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Question about Traitor Guard


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So, I was thinking about including a few Traitor Guard regiments with my massive chaos fangasm/army, and something started annoying me.

Whenever I look up traitor guard regiments, they always seem to have some name I've never heard of before, like "Volskani Cataphracts", etc.

Is it at all possible (or mentioned in fluff somewhere) for regiments of more mainstream guard forces like Cadians and Catachans to go renegade? Because chaos Catachans pumped up on Slaanesh-roids may just be the coolest thing I have ever thought of ;D

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Well....yes. You can definitely make traitor catachans and Cadians. Just remove all Imperial insignia and maybe add a few chaotic symbols and there you go. Traitor guard. Chaos is very infectious. I have also thought about collecting traitor Cadians and I might sometime in the future. :D

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Traitor Cadians would pretty awesome :D One thing I like about Traitor Guard, as opposed to cultists, is that they have retained enough of their sanity to focus in a somewhat organised formation. 

How would you go about modelling these guys anyway? I always imagined traitor guard as looking relatively normal, with the odd chaos icon/spike/trophy. And some edgy colours of course, haha.

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During the 13th Black Crusade the Volscani Cataphracts, a regiment from the Cadian Shock Troopers by many considered to be the most hardened fighters in the Cadian Sector threw down the Emperor and showed their true colours of Chaos during the Battle of Tyrok's Fields and actually managed to ambush and kill the whole General Staff of the planet in one strike of treason.


So yeah! Traitorous Cadians are fully possible!

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I would just remove all Imperial insignia. Add chaos symbols. Then make their armor and fatigues look a bit....worn. Then you're pretty much done. Traitor guard. I think they would probably just have the same color scheme but that would be up to you. It would be very cool to see traitor guard! 

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Any regiment could turn to Chaos.


Cadians are probably less likely as they are trained to fight Chaos frm the time they can walk, but it is always possible that some insidious chaos sect has slowly burrowed into the regiment and turned them.


If I remember correctly, the Volscani Cataphracts were an AdMech Skitaari regiment, not Cadian.

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If you are wondering about gear, isn't cadian gear pretty much standard issue all over the imperium? (apart from places like tallarn and such ofc)

Yeah, it's highly copied / patterned after due to Cadia's success and renown.


Siege of Vraks has some good images for (more) organized Chaos (fodder) mortal support elements.

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The old Eye of Terror book has some names, too, for Lost and the Damned. The model pics  feature oldCadian metals (as the new plastics weren't out); models are painted black with red trim, but really you could paint them however.


And yeah, while Cadians are pretty 'ard against Chaos, they're still only human. They're going to have a higher fallen-to-the-dark-side rate than things like Space Marines and Sisters of Battle. Cadia itself is a cesspool of cultist activity, according to the Codex and the Eisenhorn series it quotes on the matter. Catachans don't have a reason to have a lower moral failure rate either.

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The old Eye of Terror book has some names, too, for Lost and the Damned. The model pics  feature old Cadian metals (as the new plastics weren't out); models are painted black with red trim, but really you could paint them however.


And yeah, while Cadians are pretty 'ard against Chaos, they're still only human. They're going to have a higher fallen-to-the-dark-side rate than things like Space Marines and Sisters of Battle. Cadia itself is a cesspool of cultist activity, according to the Codex and the Eisenhorn series it quotes on the matter. Catachans don't have a reason to have a lower moral failure rate either.

I do believe Cadia was somewhat taken over by Abaddon? Temporarily that is.  On one of his black crusades. I think half it it may still be controlled by chaos, but I'm not sure about that at all. Just rumor of what I heard. 

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If I remember right, the Cadian Gate was broken, and the campaign ended in a minor Chaos victory with Cadia essentially taken, if not necessarily held. Of course, Games Workshop couldn't have their stasis upset, so they reset the watch back to a second til midnight. Canonically, I suppose that means Cadia's still just about to face the 13th Black Crusade. As much or little as canon means in 40k.

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If I remember right, the Cadian Gate was broken, and the campaign ended in a minor Chaos victory with Cadia essentially taken, if not necessarily held. Of course, Games Workshop couldn't have their stasis upset, so they reset the watch back to a second til midnight. Canonically, I suppose that means Cadia's still just about to face the 13th Black Crusade. As much or little as canon means in 40k.

That sounds about right. I recall the same thing.

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