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To base or not to base?

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Well for better or worse ( depending on your view of them and Escalation I guess ) I bit the bullet and bought a Greater Brass Scorpion Over the weekend. I really love the model and think it'll look awesome ( If I can do it justice with the paint ).


The question is though, Do I put it on a base or not?


Now if I did base it it would be more stable and less prone to breaking, but would make gaming with it more difficult surely, as you couldn't place it over models and terrain?


So my question to you my dark brethren, do I base this beast or not?

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While I've never seen the model in person, looking at the Forgeworld website, it looks pretty sturdy. If you're really worried, what about constructing a small magnetic base to sit underneath the middle between the legs (like a 40mm or 60mm with a short metal rod to attach to the model)? When you put it on display or gaming table, you can sit the base under it for extra support and since the model would most likely be viewed from above, the base would be out of sight. When you pick up the model and move it around, you can remove the base with ease and without any real blemishments to the model except for the magnet in the bottom unless you can strategically place the magnet.

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That's what I was thinking, but I've had a hierophant and over time the legs started to bend under the weight. I was just wondering if anyone who's had experience with them could give me some advice


MWG had the same problem and they put metal rods in its legs.

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That's what I was thinking, but I've had a hierophant and over time the legs started to bend under the weight. I was just wondering if anyone who's had experience with them could give me some advice


MWG had the same problem and they put metal rods in its legs.


Is this for the Hierophant or the Scorpion?

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