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Rethinking The Sanguinary Guard

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Hey Gents,


I recently converted the Lord Executioner into my Counts as Dante. I have loved that model for a very long time and am really glad I got to have it finished. The thing is though, I don't find that the Sanguinary Guard would fit looks wise with this Counts as Dante, and so I was wondering what some of you have done to modify or convert the Sanguinary Guard?


I'm looking for some conversion ideas or even pics of what some of you have done, or if you've done anything to these models.

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sadly i have not done any re modelling or counts as for sanguinary guard tho my guesses would be maybe death company with a bit of liquid green stuff to fill in the X's, i just bought some sanguinary guard yesterday and was going to ask what was the preferred load out, so since i have seen you post i was wondering what you planned to kit them out like ?



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For the loadout I'm of the opinion that sanguinary guard should be kept far away from things with 2+ saves. Any enemy with a 2+ of their own will be very good at killing them, either in shooting or assault.

They work best if they are put against units that struggle against the 2+ save and doesn't have huge numbers like maxed out squads of tyranid gaunts or ork boys.


Maybe a single fist (it looks awesome) but go with swords for the majority of models. A single melta pistol can be very useful just in case and the chapter banner, while expensive, is such a good buff that you might just as well take it when you're spending the points. You don't pick sanguinary guard for their amazing value anyways.


Not normally a fan of our sanguinary priests, but when you field a squad of SG it's best to keep one around.

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Here is what I have been doing with mine (see below pic). Heads are from puppetswars, swords are Kromlech. Bodies are a mix of DC and SG kits. You could probably get away with just about any figures and modifications you wanted as long as they are either painted in such a way that they stand out as different (gold for the standard dex colors) or you put the winged packs on them (and no one else in the army really uses those).


My Dante and Astaorath for comparison on theme:


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Just use regular jump packs? DC or the new Vanguard jump packs should be appropriately ornate.


If you refluff your SG further, maybe the teleporter packs of the Grey Knights would be suitable (they make the unit Jump Infantry as well).


MaxMini also has several jump packs.

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That's a tough one.  He's really bulky and ornate in a conventional marine way.  His pose is looks slow and powerful rather than dynamic.


My first thoughts:

I think the DC JPs work.

I like DC or Sternguard Veteran legs.

I have no clue about the chest or heads.


My second thought:

Have you considered converting Chaplains?

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I gave mine 3 swords, 2 axes and 5 plasma pistols.

Is the greater range really worth losing one point of S and the Melta special rule and gaining Gets Hot?


Not really, I just didn't have the bits, they can be counted as infernus, when I want, anyway.

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That's a tough one.  He's really bulky and ornate in a conventional marine way.  His pose is looks slow and powerful rather than dynamic.


My first thoughts:

I think the DC JPs work.

I like DC or Sternguard Veteran legs.

I have no clue about the chest or heads.


My second thought:

Have you considered converting Chaplains?

Heads would be deathmasks.

I was thinking about the greyknights kit legs and chests.

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  • 1 year later...

Here is what I have been doing with mine (see below pic). Heads are from puppetswars, swords are Kromlech. Bodies are a mix of DC and SG kits. You could probably get away with just about any figures and modifications you wanted as long as they are either painted in such a way that they stand out as different (gold for the standard dex colors) or you put the winged packs on them (and no one else in the army really uses those).


My Dante and Astaorath for comparison on theme:


@xmercx where did you get the wings for the top of the axe? they look awesome btw

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Hey Gents,


I recently converted the Lord Executioner into my Counts as Dante. I have loved that model for a very long time and am really glad I got to have it finished. The thing is though, I don't find that the Sanguinary Guard would fit looks wise with this Counts as Dante, and so I was wondering what some of you have done to modify or convert the Sanguinary Guard?


I'm looking for some conversion ideas or even pics of what some of you have done, or if you've done anything to these models.

Can we see a pic of your Lord Executioner / Dante? Might help with suggestions.

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I second LutherMax's post.

If you want less angelic Sanguinary guard, replace the nipple armour with torso fronts from other kits (maybe vanguard vetrans to have enough bling to justify artificer armour) and leave the wings off the MKIV jump packs. Use the helmets without the crests or something else entirely. That one Berzerker helmet would maybe work well to differentiate them from other marines after removing the bunny ears. Unfortunately it is nearly always sold out.

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Hey Gents,


I recently converted the Lord Executioner into my Counts as Dante. I have loved that model for a very long time and am really glad I got to have it finished. The thing is though, I don't find that the Sanguinary Guard would fit looks wise with this Counts as Dante, and so I was wondering what some of you have done to modify or convert the Sanguinary Guard?


I'm looking for some conversion ideas or even pics of what some of you have done, or if you've done anything to these models.

Can we see a pic of your Lord Executioner / Dante? Might help with suggestions.
Already built and painted. Check my repainting thread :)
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