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A 4th Company WIP


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Cupcakes you say? Hmmm very tempting.


I've done a bit more painting today. Got the legs and arms and shoulder pads sorted. Need to finish the purity seals and then start on the back pack. This squad is gonna burn so many Orks.




You'll have to forgive the shinyness, the 'ardcoat is still drying out.


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Well hobby ADHD got the better of me this week. After finishing of that Veteran I figured, "Why not build some Sternguard to go with Tycho?". "Because I'm building 4th Company", the sensible part of my brain said, "And Tycho is the Captain of the 3rd". So in summary the impulsive part of my brain won yet again.

Well, seeing as Sternguard are part of the first company, and in making them you'll have mis-matched, out of place elements of the 1st, 3rd and 4th companies, you may as well finish off the whole chapter.



Do it.



Dooo iiiit.

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Glad I could help in some way. smile.png I've been a bit busy this week so my updates haven't been as frequent as normal. However I have finished another Sternie. This guy just has a Meltagun. I'm tooling them up to fight Orks so I've got fire to burn boys and the ability to pop Trukks should I have to. They can also be redeployed as an Honour Guard should the need arise.





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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi All,


I'm back, got delayed with some rock and rolling for a week, but I'm back and ready to paint.


So here's some pics.





As Sternguard he's pretty 'armless (eh? eh?) He's going to be the Sgt. but I have no idea what to arm him with. Any suggestions?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all, here's a bit of Terminator action. I got a squad of Assault Terminators to act as a bodyguard for Corbulo (or is that the other way round?). Anyway, the prospect of these guys stomping out of a Redeemer feels me with a sense of tremendous excitement.



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Love this thread! Particularly Tycho's Psychos!

Second the redeemer thought... I'm just painting up some assault termie kit bashes/minor conversions based on the DA knights and I'm having itchy Land Raider Redeemer thoughts as well... Must.resist.buying.until.back.from.Africa tongue.png

Also how do you do your skin? It's one thing that I really suck at right now...


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Cheers mate, I did think about getting the Death Wing box but chickened out for some reason. The skin is done using XV-88 as a base and then gradually adding in more of my old watered down Tallarn Flesh. I use a very thin glaze of Bloodletter and I use Reikland Fleshshade and Druchi Violet washes for the recesses.

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Hi all, here's a bit of Terminator action. I got a squad of Assault Terminators to act as a bodyguard for Corbulo (or is that the other way round?). Anyway, the prospect of these guys stomping out of a Redeemer feels me with a sense of tremendous excitement.


The Bart Simpson head wouldn't actually look that bad, would it? tongue.png

Some great work on here, count me in as a fan. How do you find Corbulo with assault termies in game? I use him every game with assault marines but haven't tried with termies yet. Actually last night he tanked 67 wounds of bolter and flamer fire cool.png

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  • 6 months later...

Hi all, I've been away for a while with Fantasy stuff so my output has been rubbish, also I've been playing a lot of Blood Bowl at the local club. However, with the release of the new BA codex I jumped back on the power armoured band wagon. Now I have a lot of BA so I was looking at Seth and the Flesh Tearers and thought "I wonder how he plays". Anyway long story short I made a proxy model so I could find out. Here he is so far, the base is not finished yet and I need to fix a few details. I literally had to scrape the bottom of the many bitz boxes to find some legs, and these were the closest I could get to power armour (the only other legs were Plague bearers).


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