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Lightning Lords Chapter

Lord Marshal Ragnrok

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In brainstorming stage. Suggestions welcome, as i am not as knowledgeable about White Scars.

Lightning Lords Chapter

Progenitor: White Scars
Homeworld: none, Fleet Based
Allegiance: Loyalist

Primary area of operation: The Veiled Region, Segmentum Tempestus





Founded from the White Scars to explore The Veiled Region of the Segmentum Tempestus and combat the large number of Dark Eldar raids in the sector.



Due to their heavy use of risky teleportation technology, the marines of the chapter quickly took a symbol of teleportation, a sigil of lightning, as their heraldry and became known as "The Lightning Lords" for their unusual combat doctrine.


Combat Doctrine

The Lightning Lords learned the virtue of lightning fast assaults from their progenitors, but they have developed their own approach to fast strikes. They specialize in teleportation assaults, utilizing advanced teleportation technology to outmaneuver and surprise enemies. Almost all battle brothers carry close combat weapons (as in at least a chainsword) into battle with their bolters and other ranged weapons. Therefore, each brother is prepared for both ranged and close combat at all times.

Their chosen specialization has resulted in Imperial forces often calling on the chapter for boarding actions and clearing Space Hulks. As such, they have become experts at fighting in the close confines of star forts, ships and Space Hulks.

Close Combat Weaponry:
Power Swords - including power dao, standard pattern and munitorum pattern
Power Axe
Power Guan Dao - limited use of this White Scars style power lance
Powerfist/Lightning Claw - mostly used by Terminators


The Lightning Lords are organized into 10 Companies, but do not follow Codex squad organization. Instead their squads are equipped as a combination of an assault squad and tactical squad (see above).

Distinction between squad types (use standard Codex symbols):
tactical marines are equipped with standard chapter loadout and serve the general combat duty
assualt marines are usually equipped with standard chapter loadout - they are only marines designated to use jumppacks or bikes
devastators are usually equipped like tactical marines - they are the only marines designated to use devastator weaponry, which is only used on an as-needed basis (which is not much due to the confines of their chosen theater of war - they are not effective in starship corridors)


Battle Barges: Stormseer, Epyon
Strike Cruisers: Emperor's Horseman, Heaven's Lance, Hawkstar, Khagan's Legacy

Color Scheme

Colors: Skull White, Charadon Granite, Necron Abyss, Mordian Blue, Boltgun Metal

Color Scheme

Marine Images

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Not a huge amount to say at this point, although one thing that strikes me as slightly odd is the continued use of power lances. For bike mounted squads like the WS they make perfect sense, but if you're going away from that towards teleportation and the cramped confines of a ship/hulk, then a lance quickly becomes unwieldy and something of a liability. Short, stabby swords plus the ocassional fist for opening bulkheads would seem the most practical choices.


Of course, not saying they wouldn't use lances ever (probably much like bikes, in fact) but I wouldn't see them as a signature weapon like their progenitors.


The colour scheme is ok, personally I'd add a bit more colour somewhere, maybe something in red to link back to WS?




Edit: Actually, looking through the album, once you add in grenades/pouches/whatever, the scheme feels less bland. I'd still maybe think about some red though, maybe even on the Chapter badge?

good point regarding the power lances - makes sense to change it. i think if i added red to the color scheme they would start looking like team USA marines. but i might add something to the chapter symbol, which i have not thought up yet. i was thinking of using some of the  lightningy symbols in blue to link them make to the WS.

It's my understanding that 40K teleportation is very risky, so how will you reflect this in your Chapter? Will they often be below strength due to above-average casualties from teleporter accidents? Also, do they just use teleportation to get into battle unexpectedly, or do they use teleportation during a battle itself to react to changes in the enemy formation?

they will be consistantly below strength for their early history. they will have now developed more advanced teleporter technology that is more accurate and thus reduces loses, allowing them to be at full strength now.  they you teleporters primarily to get into battle, but it is not unheard of for terms to use them during battle (as only terms have that in 40k)

I think this sounds good so far. White Scars are great again in 6th, and I feel that lances (aka spears) make a characterful choice. I would only use a handful at most, however. Because practically the whole army has Hit & Run they are much more likely to see use.
  • 2 years later...

updated name and made a mockup of their heraldry:



I love the heraldry, but I fear it will be an absolute PAIN to paint onto the Marines' pauldrons.

Agreed, perhaps an easier option would be to use the blue lightning bolt on the small shield at the centre for the general symbol and this big elaborate version as a banner design?

I love the color scheme and the heraldry.


I could be wrong but I believe teleportariums are all archaeotech or are otherwise very difficult to produce. The Imperium doesn't really "do" technological advancement, so I'm not sure how much the Lightning Lords will be able to avoid mishaps through any marginal improvements the Mechanicum makes.


Lexicanum does say that an Astropath is used to guide the teleported squads to their destinations, so perhaps if the Lightning Lords develop a close relationship with the Adeptus Astra Telepathica, they could get the highest grade Astropaths for this purpose? That would reduce accidents. I also think it would be interesting in that a close relationship with the Adeptus Astra Telepathica is often overlooked as a good ally for a Space Marine chapters.

I like the colour-scheme, but I agree with others that this coat of arms is too complicated, not only because of practicality.

I guess you go for a slightly/ semi-asian theme, ("power dao" and the typical white scars and succersors` background) so the european looking shield (and much more the early modern times helmet and so on) seems a little out of place, to me tob honest.

The adding of lightenings (maybe not in red, but in blue) if you want is a good idea, I think.

I love the color scheme and the heraldry.


I could be wrong but I believe teleportariums are all archaeotech or are otherwise very difficult to produce. The Imperium doesn't really "do" technological advancement, so I'm not sure how much the Lightning Lords will be able to avoid mishaps through any marginal improvements the Mechanicum makes.


Lexicanum does say that an Astropath is used to guide the teleported squads to their destinations, so perhaps if the Lightning Lords develop a close relationship with the Adeptus Astra Telepathica, they could get the highest grade Astropaths for this purpose? That would reduce accidents. I also think it would be interesting in that a close relationship with the Adeptus Astra Telepathica is often overlooked as a good ally for a Space Marine chapters.


i do have a bit of a weakness for 40k archeotech i admit. but thats a good idea for rationalizing it - appreciate it


I like the colour-scheme, but I agree with others that this coat of arms is too complicated, not only because of practicality.

I guess you go for a slightly/ semi-asian theme, ("power dao" and the typical white scars and succersors` background) so the european looking shield (and much more the early modern times helmet and so on) seems a little out of place, to me tob honest.

The adding of lightenings (maybe not in red, but in blue) if you want is a good idea, I think.


yea i need to edit out the knightly helm part of it


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