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GW Digital and Dominica Pattern Drop Pods: Help it happen!


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I got a wild idea and messaged GW Digital Editions on Facebook... I told them about Citadel Journal 49 and the Dominica Pattern Drop Pod that got inexplicably taken away ages ago... and how it would make an awesome dataslate... quick and easy cut&paste that would revive an option and give us something other than Immo-Spam to play with.


I also made a post on their page's timeline (though I can't see it yet - I don't know if it just takes time to show up or if I need to do it again)...


So here is what would be cool:

Let's inundate them with messages and comments on their facebook page asking for the return of the Dominica Drop Pod and show them that its worth the hour or so to do a cut&paste data-slate!  If enough of us tell them we want it, maybe we'll get it :)

Dominica-Pattern Drop Pod (third edition rules, I believe - intended to work with C:WH anyway).


Transport choice, 70 points. Transport Capacity (5). Enters play like a flier (AV12), then becomes an immobile vehicle (AV10) at the end of its movement. Open Topped after it finishes moving.


Alternatively, Dominica-pattern Deathwind Drop Pod. 160 points, Heavy Support option.


Same AV and deployment rules as the transport variant, but it has BS4 and is armed with 5 heavy bolters. When it deploys, it has to pick a target to shoot at. It can fire 3 of its weapons at that target (the others don't have the arc of fire). Heavy bolters can be upgraded to multi-meltas for 30 points for all five. Oh, and it's BS 4.

Ok, so in spite of Facebook's weirdness tonight, my first post finally showed up:


Linky: https://www.facebook.com/GamesWorkshopDigitalEditions/posts/212373175624189?comment_id=365308&offset=0&total_comments=1&notif_t=feed_comment


Eddie promised to pass the suggestion on up... so now we just need to let them know the demand is there :)

Void raven got rules and no model, I built my own. So giving rules and us building our own, I'm down for it. Just take a drop pod lit, add some flur de les and a paint scheme that goes with your order and you got it. For the one with hvy bolters, I'm sure in most peoples bits there are a few rolling around and can mount them just inside the doors to pop out after doors pop. This actually sounds like a challenge to me and I will be game for it.

Ok seems like a good idea... Was there ever a model for it or was that just a space marine pod?

I ask because if there is no model, it is very unlikely to get rules.

Forge World never released a Dominica drop pod model, and I can't remember if they had a Marine drop pod at that point. It certainly predated the plastic drop pod.

Forgeworld made a drop pod model - I own one :)

That model was also used for Citadel 49's transport variant. I am not sure if the deathwind version ever had an official model, but I'd call it a win to just get the transport one back.


A drop pod is a drop pod - just assemble the plastic one with an aquila rather than a chapter symbol (aquila is an option in the box) and you have your dominica pattern pod. The SM rhino appears in our dedicated transport page on the gw store next to the immolator - so there is the precedent for a model tp be used officially for sisters without saying sisters on the tin

Dominica-Pattern Drop Pod (third edition rules, I believe - intended to work with C:WH anyway).


Transport choice, 70 points. Transport Capacity (5). Enters play like a flier (AV12), then becomes an immobile vehicle (AV10) at the end of its movement. Open Topped after it finishes moving.


Alternatively, Dominica-pattern Deathwind Drop Pod. 160 points, Heavy Support option.


Same AV and deployment rules as the transport variant, but it has BS4 and is armed with 5 heavy bolters. When it deploys, it has to pick a target to shoot at. It can fire 3 of its weapons at that target (the others don't have the arc of fire). Heavy bolters can be upgraded to multi-meltas for 30 points for all five. Oh, and it's BS 4.

Why is it 70pts for half of a SM drop pod with mobility restrictions and no drop pod assault? 

Here's a link to the relevant pages of Citadel Journal #49 http://www.heresy-online.net/forums/showthread.php?t=129308


The guy from Heresy Online had pretty good fan update. The addition of extra cushions and thrusters should probably lower the number of troops that can fit inside of it, though. Maybe make its capacity 6 similar to the Immolator, that way you're taking the same squad and giving them a different way to get where they need to be. Allowing the troop version to replace the Storm Bolter with a MM may be a but much, though.


EDIT: a flamer or heavy flamer with torrent might be pretty cool (fluffy without being too powerful).

I like the optimism of this, but petitions just don't achieve anything. Take into account GW's propensity to stick their heads in the sand regarding the Internet (not unwarranted...) and it is doomed to failure. I'd like to be wrong but I just don't see it :(

In size terms, sisters capacity should be 12, but that's my opinion. This would allow for an IC as well as a missionary if you put one in the unit. As for weapons, basic storm bolter or as stated (very cool btw) flamer with torrent. Also, being able to take a pentinent engine in one would be great.

In size terms, sisters capacity should be 12, but that's my opinion. This would allow for an IC as well as a missionary if you put one in the unit. As for weapons, basic storm bolter or as stated (very cool btw) flamer with torrent. Also, being able to take a pentinent engine in one would be great.

Haha... Not even marines have stuff that good, I could see PEs in the pod, but only ten slots.


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