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need some purchasing advice


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hey guys. so i wanted to buy my wife some new models for the little death guard army she's making, mainly sticking to the "rule of cool" for the purchasing since she's a very very casual gamer.  right now i'm stumped on what to buy to expand her army and was hoping to get some suggestions from you nurgle guys out there on what fits with the army and looks cool.


i'm thinking of keeping away from fliers since firstly, that doesnt seem to fit the fluff of the DG.  for the same reason, we havent bought her any rhinos; being T5 and having FNP seemed better than a piddly 3HP vehicle to give away first blood to your opponent.


here's what she has so far for models:


a squad of 6 plague marines with 2 plasmaguns, the champion is the DV chosen model with the power axe.

a squad of 6 plague marines with 2 plasmaguns, the champion is the DV chosen model with the Bolter in his hands.

a squad of 6 plague marines with 2 meltaguns, the champion is the DV chosen model with the powerfist.

a squad of 5 havocs with 4 missile launchers, the champion is the DV chosen model with the Bolter in his hands.

the 20 DV cultists, which we're gonna try and turn into zombies.

a DV helbrute as-is from the kit

another DV helbrute converted by a friend with what could pass as either a TL Lascannon or reaper autocannon.

a Vindicator with a combi bolter and a siege shield (removable)


i'm thinking of getting her a typhus (cause we're getting her cultists converted into zombies), possibly using the new FW model that came out for him.  i was also thinking maybe 1 or 2 forgefiends?  they look cool and the 3 ectoplasma cannon layout looks interesting.

if the rumors of a multi-part helbrute are true, we might swap that for the basic one and give it reaper autocannons or lascannons.


also, if we can find some good zombies, we're probably gonna increase the size of that squad, maybe make a second one.


i'd like to get her to about 1750 since thats the norm here, possibly with extra stuff to push to 1850 if needed.  what would you guys suggest for her?

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Typhus is a good purchase, particularly if you can find an old metal one second-hand, as finecast can be a pain. An alternative for allowing zombies is the forgeworld nurgle sorcerer necrosius, his current rules are in the 2013 edition of Imperial Armour: Apocalypse (be warned, there is an earlier edition of that book, if you get it be sure to get the 2013 edition), which has 6th edition rules for a bunch of 40k stuff for all factions, including some chaos stuff that might be of interest to a death guard player, including blight drones (an alternative flier, if the drake doesn't seem thematic enough), the plague hulk (a sort of nurgle-specific soulgrinder), and so on.


She's already got several troop squads, a couple heavy, and a couple elites, so I'd start looking at fast attack options. Both bikes and spawn are good with the mark of nurgle - spawn especially. And there's also those blight drones, which could be purchased or scratch built. And while the typical heldrake may not be to your liking, I've seen a number of nurgle heldrake conversions based off the ork & goblin arachnarok for a giant flying insect look that might work well for you.


Otherwise, once you've got your HQ in order, I'd consider branching out to daemonic allies at this point. Most of the nurgle daemon stuff is decent. A Great unclean one & a couple deep striking plaguebearer squads, or a herald in a bigger squad; maybe some plague drones for a forward icon, maybe a nurgle soul grinder or nurgle prince.

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For the most part, I agree with Mali.




Typhus, Nurgle Daemon Prince (like a GUO) and Plague Drones (which, as fliers themselves are decent anti-air).




But, also consider Chaos Spawn and Giant Chaos Spawn.

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blight drones are the fliers. Plague drones are the plaguebearers on flies daemon unit. Which aren't terrible, but mostly function as a fast moving icon for scatter mitigation on deep striking nurgle daemon units.


I get the two names confused a lot, myself.

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