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Solid tactic against IG guardsmen blob?


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Greetins Brothers.

I need some solid intel on how to defeat the puny guardsmen.

What is a soli tactic to deal with his 3748373 guardsmen always standing as meatshields infront of the Leman Russ?

I was thinking of fielding either whirlwinds or vindicators for the sweet large blast hits.

Or pod a Fragioso with DW launcher on the pod?

Usually me and my mate is playing 1K matches and below is what i consider to be my core


Librarian (100pts)

Blood Lance, Shield of Sanguinius
Power Armour
Bolt Pistol


Sanguinary Priests (50pts)

Sanguinary Priest
Power Armour
Bolt Pistol, Chainsword


Assault Squad (130pts)


4x Assault Marines, Meltagun
Twin Linked Heavy Bolter
Veteran Sergeant
Bolt Pistol, Chainsword

Assault Squad (130pts)

4x Assault Marines, Meltagun
Twin Linked Heavy Bolter
Veteran Sergeant
Bolt Pistol, Chainsword

Tactical Squad (170pts)

Flamer, Missile Launcher, 9x Tactical Marine
Veteran Sergeant
Bolt Pistol, Bolter



That gives me 420 points to fiddle around with. 


Any help here is appreciated

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5x Vanvets with meltabombs would fill a gap.


As it stands, your fragioso will clear some guardsmen out, but then you have nothing to take advantage of this and kill the tanks.


I'd drop the priest, you'll either be in tanks and not getting shot with lasguns, or being battlecannoned, which FNP doesnt help with.

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Seems that the IG has yet to represent here... Ya know, to provide an insight on how to beat us at our own game!


What kind of blobs does he use? normal squads, blobs of 20, 30, ect.? I can certainly say that you want to get into CC as quick as possible, and wipe them there. It's much easier to make them fall back and sweep them, than to shoot them to death. If you can, get some Land Raider Crusaders in there. Guardsmen die by the droves to AP 5 shots. As for taking out his tanks, hit them in the rear with anything ya got. Highest they can do is 11, and everything else is 10 in the back.


Against Guard, you want to get into CC, and try to wipe them away in their turn. Doing so in your turn will most likely guarantee a Russ shot at you if you don't.


Anything that is hard hitting, and fast, will most likely help with this endeavor. Unless he's got Hydras, Vendettas, or an Aegis, we've got no anti-air. Stormravens will help immensely with the culling of Guard squads if they're built for anti-infantry roles.

Drop podding also works, but can be hazardous to your health  if you don't place them in the right spots. Take out tanks first, then go for the squishy infantry nearby.


Hope that kinda helps...  I also know that podding in a Furioso with all heavy flamers works wonders (it's been used against me many times)

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I have a friend who plays IG. He usually puts up 30 man blobs with a commisar in just to keep the blob stubborn or perhaps even fearless. And some Tanks behind them. 

I'd say flame them. I have never managed to do it myself since I usually play CSM and have a difficulty crossing the board to get to him. But with my FE army i'd stand a chance as the rhinos and razorbacks are fast. And we have pods.


How about switching the ML in the tactical squad to a Hv Bolter? Gives you some more dakka to use on the meatlings. 

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I would say SR + Some sort of dreadnought (DC or furioso, with talons), but at 1000 points that's too much to keep off the board.


Do you have any more tanks? Baal predators with heavy bolters, or normal dakka predators (Autocannon + HBs) can put the hurt on almost any light infantry, and are pretty survivable.

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Personally, I would drop the priest, and drop the tac squad.

Your Libby could hang back with either a large unit of 10 devastators with ML, and cast prescience on them every round for re-roll misses.  That would thin the horde, or just target his tanks if you position them on high ground, the explosion from the tanks will kill his own guards.

You could do 3 fragioso's w/ heavy flamer in pods w/ DWML.  It's not much on the table, but if you drop your 2 pods in his face turn 1, you probably just killed 20 guard with 1 dreadnought...  wounding on 2's with both, magna grapple increases the killzone to 12" as well so you need to take one for maximum killy.
Once you've killed a big chunk of his guard, his tanks COULD shoot at you, but he also risks scattering back into his own units.  You have a pretty good chance at round 2.

On the other hand, 3 blender dreads in pods, and hvy flamer would be good too.  Still have AV13, a heavy flamer, and you're locking him in combat and shredding him to bits.  The str.6 even gives you a chance to hurt his tanks in the rear armour as well if you get a chance to assault them.

You could also swap out the razorbacks for drop pods since their free.  Gives you the option to drop down your meltas behind his tanks after your fragiosos or blender dreads have cleared out the blob.

Nice thing about fragioso's though is they will ignore their ADL cover save.  Theirs lots of options for a guard blob, and templates are your answer for any horde army.   

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Some great advice here lads. Much appreciated.


So far I've decided to scrap the spriest and tac squads, pod the assault squads instead and go with 2 fragiosos in drop pods.


How many assault squads should i bring?


The current list i'm creating hosts 3 assault squads all with a meltagun, 2 fragiosos with Magna Grapple (all of them podded) and a couple of preds with HB sponsons.


This leaves me with just 2 preds on the table at round one.

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Well, hope for first turn.  Regardless, I'd deploy the preds behind LoS blocking terrain if possible incase he steals the initiative.  Scout them up behind terrain too if you can guarantee you're out of LoS.  I don't think you can outflank them both, but you could outflank one of them if you really wanted too, and hide the other one until your pods arrive.  That gives you your 50% of your army on the table.

Can you fit all that in for 1000pts with an HQ?  I think you're just squeaking in at around 980 with 2, 5 man assault squads in pods and your above list (I think)

The list should do well against it if the dice gods are in your favor and you stay away from rolling 1's since your average weapon is wounding on 2's, and lots of ignore cover.

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+++ 1k BA (980pts) +++

+++ 0pt Blood Angels 5th Edition Roster (Primary Detachment)) +++




Blood Angels 5th Edition (Primary Detachment) Selections:


+ HQ + (100pts)


* Librarian (100pts)

Fear of the Darkness, Shield of Sanguinius

* Power Armour

Bolt Pistol



+ Elites + (350pts)


* Furioso Dreadnought (175pts)

* Drop Pod

Storm Bolter

* Furioso

Frag Cannon, Magna Grapple

* Blood Fist

Built-in Storm Bolter



* Furioso Dreadnought (175pts)

* Drop Pod

Storm Bolter

* Furioso

Frag Cannon, Magna Grapple

* Blood Fist

Built-in Storm Bolter



+ Troops + (330pts)


* Assault Squad (110pts)

4x Assault Marines , Meltagun

* Drop Pod

Storm Bolter

* Veteran Sergeant

Bolt Pistol, Chainsword



* Assault Squad (110pts)

4x Assault Marines,, Meltagun

* Drop Pod

Storm Bolter

* Veteran Sergeant

Bolt Pistol, Chainsword



* Assault Squad (110pts)

4x Assault Marines , Meltagun

* Drop Pod

Storm Bolter

* Veteran Sergeant

Bolt Pistol, Chainsword



+ Heavy Support + (200pts)


* Predator (100pts)

Autocannon, Heavy Bolters



* Predator (100pts)

Autocannon, Heavy Bolters




Created with BattleScribe (http://www.battlescribe.net)

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upgrade your bloodfists storm bolters to heavy flamer and you are all set. baal preds are better than autocannon preds as well.


Or just keep the meltas on the dreads, they are free too. 


Any particular reason you went with the stormbolters in the first place?

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