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A 4th Company WIP


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Hi everyone,


It's been a long long time since I've posted in the Blood Angels forum, so let me introduce myself. My name is Brother Duncs, I've played BA since I first started in this hobby many many years ago. As the years have run on I have grown more and more disenchanted with the direction GW was heading and have pretty much stopped playing altogether. However I recently been invited to a gaming night in my local area and the bug has hit me again. I have assembled my old BA's and I have a game tonight.


Anyway, the point of this long rambling intro is that, I've started painting again, and I want to build up a few squads of 4th Company to go along side my 2nd Company. This is the first image of my new project. 




He is armed with a power sword and a Storm Bolter. The Storm Bolter is a weapon of ancient and unknown provenance. Known only as Wolvesbane, it has been in the Blood Angels armoury for millennia, but no record of it's creation exists. Though crude by normal Blood Angel standards, the craftsmanship is remarkable in it's simple brutality and has never failed it's wielder in nearly 10,000 years of war.


Anyway thanks for looking. 





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Hiya all,


Loving the weather out there today. Glad I'm painting indoors. I've got the painting on my sergeant completed, I just need to get some basing materials and I'll be able to complete him properly. In the meantime I thought I'd make a start on the Sanguinary Priest serving the 4th. Also, because I've had him languishing in the darkest recesses of my bitz box, I've started trying to save Cpt. Tycho. I know he was commander of the 3rd but he's been in such a sorry state that I thought I should try and do justice to this honoured Hero of the Imperium.


Anyways onto the pics.








I also have an old school Blood Angel Chaplain knocking around who will accompany the 4th.


Thanks for looking,



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Thanks very much mate. That is Khorne Red over bare plastic for a hand painted undercoat followed by Mephiston Red over the top (avoiding the recesses) and Evil Suns Scarlet for an edge highlight. I watered down the paints a bit though because they're quite thick, not a lot, just enough to make it easier to move around the model.

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Done some work this morning on Sanguinary Priest Rubeis. I love being on holiday. yes.gif This is the first time in a long time where painting hasn't felt like a chore.



Thanks for looking,


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These are fantastic, and the red is really nice I like it a lot. The gold is giving me a bit of trouble, I've tried using a coat of lighter color beneath to get it, but it still isn't like yours, any tips on that? Keep up the awesome work. :)

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Thanks mate,


the gold if I remember correctly was Calthan Brown and Hashut Copper mixed 50/50. Going back to him though it looked really dull, so, I started hitting the larger surfaces with pure Shining Gold. I left some of the old Brown/Copper mix in the recesses. But that's all I've done so far, I need to get in there and do some highlight with Mithril Silver and wash the recesses with some Reikland Fleshshade to try and get him looking respectable. The problem with him was I started him 2 years ago thought I'd messed him up and popped him away. 


Did a bit more this afternoon on the Priest.



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Ahh thanks for that, I'll have to try it out myself. Appreciate it and that priest is looking great so far!


@Blindhamster: Yeah he is/was 3rd, but it's a neat model and character so I guess he wanted to share it, hehe.

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Afternoon all, after a delightful morning spent watch Mr Peabody and Sherman at the cinema I got back and made a start on my Captain. I also finished Sanguinary Priest Rubeis. I'm thinking for bases I might get hold of some sci-fi bases, as my theme is cleansing a space hulk.













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Evening all,


I'm painting up an old school Chaplain model for my project and I need some help. He has a halo/crest thingy on his head and I don't know what colour to paint it. I'm toying with gold or even red but I think red might look too out of place. What do you guys think? Here's a piccy of him to show you what I'm on about.






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After a "delightful" first week back at work I've managed to do a bit of painting. Hand undercoating metal models is a proper pin in the wazzoo, but this weather means I don't have much choice. I glossed this guy with varnish and then when he looked waaaaay too shiny, I applied some Lahmian Medium and it dull it down just enough. I still need to sharpen up the highlights but he's nearly there. I think black might be the reason I don't have many Death Company models. laugh.png


Cheers for looking,


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Cheers mate, I love some of the old sculpts, this guy was a coveted item back in the day for me. I found him in Bristol in a shop called Area 51, he was £2.50, caked in paint but nothing a dettol bath would fix. I think I need to go back and see what else I can find. 


Started a Tactical Marine last night, I'm off training now for a 40 mile hike across the Cotswolds so I'll throw some pictures up tonight.




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