. Also add the storm talon.
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