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Rethinking The Sanguinary Guard

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  • 2 weeks later...

I used the Sang guard legs and arms with the FW Blood Angel torsos and heads. Managed to get a load of FW Night Lord style jet packs too. I'm very happy with them!


Do you have any pictures of them, by chance??!! I'd love to see them.


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Is it worth running them with banner? I pick up 2 boxes the other day and thinking of doing 5 with swords and 2 with IP. And the other 5 being split up with 2 PF and 2 axes and 1 banner, but thinking just 1 PF and 1 axe this way keeping more swords and bolt guns in mix.


I plan on running them 5-7 strong maybe in bigger games going 10. But more just unit to cover dante when I field him.


Just for modeling reason I keeping the death mask on them so option there if I chose to take it. But the mask doesn't look worth adding.

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The banner is awesome. Obviously it gets better the more dudes in the squad. When you have ten you're paying 2.5 points per guy for an extra attack - great deal!


(edited cost, I always think the banner is 10 Melta bombs, not 5)


Death masks are nice too, against weaker enemies it let's you really limit the casualties you'll take from stray attacks.

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Death masks are nice too, against weaker enemies it let's you really limit the casualties you'll take from stray attacks.

Unless you run the Sanguinary Guard with Dante. Then they are pretty much superfluous.

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  • 3 weeks later...


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