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2000pts Death Guard - The Reaping


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Hey guys,


So the release of the Calas Typhon model has finally swayed me back to Papa Nurg-...I mean the Death Guard. I want to use The Reaping ROW from Massacre, but am struggling to find the right balance. I come to you for insight before I smite my credit card with a large resin-crack order. This is what I have so far:


Calas Typhon - 200

5x Deathshroud - Meltabombs - 235



Legion Tactical Squad x15 - AA, Fist, Vexilla, Rad Grenades, Extra CCW - 263

Legion Tactical Squad x15 - AA, Fist, Vexilla, Rad Grenades, Extra CCW - 263

Legion Heavy Support Squad x5 - Lascannons, Augury Scanner - 240



Apothecarion Detachment x2 - Augury Scanners - 100



Spartan - Flare Shield, Armoured Ceramite, Frag Assault Launchers - 350



I'm not sold on the Heavy Support Squad as they seem incredibly fragile for 240 points. However, I'm horrified at the thought of coming across another Spartan, particularly an Iron Hands one! I would, ideally, like to include a Contemptor with either 2x Close Combat Weapons or 2x Twin-linked Lascannons. I also contemplated including either a Primus Medicae for the deathstar or a Siege Breaker and Medusa for phosphex goodness.


My regular opponents will most likely be Nids, Tau, Guard and a Blood Angels list using either their own codex or the Betrayal book depending on the owners mood.


Thanks for any help,


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I also had trouble using legion specific rites at low point values.

Personally I would go for some Contemptor Mortis  with lascannons as you suggested yourself, they would be great against fliers and also help you deal with tanks.

Also think about going for 20 man blobs of marines, I think that it fits in with your Legions style and also supports your choice of apothecaries.

I would also suggest to go for a regular Landraider, you'd be able to drop one Dathshroud terminator to save some points there.

The Spartan really is an awesome vehicle but I think if you don't use it's awesome transport capabilities, which is hard in "low" point games, you'd be better off to use your points for different stuff.

I am not the best player, so this is just my impression.

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I like Heavy Support Squads with Autocannons/Missile Launchers/Volkite Culverins.  The plasma cannon and lascannon options seem very expensive and fragile, and their firepower will make them a priority target.  The Contemptor-Mortis is a better lascannon carrier than the heavy support squad, but you should definitely still bring a heavy support squad (or two!) with less expensive weapons to make good use of your RoW.


Dealing with Spartans is always going to be trouble.  I think the best way to handle them is in melee.  Armored Ceramite does not have any effect against meltabombs, flare shield won't help you against a chainfist, etc.  Your Death Shrouds with meltabombs are probably your best bet for handling that if it comes up.  Considering you'll mostly be playing 40k opponents, I wouldn't worry about it too terribly much.

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Thanks guys. So, let's make some modifications:


Typhon - 200

4x Deathshroud - Meltabombs - 190

Land Raider Phobos - Dedicated Transport, Armoured Ceramite, Frag Assault Launchers - 280



Legion Tactical Squad x20 - AA, Fist, Vexilla, Rad Grenades, Extra CCW - 333

Legion Tactical Squad x20 - AA, Fist, Vexilla, Rad Grenades, Extra CCW - 333

Legion Heavy Support Squad x7 - Autocannons, Augury Scanner - 215



Apothecarion Detachment x2 - Augury Scanners - 100

Contemptor Mortis - 2x Twin-linked Lascannons - 185


To utilise the final 164 points, I could do the following:

Legion Rapier Weapons Battery x3 - Laser Destroyer Arrays - 165 (more AT goodness)


Legion Rapier Weapons Battery x2 - Graviton Cannons - 150 (some AT and blast goodness)


Sicaran Battle Tank - Lascannon Sponsons - 175 (Ranged AT, and can help with flyers. Would need to remove Armoured Ceramite from the Phobos to pay for the Lascannon sponsons)


Thanks for the advice guys. I think the above list, plus one of the options to round out the points, is looking much more balanced and dangerous!


Was also thinking, to bump it up to 2.5k, to bring in another Tactical Squad + Apothecary and make the Heavy Support Squad 10 men with Lascannons. Any suggestions on how to expand to 2.5k?







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You could go for rapiers with laser destroyers, but then I would change the Contemptors Las cannons for Kheres guns.

I have no idea how effective those rapier batteries are though.

They might be a bit hard to get them into a good position to fire at the opponent without the long range guns to press them to attack you.

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Graviton cannon battery might actually be really useful to you. Two reasons:


1.) Grav weapon has haywire which damages a spartan without worrying about armored cream item or a shield


2.) Grav cannon can pin enemy fast movers in place and force dangerous terrain checks on them



Have you considered using outflanking vets with meltaguns or tank hunter missile launchers? They are scoring for this list and can also do cc as well

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I would prefer the Sicaran from among those options, but I'm a total treadhead.  If you go that route, definitely drop one guy from your heavy weapon squad before you consider dropping the armored ceramite from your Phobos if you need to scrape together points for the lascannon sponsons.  I know the usual motto is 'boys before toys,' but the firepower loss there is definitely worth being nearly immune to melta weapons.  Unless your Guard player doesn't use meltavets, your Tau player doesn't use Crisis with fusion guns, and your Blood Angels player doesn't like melta on his anything for some reason.


Your point cost on your tactical squads is incorrect.  That loadout should be 335.  The Sergeant doesn't get a free pass on 'the entire squad may' because you got him a powerfist.  He should have either bolter/CCW/powerfist or bolt pistol/CCW/powerfist.

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Have messed around with a Pride of the Legion list instead. Wondering what everyones thoughts are on this:



Praetor - Cataphractii, Paragon Blade, Grenade Harness - 165

RITE: Pride of the Legion

Deathshroud x5 - Meltabombs - 235



Contemptor Mortis - 2x Twin-linked Autocannons - 165

Apothecarion Detachment x2 - Augury Scanners - 100



Veteran Tactical Squad x10 - Artificer Armour, Power Weapon, 2x Missile Launchers, Vexilla - 280

Veteran Tactical Squad x10 - Artificer Armour, Power Weapon, 2x Plasma Guns, Vexilla - 260

Veteran Tactical Squad x10 - Artificer Armour, 2x Missile Launchers, Vexilla - 270



Sicaran Battle Tank - Lascannon Sponsons - 175

Spartan - Armoured Ceramite, Flare Shields, Frag Assault Launchers - 350


Put the Apothecaries with the Plasma Gun and one of the Missile Launcher squads to advance forward by foot, with the armour providing fire support. Was tempted to drop the Contemptor for some Rhino's for the Veterans and maybe some Rapiers, but Rhino's don't exactly fit the Death Guard theme.


To expand to 2.5k, I would most likely add a Grave Warden squad with a Land Raider Phobos to help with armour saturation. 3k would most likely see Morty join one of the Terminator squads, and maybe add another Vet squad.



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Well, I liked your reaping list quite a lot, lots of guy plodding forward with heavy fire as support.

Heavy support squads as troops to hold objectives sounds very neat to me and I definetly like the idea of grav batteries.

You might want to proxy those and playtest a bit though.

Rgerading your pride of the legion list, there are a lot of threads about this kind of list also applicable to you due to only using one DG specific unit.

I personally don't like that rite very much.

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