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The Path of Sorrow


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Note: Though I have this posted in the WIP section, I figured I would post this in the home of The Angel's Sons as well, for some feedback and constructive critisism. This is my first time writing about a BA successor, and my first time modeling one of Sanguinius's children. Be warned, my sense of "GrimDark' is pretty dark; my views may not be to everyone's taste. Enjoy, and honest, constructive feedback is kindly requested :).


+The Path of Sorrow+


Sergeant Kasyade, once of the 5th Company of the Lamenters Chapter, watched with heavy hearts as the broken bodies of his squad were set upon the deck of the Vagabond class merchant trader that he and the handful of other survivors had commandeered during their escape from Malovlion. Gently and reverently, Brother Kavis began to peel away sections of scarred, dull aureate plate from his kinsman's body, creating two separate piles; armour that could be reused, and ceramite so broken or acid eaten that it had become unsalvagable. Another Brother, Haemon, scrounged through their kit, looking for anything that could be used. In different times, the honoured dead would have been given their proper dues in the depths of the Mater Lachrymarum before being laid to rest in the deep black, with full ceremony, as per the Lamenters ancient traditions. Now? The dead were bagged and kept in a cold storage facility, their belongings divided amongst the handful of brothers still breathing, with only simple prayers for forgiveness for treating their kin and former possessions as such. Tearing his eyes away from the necessary sacrilege, Kasyade looked to the rest of the bay, making a head count of those who lived as they set about the grim task of unloading caskets of warplate, weaponry, ammunition, chainsword tracks, and anything else the survivors had been able to rescue before the Strike Cruiser Mater Suspiria had died. He counted thirty-one Lamenters before him, not counting Calix-Priest Izra'il, who was currently caring for six others whose hearts were now black and their sight red, chained to the deck of a different hold, chemically induced into suspended animation to keep them from tearing every living thing on board the ship into pieces.

'Thirty-nine', thought Kasyade. 'Our line will not recover from this'. There was one other Astartes who had escaped with them as well, but he was not one of Sanguinius's blood, nor was he welcome in the company of The Sorrow. As if on cue, the bay aperture slid open, Calix-Priest Izra'il stepping into the company of his brethren, followed by a Transhuman in plate the color of rich wine, so similar to their parent Chapter, yet so different. A human skull sat upon one shoulder, inset with a crossed 'I' upon it's brow. A slave to the Inquisition, a minder of the cursed and condemned Lamenters, Brother-Lieutenant Matiaes of the Red Hunters. How the bastard had survived the wave of Tyrannid bio-warriors that had flooded the Strike Cruiser was unknown, but he had found their Thunderhawk prior to take off from the doomed ship, and had simply strode aboard, so sure of himself and his brethren's mission to drive the Lamenters into the jaws of Hell. Even now, standing on the deck of a appropriated ship, before an order of condemned brothers who were still reeling from the magnitude of their loss, he was unsympathetic and cold. “Status for redeployment.”, Matiaes demanded in an authoritarian voice. Demanded, and did so with a mind to return into combat immediately. Dark thoughts flickering in his skull, Kasyade did everything in his power not to shoot the heartless bastard. Instead, he addressed Izra'il. “Calix, how are our brothers?”

Izra'il, his dark brown eyes lined with stress and misery, simply shook his head. “They sleep, though I am unsure how long the sedatives will work. The Rage is still such an unknown factor to our order, I am at a loss how to deal with it without a Chaplain. Though I have silenced their bodies, their brainwaves are wild, and they suffer from heavy rapid eye movement. I wouldn't dare to guess what they dream of, though it is most assuredly traumatic.” Before he could say anymore, Matiaes physically pushed the Calix-Priest to the side. The Lamenters held a great level of respect for the Calix Priesthood; to see one treated as such raised the already-extreme tension in the small dock to a breaking point. Kasyade saw Malik, the only member of their group who wore the half-mask of the 1st Company, place his hand upon the hilt of his Glaive Encarmine in response. The Red Hunter ignored the threat. “The conversation about how badly flawed and corrupted your bloodline is can wait for a proper investigation. Now, status for immediate redeployment.”

Kasyade couldn't stop himself from laughing bitterly. “Our Chapter is dead, our fleet broken and scattered. What else do you need to know?” He walked over to one of the armament caskets that were being emptied, dragging a bulky, ancient chestpiece out of it's hold. Though the Mark III plate was in good condition, it was readily apparent that it was ancient, the deep red paint scuffed and worn, the heraldry of the IX Legion inscribed on it's interior. “Our warplate is in ruins, and what little we were able to save before the Mater Suspiria died was most likely worn when our Father still stood atop the walls of blessed Terra, or the Decade of Misery afterwards. Everything else was stolen by the Minotaurs.” He dropped the plate back into the casket, turning to face Matiaes. “Our ammunition is nearly at critical, and our motor pool consists of two battered Thunderhawk Transporters; two Stormravens, one of which may never fly again; a Baal-pattern Predator; a Razorback; and two Rhinos. We stand at less than half a Company, all wounded or walking the Black Dream. We stand aboard an barely armed and armoured Mechant ship we boarded forcefully, whose crew is suffering from debilitating fear. No hails to any other ship of The Sorrow has been answered, except the ghost-echos of the recently dead. Our last view of Malovlion was of the Chapter Barque dying and falling towards the planet. We are, for all intents and purposes, combat-ineffective. We may very well be the last of the Lamenters.”

Matiaes was unfazed. “I will strengthen the Ship Captain's resolve. Re-arm and re-armour the penitents, and put a bolt into those things you have chained to the hold. We return to Malovlion immediately.”

A quiet, but firm whisper was heard. “No.”

All eyes turned towards Izra'il, as he stood from one of the weapons caskets. A beautifully crafted Storm Bolter rest in his hands, a chapter relic unused since the terrible events of Slaughterhouse III; The Choir of Angels. The wrist mounted weapon snapped into place, and he began setting a fully loaded drum of bolt rounds into it's sacred well. He did not bother to look up from his activity, as he slowly checked the action and arming runes. “We are dying, and will not waste what little strength we have fighting a battle we have no chance of surviving. The Blood calls to us, and we cannot pass from the Emperor's Light before we have made the sins committed against the Chapter and Imperium right again. This is far more important than dead Malovlion”

Matiaes's lip curled. “You are sworn by the Penitent's Oath, Priest. You cannot look away, for every other direction you might face is blasphemy in the God-Emperor's eyes. You have no choice in the matter.”

Izra'il's eyes turned upward, fury replacing misery on his face. “We will not die like this. Not while the monster who condemned my Chapter, and an entire sector, still draws breath. We are going into the Maelstrom, to find the Tyrant and every one of his poisoned kin and wipe them from existence, while we still can. If we are to die, then it will be to ensure that the man who murdered billions with his arrogance is brought to justice. We will not be chained to the Inquisition's whims any longer, to die as they please. There is nothing you can do to stop us.”

A sigh passed Matiaes's lips, as he drew his bolt pistol. “Then your decision is made, and I will inform my superiors through astropathic message, after your summary execution. The Lamenters shall be declared Excommunic...urk...” Slowly, the Red Hunter looked to his chest, to find the tip of a stunning ten thousand year old blade jutting through the Inquisitorial seal resting atop his pierced breastbone. Rich blood poured from the wound, and flowed freely from his mouth. With shaking effort, he turned his head, looking into the silver half-mask of Malik, a single tear cut from ruby resting just below the eye of a long-dead demi-god.

“We are beholden to none, except the Emperor and the Primarch. If you were a real Astartes, and not the puppet-slave of a corrupt institution, you would know that.” Malik twisted the Glaive with a crunch, sending spasms through Matiaes's frame, and let the Red Hunter slide off the blade onto the deck with the sound of crashing ceramite.

Izra'il went to a knee before Matiaes, looking him in the eye as he spoke. “I am sorry, cousin, but it must be like this. The Great Angel bestowed upon his sons many responsibilities, one of them being 'blood for blood'. We go into the Storm, with our Father's rage and fury in our hearts, for justice in the name of those the Tyrant murdered with his betrayal. I will avenge your death with my own, when the time comes, but not until Huron lies dead at our feet. You have my oath. Go in peace, Matiaes of the Red.”

Izra'il waited until the Red Hunter heaved his last breath through lungs full of blood, before standing to address his brothers.”I make this decision on my own, though it seems, unexpectedly, that Malik is with me. Should any of you wish to turn away from this path, speak now, and we shall find a place to part from each others' company in peace, so that you can search for any other survivors. Before you go, be aware that there is every possibility that we are the last of The Sorrow, and that the suffering of every innocent life lost during the Badab War will haunt you as you travel the Imperium alone, searching for the bones of our long-dead brothers. If we are to die, then it should be with our hands wrapped around the throats of those we hate. But, we will not sully the names of our brothers, should they live; from this moment onwards, we shall be The Broken. Our hearts black with hate, our blood cold with fury, our minds of one purpose; the death of the Monster of Badab. So, speak freely. Who turns from this path of sanctified rage?”

Brother Kavis, standing next to the cold bodies of the dearly departed, raised his voice first. “For the Angel, I walk the path.”

Malik removed his helm, exposing a face so much like the Father they had never met. “For the Angel, I walk the path.”

“For the Angel, I walk the path.”, spoke Brother Haemon, tears in his eyes. Soon, it was a chant, low and devout; The last rites over the corpse of their order, in memory of their kin, and the death of their hope, in exchange for vengeance.

“For the Angel, I walk the path.”

“For the Angel, I walk the path.”

For the Angel, I walk the path.

+++To Be Continued+++


Brother Kavis, W.I.P.

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Good stuff, you have the feel of the Lamenters.


I'm relieved to hear that, actually. There were some challenges to writing about these guys, as I was trying to get a few different things across:


1. For most of their history, the Lamenters were basically a Codex compliant chapter, free of the Curse. I was trying to imagine how a Chapter would handle dealing with a sudden appearance of the Thirst, while having little to no contact with their parent Chapter, since according to Red Fury, the Blood Angels still assumed they had control of the Rage, but nothing had been heard from them. I'm imagining that their founding was pretty blank with historical records of the Curse as well, since it was assumed they had been 'cured'.


2. I was worried that killing off a fellow Marine, even a cousin of an unknown founding enslaved to the Inquisition, would come off as Un-Blood Angel-ish (Yay, made up a new word).


3. I tried to make it seem that, as far as my few Lamenters were concerned, the Chapter was as good as dead, but I tried to leave it vague and inconclusive, so as to not tick off anybody else who likes checkers and hearts.


4. I was unsure how the silver half-mask of Malik would come off. Having been a Codex chapter for so long, minus their penchant for rapid Air Assaults supported by gunships, I didn't imagine they would have a ton of IX Legion relics. A handful of Glaives and Angelus Bolters (and the odd Baal or Land Raider), maybe, but I didn't think they would be rocking the artfully crafted Sang. Guard armour. The half-mask was a nod to the SG's look, but I wanted to make him look more similar to a 1st Company veteran of a 'average' Chapter.


I just want to ensure to hammer out all the kinks in the story now, so that any further stories are not in error as well.

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Heathens....in...the...BA Subform?


This is going to be interesting.


Now having read the story:


The half mask seems more Tycho-esque than Sanguinary guard aesthetic, which is a full sculpted face. Is this the Lamenters interpretation of the mask?


I am also unsure about the Red Hunter being killed. It smacks of actual heresy. I don't know if a 40k marine would actually do such a thing, while a 30k one certainly might. The alternative is having the Hunter die on Malvolion, and now free of their =][= shackle, the Lamenters are free to pursue their own agenda.


Dark thought. You have a load of dead marines there. Blood Angels wear masks of oestheir fallen heroes to bring fear to he hearts of their enemies...imagine the melting down of the scrap armour to make fresh death masks of their fallen brothers, one for each of the survivors...


Good stuff.

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Heathens....in...the...BA Subform?


This is going to be interesting.

Heh, yeah. I don't exactly hang out here often, huh? But, I wanted some expert advice, and where better to get that than Baal herself? :)


Now having read the story:


The half mask seems more Tycho-esque than Sanguinary guard aesthetic, which is a full sculpted face. Is this the Lamenters interpretation of the mask?

It will make more sense when I make Malik himself, but the half mask is actually the top half, while the lower section is basically your bog-standard mouth grille. So, kinda imagine the top half of the Sanguinator mask (eyes, nose, cheekbones), with the bottom half, sides and back a normal Mk VII helm.


There is absolutely no mention of even a Sang Guard amongst the Lamenters, and it specifially states that they have few artifacts compared to other BA Successors( short on LR's, Baals, etc) so going off of known information, I imagine their 1st Company is half Vanguard, half Sternguard, similar to the structure of the Ultramarine 1st Company (minus Terminator plate, as per their IA9 article, they have only a precious few). But, they are still sons of the Angel, so I imagined that some of their best would wear these half-masks, a nod to their parent chapter and heritage, while maintaining that 'standard chapter' appearance.


I am also unsure about the Red Hunter being killed. It smacks of actual heresy. I don't know if a 40k marine would actually do such a thing, while a 30k one certainly might. The alternative is having the Hunter die on Malvolion, and now free of their =][= shackle, the Lamenters are free to pursue their own agenda.

See, I wasn't sure about that. You make a solid point, though the Hunter dying on Malovlion would require a near total scrap and re-write. At the same time, most Chapters look upon the Inquisition poorly at the best of times, and view Chapters who are enslaved to the Inquisition with suspicion(mind you, not serve, like the Deathwatch). Having the option of dying an ignoble death to the hands of an overzealous cousin you don't respect (dare I say, despise?), or spilling innocent (ish) blood to serve the Emperor, Imperium, and Primarch doesn't seem like much of an option to me.


Hm. Let me ponder this.


Dark thought. You have a load of dead marines there. Blood Angels wear masks of oestheir fallen heroes to bring fear to he hearts of their enemies...imagine the melting down of the scrap armour to make fresh death masks of their fallen brothers, one for each of the survivors...

Amusingly, there will actually be something along those lines in the next story, but not masks. Great minds think alike, though, lol.



Good stuff.

Thank you, and I appreciate the input!

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2. I was worried that killing off a fellow Marine, even a cousin of an unknown founding enslaved to the Inquisition, would come off as Un-Blood Angel-ish (Yay, made up a new word).

I think kiliing the Red Hunter is pretty appropriate actually, as it shows just how desperate the surviving Lamentor's have become. I mean, they've just spent years fighting and killing other Imperial Astartes during the Badab wars, only to realise they've been on the wrong side. They were left defeated and devastated by their battles with the Minotaurs (another Chapter with very close links to the Imperial hierarchy) and much of their fleet and wargear has been granted to their victorious opponants. They've been dispatched on a hundred year long penitent crusade, which means they have no way to replace their lost brethren or equipment. They've just encountered the full force of Hive Fleet Kraken, reducing their numbers even further, and pretty much eliminating any possibility of them surviving their crusade (which was a slim chance anyway). And finally their ancestor's genetic flaw has finally kicked in, meaning they're all fighting the Red Thirst and are facing the knowledge that eventually, if they live long enough, they'll descend into madness.

Personally, I'd say they've got nothing left to lose, which is exactly how they come across in the story. And the Red Hunter was practically asking to be killed anyway. He'd insulted them, demanded that they re-deploy immediately in a suicide mission and just drawn a gun on their Calix Priest. Basically he'd put his head between a Carnifex's jaws and was fllcking it's adrenal glands with a wet towel smile.png.

Just my opinion, for what it's worth, but I'd leave the story as it is. It's excellent already thumbsup.gif

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This isn't the Heresy forums, you must be lost!


At the point of these events, does the imperium know of this new Tyranid threat? The Red Hunter must be suitably arrogant, but not to the point of stupidity. The inquisition also values proper executive decision making in cases of dire threat. He would have wanted to warn the imperium before going into the maw of the beast again. I Also do not thing he would have been alone enforcing the penitent crusade. He must of had a command squad or tactical as well.


If they are all dead and he is the sole survivor, he would have found his position difficult. Still arrogant, but conceeded until he can reassert his authority.

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2. I was worried that killing off a fellow Marine, even a cousin of an unknown founding enslaved to the Inquisition, would come off as Un-Blood Angel-ish (Yay, made up a new word).

I think kiliing the Red Hunter is pretty appropriate actually, as it shows just how desperate the surviving Lamentor's have become. I mean, they've just spent years fighting and killing other Imperial Astartes during the Badab wars, only to realise they've been on the wrong side. They were left defeated and devastated by their battles with the Minotaurs (another Chapter with very close links to the Imperial hierarchy) and much of their fleet and wargear has been granted to their victorious opponants. They've been dispatched on a hundred year long penitent crusade, which means they have no way to replace their lost brethren or equipment. They've just encountered the full force of Hive Fleet Kraken, reducing their numbers even further, and pretty much eliminating any possibility of them surviving their crusade (which was a slim chance anyway). And finally their ancestor's genetic flaw has finally kicked in, meaning they're all fighting the Red Thirst and are facing the knowledge that eventually, if they live long enough, they'll descend into madness.

Personally, I'd say they've got nothing left to lose, which is exactly how they come across in the story. And the Red Hunter was practically asking to be killed anyway. He'd insulted them, demanded that they re-deploy immediately in a suicide mission and just drawn a gun on their Calix Priest. Basically he'd put his head between a Carnifex's jaws and was fllcking it's adrenal glands with a wet towel smile.png.

Just my opinion, for what it's worth, but I'd leave the story as it is. It's excellent already thumbsup.gif

You pretty much described my train of thought as I was writing. Feeling a bit better now about the direction I took, lol.

Thanks for the input and the comments, man!

I agree... No reason to change anything. It was a nice read, and I am looking forward to more.

Thank you much!

This isn't the Heresy forums, you must be lost!

Says the Ork. :lol:

At the point of these events, does the imperium know of this new Tyranid threat? The Red Hunter must be suitably arrogant, but not to the point of stupidity. The inquisition also values proper executive decision making in cases of dire threat. He would have wanted to warn the imperium before going into the maw of the beast again. I Also do not thing he would have been alone enforcing the penitent crusade. He must of had a command squad or tactical as well.

If they are all dead and he is the sole survivor, he would have found his position difficult. Still arrogant, but conceeded until he can reassert his authority.

The Imperium does indeed know; this was the Second Tyrannic War, after the Scythes of the Emperor got their chapter and homeworld eaten, but prior to Kraken being shattered by Big Daddy Calgar at Ichar IV, where officially, the Lamenters were seen / heard from for the last time. The Lamenters were throwing themselves at the Hive Fleet non-stop, and dying hard. Even the Red Hunters strike force that was assigned to them were gutted badly during these fights, so badly that they lost contact with their own charges. As far as the Hunters knew at this point, the Ultras were en route, but the Hive needed to be slowed down as much as possible. Thus, throw the yellow guys in front, they taste better (apparently).

My handful of guys assume they are the last, so they take drastic action they would normally never do. I wanted his death to appear out of character, because it was. He was alone, because he was the last left alive on board the Strike Cruiser my boys came from. I imagine the larger group of Hunters were aboard the Chapter Barque, considering it was the Flagship of the Lamenters, and their spiritual home.

And....we're talking about the same Inquisition, right? The guys who murdered the Celestial Lions during a pitched war on Armageddon, for talking mean about the =I= tactics? The same organization who went to war with the Wolves? The same that's been jumping at any chance to terminate Cursed Founding chapters whenever they step out of line, no matter the repercussions? :P

Seriously, though, I'll do some thinking. Thanks for the thoughts, brother.

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I definitely enjoyed reading it! I just wanted to point out that the inquisition is always given a bad light by it's more radical elements, but they wouldn't be around and so effective if they were just completely stupid.


I agree with you that any chapter, BA successor or no, could to that decision. Especially driven to extiction for wanting to repent for a situation were they were somewhat misled. It could even turn out to be their dark secret as they return to the imperium in a false redeeming light.

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