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A Tale of Texas Gamers: The Hobby Thread


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Great stuff, I like how you've taken on their battle victories and modeled them accordingly :)


As for mould lines and repainting... By the time you have played a few games and made some changes, had a thought on other ventures within the Space Marine world, it may be that you'll get your chance on new models building on from your existing experiences.  I would say keep things as they are - like you've said you will - and perhaps in the future depending on what happens, give them a clean up of mould lines and a gentle repaint over the top.  You may find new and improved ways of doing things later on, to redo them now with having just earned battle honours would indeed be an insult :)

Well to show some of my stuff outside my WIP thread...


Group shot minus one of the fire team so far...




And the missing brother you ask?




The later was mostly finished before the rest were mostly finished.  Only thing remaining on most of them is the back pack and assorted small details... Like finding where the knife went from the guy with the Mk 2 helmet when he fell to the floor or Aquilas on the weapons.

Nice looking Fists. I think it's also cool that you mixed up the armor a tad (Mk 2 helmet) as it's a reminder that some of these guys have been around awhile. I know that when I get around to painting my Fists, I'm going to use quite a few of the Battle for Macragge one-shots for bulk, but then add odd helmets and things here and  there for some variety.


I'm looking forward to seeing them in person before too long.



Ok, quick update. The pic below is an assault squad for the IA10 Vanguard Siege list. Basically, it's just like an assault squad, but you can give the entire squad combat shields and two melee/special weapons + the sergeant can take melee. So kind of a cool unit and it's a troops choice.

I proxied one in a game and it actually did pretty well. The combat shields did better than I expected. Then again, my Deny the Witch rolls always exceed my expectations and it's the same roll. 5's are good to me. :)

Anyway, here you go.


In response to Honda and his awesome assault marines, I present y'all the ones I'm working on:




Death Company as An Assault squad. The lesson learned: there is a reason people don't paint death company yellow, nor try to get too creative with the death company cross color scheme, it just ends up looking muddy. And rope, I really don't like rope on models now. I seem to lack the requisite skill to make em look good, so I'll just make em done.

Still more double posting on my end! So today I finished out some death company kits that have been sitting primed but unpainted since last year. I still have another kit and a half to work on as death company specialists (infernus pistols, hand flamers, ect) and a vangaurd vet set to complete. But I do think the November Warriors (playing as Firehawks) will not be lacking in fast moving guys.





  • 3 weeks later...

So, I finished up my techmarines for Tale of 18 (who may show up in the next game hanging out in a Land Raider Achilles) but this month I also completed a small objective marker, maybe something the Templars tried to recover as a relic ;)



  • 3 weeks later...

As I work on the set pieces for the final assault on the Novemberine stronghold (which if I'm any bit half as good as my imagination will be a very cool, very large, very narrative friendly) I've also been adding marines who'll fit in with the Firehawks CT and my love of fire. So I present you with the first of the sternguard vets. Below is the squad sergeant wielding a heresy era combi-flamer.




Now that I see him in larger than life scale I see there are a few areas to clean up, some washes to apply, and script to add on.


Next up (and the actual first model to be painted) is my Heavy Flamer SG.




Yet another gent who needs some cleaning up, but it's a start. The rest of the squad will also be outfitted with combi-flamers giving me a few extra BTUs that's always welcomed when having to face hordes of screaming maniacal zealots. As next month ends the Tale of 18 Gamers I'll be spending more time getting stuff done for the Texas Tale. Upcoming are the rest of the Sternguard, a Vanguard vet squad, Structures to be attacked and defended, and maybe just maybe a Storm Eagle!

Last Saturday I received a missive upon my personal cogitor communicator from our esteemed Hostile Cart asking if I was free on sunday for a bit of a match up. He was looking to bring his Elysians out for some fresh air, and I had some firehawks CT using jump packers waiting to give them a breath of promethium. So that means it's time for another battle report!


Honda's force consisted a massive amount of drop troopers with vets mixed in, a demo charge squad, and a naval officers (about 70 in total, many of which we're well hidden) a couple of Tauros (Multi-Laser and Grenade Launcher equipped), some multi-melta Sentinels, and a pair of Valkyries (which punisher cannons, which were very punishing).


I was commanding a force of mainly jump pack equipped troops (totaling 35). Captain Courbray with a command squad, Vanguard Vets, An Assault Squad and a Demi-Squad, two demi-squads of tac marines, backed up by a Storm Raven and a Storm Talon.


We both figured it would be a very close, very bloody game. Between his super soft targets, my hard hitting fast movers, our fliers and just the general scrum that was expected the body count should have been super high. Should have been.


We set up for the scouring with deployment on the long sides.




Turn 1 was lead by the November Warriors who had deployed extremely lightly, just ten men and a razorback as support they immediately made for a pair of objectives. The razorback took potshots at a squad deployed on the orbital gun. On his side of the turn he tried to bring down some orbital bombardments and pop a few of the marines running for the objective to zero effect, making for land that was easily plowed, if farming is your thing.



Most of his deployed guys were hidden behind this massive ruin, which I wasn't too worried about, but probably should have been.

Turn two saw the November QRF delayed, not a single roll above 3 (which thanks to his Naval Officer needed to be 4) The razorback continued forward and plinked a few more troopers on the gun, disembarked it's demi squad and then proceeded to get exploded in the bottom of the second.




During the 2nd turn the drop troops decided that the three men who died needed to be fully avenged and all but 3 of his reserves made it to the battlefield. This included the pair of Valkyries who I was none to pleased to see. I will say though, I was laughing like a hyena for each unit that had a successful roll.




The Valkyries not only annihilated, but completely vaporized the running tac squad.  There was a danger close orbital bombardment meant for the razorback that wiped most of the razorback squad, and definitively killed Sgt. Buttercup. 



Turn three saw the entry of the Storm Raven and Storm Talon escort. Hiding inside was the Captain and his Command squad (worth about 400 points, but we'll get to that later) Firing all forward batteries into the broadside of the Valkyrie did nothing more than singe the paint, and maybe a small dent. The dice gods were not with me. 





From this point forth there is a lack of good pictures for which I apologize. I became focused on trying to save a bad situation from getting much much worse.


In the bottom of turn three he charged a group of troopers forward right under the belly of the Storm Talon and lit is up with their flashlights. In fact it was so lit up that it crashed and burned in reverse killing a few of his troopers over by the razorback. The falling back tac squad was also destroyed quite handily. The Elysians were making progress torwards all the objectives and at this point with the rest of my force coming on, I thought maybe, just maybe I may be able to pull off an upset, or at least give Honda a good run for his money.


With the Vanguard vets coming in behind the Razorback, the AS Demi squad deep struck into the back lines, the full squad deep struck right into the edge of dangerous terrain, and the Captain and command squad had a mishap into waiting another turn. The demi-squad took a few potshots at the nearest troopers killing 1, on the other side of the board the AS Squad flambe'd his squad of troopers making for the objective, leaving two to fall back. The Storm Raven continued it's run to the edge of the board, leaving it with no way to come back in time to make a difference.


The Elysian's side of the turn saw them bring masses of fire on the exposed deep strikers killing the Demi-squad, and a massive chunk of the AS Squad. The Vanguard Vets were spared, but had to watch their compatriots attempt to survive unsurvivable odds.


By this point the game was all but over, leaving a single objective I could contest. We did decide to play it out, and I got my final kill on a Tauros. Denying him the 4 victory points he was looking for.


The end of our game was heavily lopsided. I think it was 14-1 or 13-2 not fully sure, but it wasn't close. Some may say this is proof that FW lists are overpowered, or that Valkyries need to be nerfed but I'll be honest. I don't think this is true. If I had a better reserve roll in the 2nd turn I think the game would have gone much much differently. In fact, if I had brought in a few of my reserves to start on the board instead of trying to fluff 'em out as a QRF then I think if not closer, then I may have denied him many many points, in addition to maybe having a few better rolls (especially when firing on the vendetta). Also, Honda very simply just out General'd me, something I have no qualms about admitting.


Eventually we may try to bring the lists head to head again, and the outcome may be very different. I did say though, I kinda want my next list to come in very mech heavy, so we'll see about when we get to it. As always a big thanks to GW Coles Crossing for hosting us. And till next time folks!


PS: Honda and I both had some deepstriking model mishaps when putting away some casualties, but our guys did survive thanks to a timely application of glue sourced by our fearless GW manager.

NIX is being pretty generous here. It's very easy to look good in a game when you only have to fight a portion of your opponent's forces, even squishy IG. His reserve rolls were just brutal and in fact were one of the things that allowed me to stay in the game.


Key events:


1. Well, the aforementioned unsympathetic reserves rolls of the Fire Hawks was countered by excellent rolls by the Elysians. In particular, I really needed to have my Vultures (Valkyries mounted with Punisher cannons) in as early as possible to hold off all of his zoomey jet guys screaming in from the horizon. So the Vultures showed up in Turn 2 and started spraying lead early which really helped me out, because let's face it, I didn't have anything on my side that was going to be able to stop him if he got into hand-to-hand.


2. Turn 3 arrival of the Storm Raven and Storm Talon caused me no shortage of anxiety, because they were able to fly in on a perfect intercept heading and drop one of my Vultures. Then something really surprising happened. After unloading all the weapons from both enemy aircraft, we were both amazed that instead of a big ball of IG flames in the sky, all I got was a shaken roll, which I then saved with my Armored Cockpit. And when I say "amazed" I mean, I was experiencing an excited kind of amazed and NIX a somewhat lessor amount of excited, kind of amazed. I really should have lost one of my aircraft in that exchange.


3. A unit of vets ran underneath the Storm Talon, pointed their plasma and shot guns up into the air, and a really big metal duck came crashing down from ingesting 373% in excess of the daily recommended amount of plasma. The crash was so bizarre that the Storm Talon flew backwards 11 inches and "kilt Darrell and his brother Darrell" who wuz out ahuntin' downrange. Very crazy.


4. At that point, I had pretty much everything on the table and I was just doing the fire ant strategy of swarming objectives and hoping to hold on to something. NIX then made some amazing deep strikes, but unfortunately for NIX, the Elysians are pretty well stocked with plasma and melta guns and with the Vultures still running around, it wasn't too difficult to take out a unit a turn.


5. NIX's 400 point HQ squad never got to deploy. If it had, once again, I would have been in serious trouble as I just didn't have anything to stop it.


I think that despite the points scored, this could have very easily gone the other way with just a few dice rolls.


NIX is a hoot to play and I fear the next game when he returns with his flaming wrath. :)

There was one more picture I really wanted to post:



Like I said, very fun game made better by the awesome models Honda brought out. I'm just gonna take some tactical lessons, and come back next time with a whole new method of attack.


Jasp, join us in the land of the lone star where there are no angry koalas, surfing sharks, or drop bears ;) not only will there be games refreshed with local brews, but I can also ogle your fellblade and DG &BA armies :D

One day I may, you guys got a lot of construction and grid iron steak & beer.


It's all I need. Just got the issue of the lady that I'm engaged to not liking Texas, I said Arlington has the my comic store that I order from do I'm trying :D


One day I may, you guys got a lot of construction and grid iron steak & beer.


Dude, Texas invented steak, you're only scratching the surface. My favorite is "Taste of Texas". That is serious steak. Also, we've a very strong economy that is building out its infrastructure very aggressively. If that's your gig, this is the place to be. Also, there is no friendlier place in the world and I'm not making  that  up.





It's all I need. Just got the issue of the lady that I'm engaged to not

liking Texas, I said Arlington has the my comic store that I order from

do I'm trying


Well, the marketing pitch I made to my "ex-girlfriend" (married her, going on 23 years now) is, "It's like Hawaii, but with fire ants".


There is no perfect place in the world, but this is pretty good.

Dude, fire ants will make you uncomfortable. Bulldog ants will kill you.


In fact, I'm not sure I've seen anything in Australia that won't kill you except marshmallows. ;)


We're the Garden of Eden compared to you guys.

Actually, Australia is the only other place I would consider living and was checking it out pretty seriously about 5 years ago.


The fact that a lot of my BnC buds are from down under was completely coincidental. ;)


@NIX: Just so you know, any time you want to beat the crap out of the Elysians, just let me know. Not that I'd look forward to the expression of your full wrath, but I'll play them any time and keep in mind, as a friend of mine once said about Shaeffer beer, "the second one is better". ;)


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