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Chaos 200 point killteam


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I'm thinking of going to a kill team tournament on the weekend and wanted to hear your suggestions.


You have to take full squads for one, 0-1 Elite, 0-2 Troops, 0-1 Fast Attack. No 3W models and no 2+ Armour saves.


What would your best list be?

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Actually, it's nothing with more than 3W if it's the currnt BL digital edition rules.


- A Kill Team cannot include any models with more than 3 Wounds or Hull Points on their profile.



- must include at least four models.


- may not include any flyers.


- may not include any vehicles with a combined AV over 33.


Have fun.

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I'm a fan of Chosen personally, but Bikers are a good bet as well.


Chosen Champion with Meltagun (Specialist #1)

Chosen with Bolter

Chosen with Bolter

Chosen with Flamer

Chosen with Plasma Gun (Specialist #2)

Total - 120pts


Biker Champion (Kill Team Leader)

Biker with Flamer (Specialist #3)

Biker with Meltagun

Total - 78pts


Total - 198pts


Quite elite but quite versatile. Biker Champion should be Kill Team Leader for survivability. Flamers are surprisingly useful in kill team, being able to thin out hordes is vital as there's always one person who spams Orks. Meltaguns, just for that one person who brings Sentinels or Multi-wound T4 models.

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Thanks Frater Domus, but it's definitely no more than 2 wounds.


The chosen idea isn't bad. I was just kinda running all of the good units I normally use for chaos, and I can't use a single one other than the bikes, but chosen may very well be a way to go!

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Thanks Frater Domus, but it's definitely no more than 2 wounds.

Well my quote comes directly from the mobibook that was sold by Black Library so unless it's been FAQ'd or the tournament organisers have changed it my 3W max comment stands.


And it's 3W or hull points so people can use Rhinos and other transports.

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Thanks Frater Domus, but it's definitely no more than 2 wounds.


The chosen idea isn't bad. I was just kinda running all of the good units I normally use for chaos, and I can't use a single one other than the bikes, but chosen may very well be a way to go!

Old rules were no more than 2W, but 2+ saves allowed.


The latest rules are no more than 3W, no 2+ saves.


Unless your club is running their own rules, I'd double check.


Nurgle Spawn anyone?

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Oh yes. But isn't the Mark of Nurgle wasted as they have T5 already. Then again. Ignore that as it does make sense. I'm tired ok.


But the units often used seem to be Chosen, Raptors, Cultist blobs and Spawn. But see what you can come up with.

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Yeah it's a club tournament so the rules are slightly changed to make things a bit 'fairer', otherwise I would've taken 5 nurgle spawn and laughed my way through to the podium.


I think in small games like this it's all about overloading you opponent with one thing he can't handle.


Chosen spam - not much different than just normal marine spam, with a few more heavy weapons strewn about.

Raptor spam - Fast and difficult to deal with for shooty armies. Bikes are probably a bit better anyway.

Cultist Spam - It's possible to get 36 cultists with autoguns, but it would be inevitably trumped by the one guy who always brings horde orcs


Which pretty much brings me back to bike spam again. At least with their T6 they should only have to worry about heavy and specialist weapons, and they can use their twin-linked boltguns to deal with those before going in for the kill. Can probably only afford 6 bikes though.

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Chosen spam - not much different than just normal marine spam, with a few more heavy weapons strewn about.

Yeah, that's the point-you maximize your special weapons you can bring, and each model already has Leadership 9 AND has 3 attacks base (2 + 1 for being double armed), which is important when it comes to fisticuffs.



Raptor spam - Fast and difficult to deal with for shooty armies. Bikes are probably a bit better anyway.

True, they're tougher (Bikes) and have more shooting, but if there's 2 story ruins all your bikers are going to be able to do is sit around revving their engines and firing their TL bolters.



Cultist Spam - It's possible to get 36 cultists with autoguns, but it would be inevitably trumped by the one guy who always brings horde orcs

Don't bitch out like that-and you're discounting the New spam which is the guy who brings Eldar Guardians.  Assault 2 bolters that pseudo rend and who can be jinky?  Elven bastards.

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Have a look at Noise Marines, a 5-man squad with a Blastmaster gets you fearless I5 marines to work with and a nasty weapon that ignores cover. Then, you'll have points left over to add Sonic Blasters, even on the NM Champ for precision shooting.


All of this depends on what kind of terrain you expect. If there will be lots of high walls or rocks and very restricted LOS, then salvo weapons will not make you happy. If there will be longer fire lanes covered in area terrain like rubble or trees, then sonic blasters can get into position and hold still for good times.

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Can't put a Sonic Blaster on a champion anyway. Only the standard Noise Marines.


I never said you could. Doom Siren. D3 S5 AP3 hits on anyone charging your champion.

Wasn't you. Was Ammonius. I really should quote those I respond to. Lesson learned.

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Can't put a Sonic Blaster on a champion anyway. Only the standard Noise Marines.


I never said you could. Doom Siren. D3 S5 AP3 hits on anyone charging your champion.

Wasn't you. Was Ammonius. I really should quote those I respond to. Lesson learned.

It was me! :)


When I look at page 99 and read "Any Noise Marine may take..." I am making the mistake that a "Noise Champion" is the same as a "Noise Marine", aren't I? If so, I apologize to the OP.

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I find it rather amusing that no one's mentioned the one squad that everyone hates in 40k and yet works so perfectly in killteam. Thousand Sons.


For 200 points, you can have a 7 man squad. Every marine has a 3+ armour save and a 4+ inv, making them fairly tough as nails. Each one has an ap3 weapon that makes for easy picking against marines while still maintaining the tried and true bolter stats. And lastly we have a lvl 1 Sorcerer who takes his power from the tzeentch table. Now generally people abhor the tzeentch options (and generally with good reason because of their short range) but with a 4x4 table, this makes it much more effective and viable gives your squad at worst essentially a free flamer if you pick the primaris.


I'd say Thousand Sons are a pretty solid choice, and from the few matches I've played with them, they work damn well.

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Can't put a Sonic Blaster on a champion anyway. Only the standard Noise Marines.

I never said you could. Doom Siren. D3 S5 AP3 hits on anyone charging your champion.

Wasn't you. Was Ammonius. I really should quote those I respond to. Lesson learned.
It was me! :)


When I look at page 99 and read "Any Noise Marine may take..." I am making the mistake that a "Noise Champion" is the same as a "Noise Marine", aren't I? If so, I apologize to the OP.

Yup. That's been a bugbear since the codex came out. But a Doom Siren may be good in such a small game.

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Why exactly would you be screwed? Sure it might be difficult to kill it, but you can just as easily ignore it as most vehicle s at such low Armour value have fairly negligible fire power. If you want, you could always jus bolter spam it to death, use doom bolt if you can, or give your sorcerer a meltabomb.
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Here's what I have in mind :


5 Noise Marines (1 sonic blaster, siren on the champ)

10 Cultists (7 autoguns)

1 Chaos Spawn


And that's 200pts. I hesitate to leave the autoguns in the ships to buy the mark of Nurgle for the Spawn. What do you guys think ?

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Raptors for me! I had nine of them, two with meltas, and a champ with a combi weapon and melta bombs. I chose nine because body count was important to me and raptors because jump packs are sweet.


This was a force I enjoyed because of their mobility to traverse great distances with no problems. Being able to move so far and in any direction was a nice psychological boon. It was difficult for my opponent to judge where I was going and where he could move with relative safety. More often than not I ambushed his guys from cover or leapt past obstacles to fire with my meltas.


My two blood-encrusted cents.

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Chosen shine in Kill team, the variability of the unit really gives it power.


Autocannons are mean in KT games

I think a lot of weapons get a great boost from specialist rules. I really liked my master-crafted blastmaster (If i was playing that right) and a relentless one would have been even more gravy. One of those two rules, among others, makes a devastating weapon more worrisome for your foe.

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