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A Tale of Texas Gamers: The Hobby Thread


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So here it is! The thread for our little event in the big state. A Tale of Texas Gamers is the lead up to the HTX 40K Campaign weekend organized here on the BnC. Sign up between now and Feburary to lock in your spot in this challenge. This is as much of a figure building and painting challenge as it is for terrain and objectives. The Original thread is located here: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/285415-a-tale-of-texas-gamers-the-interest-check-thread/?p=3564575


Now to introduce who is doing what!


Master of Logistics: I'm N9 and I'll be handeling the actual planning for the location we'll be at. As time goes by, I'll be shooting out missives in regards to date, location, transportation and the nitty gritty of hearding a bunch of beards to a single place to play a bunch of games. My inbox is open for any comments, questions and suggestions.


Master of Campaign: Honda has been volunteered for this position, he's in charge of creating a cohesive set of missions in which our marines go head to head. He will get to decide who fights who, where they fight, why they do so, and what they get out of it.


Master of Lore: Noctus Cornix has joines us as the Master of Lore, it is up to him to create the fluff for why we fight, Honda and I already have a few ideas we're working out, He's gonna be making us all sound and look good with the story he'll be spinning. As the master of the Lore, he's also the one we'll be mugging at with the Pict Cam


Master of Libations(aka the Minister of Booze): Think part Chaplain, part Apothecary, part veteran Sergeant. He (or She) that volunteers themselves for this positon is in for a fun ride, Generally, this is the person that reminds me as master of logistics what I need to have on hand for refreshments, they also coordinate with everyone else to find out what will be brought to this event. This person acts as the final arbitor on rules during game day, and can be petition to hand out penalties (nothing serious) at their discretion (in the name of fun only, fun!)




We have two sides to our conflict of visions, The Loyalists and the Secessionists. Who is the Victim, who is the Agressor? We will find out as the curtain raises on our Unsung War.








Loyalists of Light

1.Honda - Black Templars

2.Slyen - Imperial Fists

3.Grand Master Iapetus - Inquisition / Grey Knights





Secessionist of Shadow

1. NovemberIX - November Warriors

2. GAR - Silver Skulls








General Rules:


Chapter Tactics - Chapter tactics found in Codex: Space Marine and the FW Badab War Chapter tactics found at http://www.forgeworld.co.uk/Downloads/Product/PDF/F/FWchaptertactics.pdf are available for use in your force.


Eligability of Forgeworld - Not only is Forge World eligible, it's fully accepted. We are running our games out of Imperial Armour 9 and 10. To that end, All Chapter Tactics, Lists and models are well encouraged. Heresy lists are a little more gray area, but to be honest, not one I have a problem with, it won't be long before we have a concensus for that.


Painting Standard - For the actual game weekend, there is a 3 color minimum. basing isn't enforced, but highly recommended.


Code of Conduct - Very simple rules here, don't be a jerk, don't ruin other peoples fun. We're here to enjoy the game, and the challenge.


As time goes by, we will be hashing out the parameters of the challenge and games.




Hobby Challenge Rules:


Pledge your name, your chapter name, and weather you'll be Loyalist or Secessionist. Honda will have further details in later posts as to what roles we'll be fulfilling.


There's very little you can't build and paint, in accordance with our board rules, no Xenos, but heretics, mutants, and traitors are ok. This is more of a casual type of challenge, we're not shooting for a points level, nor a unit count. It's more like, "hey I've got a few unbuilt boxes of stuff". I will personally be building/painting a Storm Raven, some Bikes and some Land Speeders.


The format for pledging is as follows


I [name] pledge to join the Tale of Texas gamers as a [Loyalist/Secessionist] for the honor of my Chapter [name] So it is said, so it shall be done.

With that, happy gaming!
  • 2 weeks later...

And 'ere we go (wait, wrong faction) Ahem, and now off we go! It's the first that means the official launch of our hobby thread!


I'll plagiarize myself and steal what I said in our Amicus thread:

So to say it once more (with feeling, again), our hobby thread isn't like many others, we're not shooting for a specific point value, trying to compete with each other to see who can paint the most the fastest, nor are we applying strict criteria to what can be built. It's more of a "what do I feel like working on that's not quite done yet" sort of thing. Personally my big commitment is a storm eagle that's been sitting in its bag for over a year now, and a whole load of terrain.


So if you wanna join us, feel free to do so, Texas isn't just a geographical location, it's a state of mind, even if you can't make it out to our games it'd still be great to have you!


This month though I'll start on a gaggle of techmarines and a thunderfire cannon, with that, happy hobbying!

Okay, time to jump in and get this cat herd moving.


As laid out by our esteemed November IX (I have no idea why he is called that, we've never met. For all I know, he may think I got my name from the fact that I drive a Civic), I shall be responsible for laying out the gaming framework, doing my part to mess up the hobby aspect (i.e. paint stuff) and generally harass the bad guys.


I shall be part of Team Light, delivering the Emperor's wrath under the banner of my beloved Templars. Ordinarily, I have enough stuff that I don't really need to paint up anything except for one little thing. Of late, I have become enamored with the IA10 Siege Vanguard list. Like a lot.


I like that list because 1) it seems like a lot of fun, there are some interesting modeling opportunities in it, and 3) it seems like a lot of fun. Did I mention that it seems like it would be fun to play? Also, others who have played this list say that it is difficult to win with. Well, that seemed to me like they weren't applying enough zeal to the problem.


For additional info on the "Joys of Siege" refer to the following battle report: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/253019-the-albigensian-crusade-ww-v-012914/?p=3581839


So from a modeling aspect I am planning on adding the following items to my Templars...


  • 1 x 3 man Centurion squad (with a twist...there's always a twist)
  • Enough Mantlets to protect two tactical squads. Initially I'll build for five man squads, but it may grow to 10 man squads.
  • 1 x 10 man Assault squad with combat shields. Theme-wise, these guys should just look cool.
  • 1 x Whirlwind turret to turn one of my existing Land Raiders into a Land Raider Hellios. Those of you that follow my crusade thread know I have a thing for Land Raiders.

From a gaming perspective, the importance of this exercise is to tell a story. More importantly, to have fun telling that story. Now, I am one of those "start with the end in mind" kind of guys, so the track of games will follow along this general path. Keep in mind that I am starting at the end of the track and moving to the front. Also, we are going to follow a similar story trail to Badab, but I am leaving the "lore" to Noctis Cornix to deliver.


If you're not familiar with his writing, I encourage you to read this. It. Blew. My. Mind.





Ok, gaming framework:


Last game: This will be an Apocalypse game, several thousand points per side. The equivalent of the assault on the "Palace of Thorns" in Badab. Visually, we're looking at adopting things from Saddam Hussein's palace to add flavor (those two large crossed swords over a big avenue).


Next to last: Assault on Battle Station "________". What I have in mind for this game is four tables oriented around a central table. The four outside tables will represent the access points to the battle station. The Loyalists will have to assault through one or more of the outside tables, to get to the central table and complete the mission. There will be consequences for the last game if the Loyalists fail. The battle will be 3K (attackers) vs. 2K (defenders). The attackers will have a numerical advantage, but the defenders will be more mobile, better able to shift troops.


Midpoint games: These games will rely heavily on Noctis fluff, so I don't have much in the way of details here. Figure 2-3 games.


Starting games: A lot of these games will be used to get people together, roll some dice and have fun. There isn't a limit to how many games get played in this phase as some of them may be instructional. What we will be doing is making extensive use of  the boarding/spaceship battle rules in IA9. To that purpose, I have been collecting odd shapes (e.g. packaged cheese containers) and looking for silvery table covers to represent the inside of a ship. Eventually I'll get to building some bulkheads and what not. So there may not be a lot of "detail" on this terrain, but what it should allow is a visual cue that something different is going on. Also, this will allow us to test out smaller forces and either side can be the attacker. The emphasis though, will be on naval/space combat.


Ok, I think that's it for now. I'll have some pics up in the next couple of days to show work in progress and all that.



I pledge my Silver Skulls to the Secessionist side as Proxy Astral Claws.


The picture is what I have to choose from to bring. I will be filling out a Tyrant's Legion list.



no pictures of the IG, but I can bring quite a bit of Vostroyaans and up to 4 baneblades and 2 stormlords and 2 Shadow-"something or others that are still in the box".


I also have Huron from FW so I will bring him along as well.

I, Grand Master Iapetus, pledge the combined forces of the Inquisition and a contingent of Grey Knights to the cause of the Loyalists.


To this end, I dispatch agents of the Holy Inquisition to scour the sector, that we may recruit fresh units to supplement the order of battle:


4 servo skulls (Varian class)

2 Inquisitors (from Ordo Hereticus)

1 Dreadnought (Brother Captain Domastis)


...and 4 blue monkeys from the Jokaero worlds...



Moreover - should the battle rage long, and time permitteth, I will make haste to open three Seals of Righteousness so that I may be permitted to requisition further aid in the form of mighty vehicles of Titan (which have long lay dormant):


1 Ryza Pattern Stormraven

1 Inquisitional Land Raider (Redeemer Pattern)


...and 1 Inquisitorial Stormlord...




Godspeed to the Vanguards of the Emperor, woe to those who stand opposed.



Alright, got all the new sign ups added in, I'm progressing on my bridge design, which if my measurements are correct will fit two land raiders side by side on each lane. If someone would be kind enough to measure the width and height of one of their super heavies I'd be much appreciative.


Now while everyone who participates will be getting some nice surprises come game time, those of us who walk in the shadow of the Emperor will be getting something extra special that I hope y'all will appreciate, join the shadow side, we have cake ;)




(Just ignore the birthday message there, and no, I haven't been waiting for months to find the right time to post this :p)

Now that's what I call "gaming". Awesome cake!

Ok, here's a quick update to show some hobby work. These are my "counts as" Centurions for the IA10 Vanguard Siege list.

Now I'm just waiting on favorable painting conditions to do the basecoats. Also to make life a little easier, all the bits are separate and will be painted individually, then brought together for the final construction.

I thought about putting them on the bases and just spraying, but there are too many weird angles and spray shadows to make that practical, even with an airbrush.

Yeah, so this stand will only have one guy. So sue me. tongue.png

And from the front.

The front piece will feature Templar/Medieval heraldry. Also,to give credit where it's due, this idea germinated while admiring Brother Heinrich's Night Lords thread and some of the things he did for his "counts as" Obliterators.

I guess traitors have a purpose after all.

Those would be 60mm. I felt I needed the additional real estate to not make them look too crowded. The mantlets themselves are 50mm so I think as long as I keep the shields themselves no more than two inches from each other, I'm Ok rules-wise.


Also, in the Vanguard Siege list, tactical squads can take mantlets, which is where part of the inspiration came from. The other part originated from Brother Heinrich's NL obliterators.



Alright folks, this weekend Honda and I gathered for a small game at our local GW. It was coincidently my first game ever, and the first time the November Warriors have fired off a shot in anger. Two very different ideologies clashed, Honda came in with his beautifuly painted Templars, subtle brush works, hand painted script, great conversions, and some heavy armor to back him up. I showed up with my November Warriors, bold solid colors, stars as far as the eye could see, and lots of boots on the ground.


It being my first game, Honda gave lots of great advice, and was utterly helpful, so hats off to him! Our mission was Capture the Relic, setting up on long sides the relic was right in the middle.






Honda Set up first (I did try to steal initiative, but the dice gods hung back to see how things would develop) the first round saw  his guys on the bastion firing their Heavy Bolter to little effect, while his armor moved up ready to disgourge a rather large crusader squad, and a vindicator to shore up the blind side defenses. His vindicator took first blood by hitting my right side tac squad to good effect, the squad sergeant and a few of this squad were immediatly blow apart.






Round 2 continued the forward push, the templar vindicator nearly utterly destroyed the Blind side tac squad, leaving only a melta, Multi-Melta and a bolter brother. The left side tac squad and the templars on the bastion continued to trade heavy bolter fire to no effect on each other. Many shots were fired, and many saves made. One of the command Squad veterans unfortunatly succumbed to the the heavy fire from the vehicles. In my part of the phase the rememnants of the right side tac squad were able to destroy the weapon on the vindicator, giving me some breathing room.



Unfortunatly a very blurry shot, in the bottom of round two I was able to move my assault squad forward into range of the relic, we took control but stood right infront of a very angry assault cannon on the land raider. It's melta and hurricane bolters were very effective.




Honda attempted to tank shock the tac squad rememnants, doing so had cost him the land raider as my multi-melta man made a death or glory stand and somehow rolled well enough to punch clean through, killing the dreaded vindicator and taking himself out of the fight in the same token. The Assault squad had been chewed up badly by the land raider, and there were more potshots fired from the squad on the roof, to once again no effect.



In this next round the crusader squad finally made an appearance outside of their metal box. In doing so they eviscerated the assault squad, with the Master of Sanctity carrying a burning blade and challenging a lowly squaddie, and leaving him a broken mess. This left only one man, a flamer carrying assault marine, he fell back behind the cursed woods to regroup himself. They took control of the relic, and looked to be ready to cart it off in their Land Raider.






In the bottom half, the Assault Marine carrying his Flamer returned to the front intent on taking vengance for his fallen kin, even if it cost him his life. The Emperor smiled upon him as every shot fired  his was missed, and his flamer brought rightous fury upon the Templars. The remaining Tac Squad moved forward to contest the relic, by this point I do believe the rooftop templars forgot about us, and we them, because I don't think any of us traded shots in that direction. The Master of Sanctity caught sight of my Captain who'd been hanging back until the right time, he carried the Flamey Blade, a distant cousin to the burning blade, that is it's equal in every way except for coolness of name. My Flamers in this round did serious damage to the Crusaders, taking down his remaining Initiates, it left only the neophytes to fend for themselves along with the remaining melta from the broken right side squad bringing violence down on his power weapong weilding marines. Pure luck saw the removal of his close in specialists, men with power weapons and fists. With the command squad assaulting from the opposite side. Very much the Axe and Hammer approach. Massed Bolter fire saw the end of his neophytes.






With a bloodied nose, the Templars conceeded the relic to the November Warriors, knowing that one day, they will return in force to reclaim their honor.



So, from Captain Picard and a fluffy Wolverine, we thank you for following along, and we can't wait to play some more games.


I love small starter games. So many whacky things can happen and did. We had wild shifts of momentum, goofy rolls (like both our heavy bolters couldn't hit the broadside of a planet, let alone single figures), the wild mash up in the center and the amazing shooting by the November Warriors...or was that the pathetic armor save rolls by the Templars?


Two most entertaining moments:


1. NIX had knocked off the Demolisher cannon on my Vindicator, so basically, I had a rhino with a Siege Shield on it. Since I wanted to show NIX as many rules as I could without creating overly manufactured events, I thought, well you've got three guys standing out in the open. I've got a moving dozer blade, let's check out Tank Shot and Death or Glory.


<kids, don't do this at home> So my general impression of DoG from 5th was that it  was only moderately successful as a tactic, that it was actually better to move out of the way, and then assault in the following turn. Not so in 6th. In 6th, much to my surprise, if you pass your Ld check, you automatically hit the target. He had a melta. Not a good deal. He pens and gets a 6. Now I have a non-moving dozer blade with bonus fireworks. The upside is that the MM gunner actually took a hit and then failed his armor save. Still...


2. We had a big hairball in the middle. As NIX pointed out, he put the assault squad on the relic to keep me from grabbing it. It was a tough decision, but he had to do it. They got mauled. Then the swarm of yellow army ants all aggregated where the assault squad was and we went to it. I was thinking that I would be able to hold out here until my Master of Sanctity (i.e. Chapter Master) could swing the day. NIXs shooting just killed me. Still, I thought, "I can do this!"


Except I didn't. I didn't make my leadership role, then NIX beat me on Initiative, and all of a sudden, everyone on my side was dead. I kept thinking, "wait  a minute, I've got a super duper burning sword and storm shield bearing, terminator armor wearing monster on my side. How can he be dead?"


But he was. Sad, just sad. :)


Anyway, it was great getting to meet NIX and Vazzy for the first time, and it's always fun catching up with Jefe and Gar.


I'm definitely looking forward to the next time.


Great write up NIX!


Until next time.





I learned much smile.png like the importance of mobility, Flamers are your friend (as long as they're yours), Meltas make for a nice boom, and synergy between units make for a great force multiplier. Oh, and always have lots of boots on the ground.

In that vein, some of my guys had earned themselves some honor. There was a lone survivor from the Assault Squad who avoided everything shot at him, and used him flamer to great effect. My Multi-melta man made a massive move by taking down a charging tank, and his buddy with a melta-gun came in to add his shots to the final scrum. Especially commended were the three kills on marines made by a flamer carrying tac marine with a medalion and some purity seals, There was also a marine with a bolter who didn't really add too much, but he did survive so earned himself a mission badge (the single blue stripe on the right knee pad).



I know, I know, mold lines, to be fair though, there were some of the first marines I'd ever painted, in fact the assault marine might have been model number 1. I've considered going back and stripping and fixing him, but now that he's done something worthy, it may insult his plastacine spirit :P


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