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Chaos 200 point killteam


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Hey Vesper! My specialists were as such:


Weapon: Master Crafted (on a Meltagunner to increase odds of hitting)

Combat: Instant Death (for CQC)

Dirty FIghter: Fleshbane (again for CQC)


I went with Instant Death and Fleshbane so my boys could hunt and have a greater chance at killing major threats to my force (heavy weapon troops and even enemy leaders). Originally I had one less Raptor & maybe didn't have the melta bomb to give the unit the Mark or Khorne for attacks on the charge. Dropped that however as I wanted these fellas to be Iron Warriors that would only bend their knee to their Primarch and not some false deity (no offense, brothers and sisters).

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. It was difficult for my opponent to judge where I was going and where he could move with relative safety. More often than not I ambushed his guys from cover or leapt past obstacles to fire with my meltas.


My two blood-encrusted cents.


Those the latest kill rules pack have a rule that forbids checking ranges ?

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. It was difficult for my opponent to judge where I was going and where he could move with relative safety. More often than not I ambushed his guys from cover or leapt past obstacles to fire with my meltas.



My two blood-encrusted cents.

Those the latest kill rules pack have a rule that forbids checking ranges ?


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Or mobility of the raptors making it difficult to predict where they'll move to, and who they'll shoot/charge.


Having the flexibility to pick your targets is rather handy, and anything with a move of 12" will therefore have an advantage in that area.

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Hey Vesper! My specialists were as such:


Weapon: Master Crafted (on a Meltagunner to increase odds of hitting)

Combat: Instant Death (for CQC)

Dirty FIghter: Fleshbane (again for CQC)


I went with Instant Death and Fleshbane so my boys could hunt and have a greater chance at killing major threats to my force (heavy weapon troops and even enemy leaders). Originally I had one less Raptor & maybe didn't have the melta bomb to give the unit the Mark or Khorne for attacks on the charge. Dropped that however as I wanted these fellas to be Iron Warriors that would only bend their knee to their Primarch and not some false deity (no offense, brothers and sisters).

That's interesting !

Where did you put Instant Death and Fleshbane ? On the raptor champion ? What kind of combi weapon did you put on him ?

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@jeske: this quote sums it up well.

Or mobility of the raptors making it difficult to predict where they'll move to, and who they'll shoot/charge.


Having the flexibility to pick your targets is rather handy, and anything with a move of 12" will therefore have an advantage in that area.


That's interesting !

Where did you put Instant Death and Fleshbane ? On the raptor champion ? What kind of combi weapon did you put on him ?

I just put them on two basic raptors (avoiding my other melta and champ) and thanks to suggestions was going to fit the reasoning into their fluff and with their conversions. I didn't want to risk my champ going after high value targets when he has lackeys to do so for him.


As for the Champ's combi-weapon I was thinking flamer but bouncing around their idea of a melta. The reason for a melta is obvious, it melts anything! As for a flamer I liked the weapons the Ashen Circle have and thought it would be nice to have a template around. However... I would murder if I could put a doom siren on a raptor champ. Ahhh...drooling over the idea of a man-sized junker dive-bombing and howling a deathly roar.

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Or mobility of the raptors making it difficult to predict where they'll move to, and who they'll shoot/charge.


Having the flexibility to pick your targets is rather handy, and anything with a move of 12" will therefore have an advantage in that area.

Why would you not know where they will move , the makes even less sense then someone not using the most important rules change in 6th ed.It  doesn't matter how far a unit can moves per turn . If you can check ranges and assuming the opponent is not incompetent and is trying to win you will always know where he is moving .


As traits go , why not flesh bane on a dude with a flamer . Much better chance to get to roll , then trying to get the use of a trait from a single meq dude.

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Or mobility of the raptors making it difficult to predict where they'll move to, and who they'll shoot/charge.

Having the flexibility to pick your targets is rather handy, and anything with a move of 12" will therefore have an advantage in that area.

Why would you not know where they will move , the makes even less sense then someone not using the most important rules change in 6th ed.It doesn't matter how far a unit can moves per turn . If you can check ranges and assuming the opponent is not incompetent and is trying to win you will always know where he is moving .

As traits go , why not flesh bane on a dude with a flamer . Much better chance to get to roll , then trying to get the use of a trait from a single meq dude.

In the new KT rules, some of the specialist rules only affect ranged or close combat weapons. In the case of flesh bane, it only affects the specialists CCW. It would be awesome to have a flamer with fleshbane. I can just smell the imaginary grim-dark BBQ already smile.png

As for the movement deal, I understand where you are coming from. However, my earlier statement was not that an opponent will never know where I can go but the opposite: they learn that my guys can go almost anywhere with relative ease. In most cases there are just too many places one of these raptors can go that could make it difficult to predict an exact location. Raptors (and jump pack troops in general) do not always have to rush the nearest enemy in a straight line.

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Hey guys, I went to the
'tourney' on Saturday and thought I would give you a quick recap. I took:


Nurgle Biker Sergeant: Boon of mutation, shrouded


Nurgle Biker: Plasma gun, feel no pain

Nurgle Biker: Flamer, shred

Nurgle Biker

Nurgle Biker


Nurgle Biker

I ended up taking the boon on my sergeant as a power weapon was 1 point too expensive

for the list. Ended up getting useless rolls all 4 games, but I would probably
do it again tbh, as it was fun, and getting something like +1W, reroll armour saves or becoming a prince would be invaluable. Hell, even turning into a spawn would be good!


First game:

IG player with Harker and 10 vets with camo cloaks and an assortment of gear. 


I got first turn and drove the flamer with shred right up to the building he had clustered

in, and killed two of his 3 specialists. The plasma gunner killed harker in
cover, and my other four bikers killed another two with bolters. The game was over
in 3 minutes really, as he had deployed badly, and his 2+ cover save in ruins didn't help him against a shredding flamer.


Second Game: 3 Nob Warbikers, 2 with PF and one with waagh banner.

As I wasn't afraid of his bikes' guns, I decided to stay on 24" for the first

two turns and shoot. In the end I only ended up doing a wound to one nob before
he turbo-boosted into definite charge range. I countered by singling out the
two nobs with PF's, but all of my twin-linked shooting did nothing. The assault
went better with 4 bikers taking down the leader, and the flamer with shred
(can use it in cc too) taking down the other PF. Killed the last nob the next
turn, as with only S4 he wasn't going to do much to my list.


Third Game: 5 necronmarks and 6 immortals. With the way deathmarks were FAQ'd, each
single deathmark can pick a different target and 'mark' it so they all wound
them on a 2+ (in cc too). He had so much shooting, most of it wounding on a 2+,so I decided to rather hide out of sight and wait for him to move up. He did,
realising that he needed to get the objective to win, and in my next turn I
moved up and rapid-fired with everything. The shredding flamer managed to wound
all 6 immortals and amazingly, downed 4! The other boltguns downed another one
and the plasma another, which left them nothing to charge. The deathmarks' rapid-firing guns wounding on a 2+ took off three bikes in his turn which really hurt, but in the end it was too little too late, as my next turn I turbo-boosted onto the objective and left him a very far way away.



Fourth Game: 

4 Dark Angels Black knights, sergeant with power weapon - more bikes! As they're kinda good at everything, many people ended up taking them.

I parked my bikes right at the edge of the table and handed him first turn. My T6 would be pretty useless against his 4 plasma guns, and his corvus hammers had rend so if he wounded me, he killed me. His first turn was maneuvering. I responded by hiding my flamer behind a building close to him, and the sergeant with shrouding's front wheel sticking just past the corner, with all of my other bikes ready to counter should he try take down my sergeant. Luckily, he went for the bait and wasted 6 twin-linked plasma shots on a guy with a 2+ cover save. His last two took down my plasma gunner, who hadn't been able to make a feel no pain save all tournament. My return saw my 3 normal bikes move up into charge range along with the sergeant, and the flamer placed himself so that he could flame all 4 bikes, which he did and it killed 1. Rapid firing bolters killed another, and the resulting charge managed to drag one down with hammer of wrath, and the sergeant went down to 10 attacks! That was 4 wins in a row and JUST enough to win me the mini-tournament!


Afterthoughts. T6 bikes are great, but it almost never came into play, as they were either being shot by plasma, or in one game, wounded on 2's by deathmarks. Having said that, the most bikes I lost was 3, but I think it had much more to do with maneuvering.


Ignore cover saves is a really useful ability to stick on one of your models, especially as nearly everybody took shrouding/stealth for as many things as possible. Would stick that on the plasma rather than the feel no pain next time.


Shred is just amazing, especially on a mobile flamer platform. I went out of my way to keep the flamer bike alive every turn, as he was just putting out so much damage it was ridiculous. Man of the match every game for sure!

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you cannot become a prince off of mutation rolls, and I thought the shred upgrade was melee only?  I could be wrong about that - not that it really matters since the event used its own kill team rules instead of the published ones.

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I must have at least 4/5 different sets of rules for KIll-Team that have been released by GW and follow this format. I also have the rules from the 4th ed (?) BBB which is totally different from the current game. They were probably using an older set. Why pay money for what you already have got (3 times) for free.

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@jansuza: Good to hear you had fun! That biker list seems like it would be a blast to play. Bikers are something I want to do in the future, maybe after giving noise marines another go. For now, if I get some games in, it will be my Raptors of Deathly Hopscotch!


Also, were you playing old GW rules or custom ones for local play? Just being able to use the boon table or having a flamer with shred is nasty! Definitely awesome, but nasty! I think a few of us just assumed we were going off of the latest rules to come out.  

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I must have at least 4/5 different sets of rules for KIll-Team that have been released by GW and follow this format. I also have the rules from the 4th ed (?) BBB which is totally different from the current game. They were probably using an older set. Why pay money for what you already have got (3 times) for free.

If you have the 4th ed rules, then why bother with 5th and 6th? Why pay money for what you already have got?
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I must have at least 4/5 different sets of rules for KIll-Team that have been released by GW and follow this format. I also have the rules from the 4th ed (?) BBB which is totally different from the current game. They were probably using an older set. Why pay money for what you already have got (3 times) for free.

If you have the 4th ed rules, then why bother with 5th and 6th? Why pay money for what you already have got?


Errm... I've never bought a large BBB since 4th edition... I just got them as a bonus with my new models. Also, it is one thing to buy the main rules... It is another to make people buy an additional rule-set for something they may never play again (I love KT), especially when you can provide them with a free version of the rules.

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